I have just started trying to use AxiSEM and I’m running into a few issues.
- I can generate a mesh but once running the SOLVER I can’t seem to visualise the result in Paraview properly. For a full 2D half-disc only the crust layer shows up. And if I generate a mesh for a slab model with say, 100km depth and 1 degree of colatitude, the SOLVER doesn’t output any .xdmf files at all.
Whenever I generate a mesh I get these messages (not sure if this is relevant but thought I'd include it if so):
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
rm: No match.
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
[1] 71684
xmesh submitted, output in "OUTPUT"
After the run, move the mesh to a new directory via:
This will be located in ../SOLVER/MESHES/
Changing the timestep or sampling rate in the inparam_source file doesn't appear to do anything. When using Instaseis with the databases I generate changing the dt argument also does nothing (I mention this because I don't know if it's an issue with the databases I'm generating with AxiSEM).
I'm trying to validate the installation by comparing the PREM_20s_ANI_FORCES database (downloadable from the Instaseis site) with my own 20s database with the same background model. So far I'm seeing amplitude discrepancies and possible frequency discrepancies as well although I don't know if this is a sampling issue as well.
Thanks in advance.