Dear Mister Gallovic,
I'm a french student working on a Python tool generating simulated ground motion by stochastic method and developed recently by a PhD student in France.
In this tool, the source model is generated by your RIKsfr fortran code.
I don't know if you can help me with my issue (about the second command) but I had somehow some errors, refering to the code source mainly, while compiling.
Files in my folder RIK, initially : Time_2d.c ; crustal.dat ; ; RIKsrf.f90.
Commands :
- The first one :
gcc -c -Wall -DNO-IEEE_INFINITY Time_2d.c
Error :
'INFINITY' in Time_2d.c is also a attribute of math.h in fortran, there is an incoherence for the program.
Resolution : I decided to change all 'INFINITY' with a 'INFINITY_PERSO'. The error no longer occurs when executing the command. Time_2d.o is created.
The second warning warns that the type of one of the arguments of the functions fourn and rlft3 of RIKsrf.f90 is not good. We expect a complex number while we provide a real number (or vice versa).
I checked into the source code of RIFsfr.f90 and the warning seems right and also a little bit incoherent. I don't want to modify the source code because I absolutely do not master what you have developed in your code and I'm just a casual fortran user.
gcc version 7.4
gfortran version 8.3
Thank you
Best regards