- I have searched the issue tracker for open issues that relate to the same problem, before opening a new one.
- This issue only relates to a single bug. I will open new issues for any other problems.
Describe the bug
When clicking multiple times on a select object while the program is performing background tasks, many Fyne reads each click and generates multiple popups below the select. This causes the program to crash.
How to reproduce
During any background operation where the window is unresponsive, click multiple times on any select. Once the window is responsive, click on the dropdown menus to select items. Multiple popups will have generated, and a click on any but the top will crash the program.
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Example code
The following can be put in an application to demonstrate the issue.
selectOptions := []string{"Option 1", "Option 2"}
testSelect := widget.NewSelect(selectOptions, func(selected string) {
fmt.Println("selected: ", selected)
testSelect.PlaceHolder = "Click me multiple times after clicking the button"
waitButton := widget.NewButton("Click me!", func() {
start := time.Now()
// Loop until the specified duration has passed
for time.Since(start) < (5 * time.Second) {
// This is the busy wait part, where the loop continuously checks the time
Fyne version
Go compiler version
Operating system and version
Mac 12.7.1
Additional Information
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