Describe the bug:
Adding a Validator to an Entry that does not belong to a form appears to have no effect on the visual validation of said field, so the point where returning an error from the StringValidator
results in a checkmark being shown as if the field passed validation.
To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
- Use the provided example code
- Enter any values into the Entry
- Bug
Example code:
package main
import (
var ukDateWithDecimals = "02.01.2006"
var errDateFormat = fmt.Errorf("date must match format: %v", ukDateWithDecimals)
func main() {
a := app.New()
w := a.NewWindow("Flight Booker")
d1 := binding.NewString()
d2 := binding.NewString()
t1 := widget.NewEntryWithData(d1)
t2 := widget.NewEntryWithData(d2)
// setup Validation on the Entry(s)
dateValidator := func(s string) (err error) {
if _, err := time.Parse(ukDateWithDecimals, s); err != nil {
fmt.Println("Validation Error:", errDateFormat)
return errDateFormat
return nil
t1.Validator = dateValidator
t2.Validator = dateValidator
options := []string{
"one-way flight",
"return flight",
combo := widget.NewSelect(options, func(s string) {
if s == options[0] {
} else {
bookPressed := func() {
msg := ""
if to := t2.Text; to == "" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Flight booked on %s.", t1.Text)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("Flights booked on %s and %s.", t1.Text, to)
dialog.ShowInformation("Flight Booked", msg, w)
// Technically, a `widget.Form` should be used to create this interface,
// however, this would not "be true" to the example shown in 7guis. The
// code to use a Form is included for completeness however.
// form := widget.NewForm(
// widget.NewFormItem("", combo),
// widget.NewFormItem("From", t1),
// widget.NewFormItem("To", t2),
// )
// form.SubmitText = "Book"
// form.OnSubmit = bookPressed
// w.SetContent(form)
// If using the form, comment out the button and w.SetContent used below:
button := widget.NewButton("Book", bookPressed)
w.SetContent(container.NewVBox(combo, t1, t2, button))
w.Resize(w.Content().MinSize().Add(fyne.NewSize(80, 0)))
Device (please complete the following information):
- OS: Fedora Linux
- Version: 33 Workstation
- Go version:
1.15.6 linux/amd64
- Fyne version: