Gong: TODO
When I query a log file to turn into a carve, Fleet gives me the Request ID
but I can't just do fleetctl get carve <request_id>
first I have to do fleetctl get carves to determine the "carve ID"
I'd love if I could save this extra step and just use the request ID that I already know
What have you tried?
Running fleetctl get carves to first get the carve ID, then use that to retrieve the carve (extra step)
Potential solutions
Allow fleetctl get carve to take <request_id> as a parameter, since that is provided when you query a log file to turn into a carve
What is the expected workflow as a result of your proposal?
The step of having to run fleetctl get carves and find the carve ID is not necessary to get a carve, since <request_id> is also an identifier, and has already been provided when querying a log file to turn into a carve.