Nunu is a web framework based on the Go programming language. It provides an elegant project structure and command operations that allow developers to efficiently develop web applications.
To use Nunu with Advanced Layout, you need to have the following software installed on your system:
- Golang 1.19 or higher
- Git
- MySQL 5.7 or higher
- Redis
Before you can start using Nunu, you need to install it. You can do so by running the following command:
go install
For users in China, you can use GOPROXY
to speed up go install
$ go env -w GO111MODULE=on
$ go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
tips: If
go install
is successful but you get an error saying "nunu command not found," it means that the environment variable is not configured. You can add the GOBIN directory to the environment variable.
Creating a new project with Nunu is very simple. Just run the following command in the command line:
nunu new projectName
Replace projectName
with the name of your project. Here, we will choose the Advanced Layout.
Using an Accelerated Repository in China:
By default, nunu new
pulls from the GitHub repository, but you can also use an accelerated repository in China.
// Using the advanced template (recommended)
nunu new projectName -r
// Using the basic template
nunu new projectName -r
After running the above command, Nunu will automatically create a well-structured Go project with some commonly used files and directories.
In Nunu, you can use the following command to create Handler, Service, Repository, and Model components in batches:
nunu create all order
Here, order
is the name of the component you want to create.
After running the above command, Nunu will automatically create the components in the corresponding directories and write the corresponding structures and some commonly used methods.
// Log information
Created new handler: internal/handler/order.go
Created new service: internal/service/order.go
Created new repository: internal/repository/order.go
Created new model: internal/model/order.go
Edit internal/server/http.go
Add handler.OrderHandler
as a parameter to NewServerHTTP
, which sets up the dependency for OrderHandler
Next, register a new route: noAuthRouter.GET("/order", orderHandler.GetOrderById)
func NewServerHTTP(
// ...
orderHandler *handler.OrderHandler, // new
) *gin.Engine {
// ...
// No authentication routes
noAuthRouter := r.Group("/").Use(middleware.RequestLogMiddleware(logger))
noAuthRouter.GET("/order", orderHandler.GetOrderById) // new
Edit cmd/server/wire.go
and add the factory functions generated from the files to providerSet
, as shown below:
//go:build wireinject
// +build wireinject
package main
// ...
var HandlerSet = wire.NewSet(
handler.NewOrderHandler, // new
var ServiceSet = wire.NewSet(
service.NewOrderService, // new
var RepositorySet = wire.NewSet(
repository.NewOrderRepository, // new
func newApp(*viper.Viper, *log.Logger) (*gin.Engine, func(), error) {
In Nunu, you can use the following command to compile Wire:
nunu wire all
After running the above command, you will find that the wire_gen.go
file is generated from the cmd/server/wire.go
Open the wire_gen.go
file, and you will see that the dependency code for orderRepository
, orderService
, and orderHandler
has been automatically generated.
func NewApp(viperViper *viper.Viper, logger *log.Logger) (*gin.Engine, func(), error) {
jwt := middleware.NewJwt(viperViper)
handlerHandler := handler.NewHandler(logger)
sidSid := sid.NewSid()
serviceService := service.NewService(logger, sidSid, jwt)
db := repository.NewDB(viperViper)
client := repository.NewRedis(viperViper)
repositoryRepository := repository.NewRepository(db, client, logger)
userRepository := repository.NewUserRepository(repositoryRepository)
userService := service.NewUserService(serviceService, userRepository)
userHandler := handler.NewUserHandler(handlerHandler, userService)
orderRepository := repository.NewOrderRepository(repositoryRepository)
orderService := service.NewOrderService(serviceService, orderRepository)
orderHandler := handler.NewOrderHandler(handlerHandler, orderService)
engine := server.NewServerHTTP(logger, jwt, userHandler, orderHandler)
return engine, func() {
}, nil
At this point, we have completed the core process of the Nunu project.
Next, you need to modify the MySQL and Redis configuration information in config/local.yml
and write your logic code in the relevant files.
internal/handler/order.go // Handle request parameters and responses
internal/service/order.go // Implement business logic
internal/repository/order.go // Interact with databases and Redis
internal/model/order.go // Database table entity, GORM model
Finally, in Nunu, you can use the following command to start the project:
// Please modify the MySQL and Redis configuration information in config/local.yml before starting the server
// Before starting the server for the first time, run the following database migration
nunu run ./cmd/migration
// Start the server
nunu run ./cmd/server
// Or
nunu run
// Or
nunu run ./cmd/server --excludeDir=".git,.idea,tmp,vendor" --includeExt="go,yml,vue" -- --conf=./config/local.yml
After running the above command, Nunu will automatically start the project and monitor file updates, supporting hot-reloading.
First, we need to install the swag command-line tool on our local machine. You can do this by running the following command:
go install
swaggo allows us to automatically generate OpenAPI documentation based on our code comments. All we need to do is write the comments before our handler functions. For example:
// GetProfile godoc
// @Summary get user info.
// @Schemes
// @Description
// @Tags 用户模块
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security Bearer
// @Success 200 {object} response.Response
// @Router /user [get]
func (h *userHandler) GetProfile(ctx *gin.Context) {
// ...
Run the swag init
command to generate the documentation files:
swag init -g cmd/server/main.go -o ./docs --parseDependency
// or
make swag
Open the documentation page in your browser:
The Nunu framework provides an elegant project structure and command operations that allow developers to efficiently develop web applications. In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a project, create Handlers, create Services, create Repositories, compile Wire, and start the project using Nunu. We hope that this content will help you make better use of the Nunu framework.