Package slug
generate slug from Unicode string, URL-friendly slugify with
multiple languages support.
package main
import (
func main() {
text := slug.Make("Hellö Wörld хелло ворлд")
fmt.Println(text) // Will print: "hello-world-khello-vorld"
someText := slug.Make("影師")
fmt.Println(someText) // Will print: "ying-shi"
enText := slug.MakeLang("This & that", "en")
fmt.Println(enText) // Will print: "this-and-that"
deText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
fmt.Println(deText) // Will print: "diese-und-dass"
slug.Lowercase = false // Keep uppercase characters
deUppercaseText := slug.MakeLang("Diese & Dass", "de")
fmt.Println(deUppercaseText) // Will print: "Diese-und-Dass"
slug.CustomSub = map[string]string{
"water": "sand",
textSub := slug.Make("water is hot")
fmt.Println(textSub) // Will print: "sand-is-hot"
This library will always returns clean output from any Unicode string containing only the following ASCII characters:
- numbers:
- small letters:
- big letters:
(only if you setLowercase
) - minus sign:
- underscore:
Minus sign and underscore characters will never appear at the beginning or the end of the returned string.
Thanks to context-insensitive transliteration of Unicode characters to ASCII output returned string is safe for URL slugs and filenames.
If your language is missing you could add it in languages_substitution.go
In case of missing proper Unicode characters transliteration to ASCII you could add them to underlying library:
go get -u
go test -run=NONE -bench=. -benchmem -count=6 ./... > old.txt
# make changes
go test -run=NONE -bench=. -benchmem -count=6 ./... > new.txt
go install
benchstat old.txt new.txt
The source files are distributed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0, unless otherwise noted. Please read the FAQ if you have further questions regarding the license.