Please create an issue or submit a pull request for any issues or missing features.
This project uses Semantic Versioning.
Our versioning strategy is based on the version of application that is packaged in the chart:
- Each minor version bump of the application will also increase the minor version of the chart.
- Each patch version bump of the application will also increase the patch version of the chart.
Note: Some changes to the chart will not affect the application version. For example, if there is a bugfix or patch change to the chart that does not affect the application, the chart version will be incremented, but the application version will remain the same.
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm's documentation to get started.
Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add flipt
You can then run helm search repo flipt
to see the charts.
helm install flipt flipt/flipt
helm upgrade flipt flipt/flipt
Flipt is configured using either a configuration file or via environment variables.
See the Flipt documentation for more information.
You can configure this chart using a ConfigMap named flipt
which is mounted as a volume available to the pods at /etc/flipt/config/default.yaml
You can also override the default config values with environment variables via the flipt.extraEnvVars
field in your values.yaml
Note the values must be still be named as FLIPT_<CONFIG_KEY>
per the documentation.
You can also configure this chart using YAML. See the values.yaml file for the default values under flipt.config
The source code of all Flipt Helm charts can be found on Github: