I have a local docker-compose setup with 10+ services, where each of them is built and run by CompileDaemon. Each service's local go folder is mounted as a volume to allow the developers at my company to make changes and CompileDaemon takes care of restarting the go server when any source file is changed.
Expected Behavior
All the services should restart after a file has changed
After several restarts with 10+ services, restarts with CompileDaemon stops working without any errors and I have to manually restart the container or restart the docker daemon for the notify events to work again.
MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 (19C57)
Docker Desktop (42716)
Engine Version 19.03.5
Compose Version 1.25.4
Example Dockerfile Entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon \
--build="go build -o my_service" \
-exclude-dir=.git -exclude=".#*" \
Example Folder Mounting in Docker Compose
context: .
dockerfile: ./my_service.Dockerfile
- $GOPATH/src/
Suggested Solution
If, after a thorough research we find that the problem is deeper then a few config files, maybe we can write a polling mechanism and watch for changes ourselves and ditch the inotify features. It is not the best solution but it will be a nice workaround if people just want things to work.