According to the Type parameters proposal, it is not allowed to define type parameters in methods.
This limitation prevents to define functional-like stream processing primitives, e.g.:
func (si *stream[IN]) Map[OUT any](f func(IN) OUT) stream[OUT]
While I agree that these functional streams might be unefficient and Go is not designed to cover this kind of use cases, I would like to emphasize that Go adoption in stream processing pipelines (e.g. Kafka) is a fact. Allowing type parameters in methods would allow constructing DSLs that would greatly simplify some existing use cases.
Other potential use cases that would benefit from type paremeters in methods:
- DSLs for testing:
- DSLs for mocking:
On(obj.Sum).WithArgs(7, 8).ThenReturn(15)
Edited by @ianlancetaylor to add: for a summary of why this has not been approved, please see .