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Package decimal implements correctly rounded decimal floating-point numbers for Go. This package is designed specifically for use in transactional financial systems.

Key Features

  • BSON, JSON, XML, SQL - Implements the necessary interfaces for direct compatibility with the mongo-driver/bson, encoding/json, encoding/xml, and database/sql packages.
  • No Heap Allocations - Optimized to avoid heap allocations, preventing garbage collector impact during arithmetic operations.
  • Correct Rounding - For all methods, the result is the one that would be obtained if the true mathematical value were rounded to 19 digits of precision using the half-to-even rounding (a.k.a. "banker's rounding").
  • No Panics - All methods are panic-free, returning errors instead of crashing your application in cases such as overflow or division by zero.
  • Immutability - Once set, a decimal remains constant, ensuring safe concurrent access across goroutines.
  • Simple String Representation - Decimals are represented in a straightforward format avoiding the complexities of scientific or engineering notations.
  • Rigorous Testing - All methods are cross-validated against the cockroachdb/apd and shopspring/decimal packages through extensive fuzz testing.

Getting Started


To add the decimal package to your Go workspace:

go get

Basic Usage

Create decimal values using one of the constructors. After creating a decimal, you can perform various operations as shown below:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Constructors
    d, _ := decimal.New(8, 0)               // d = 8
    e, _ := decimal.Parse("12.5")           // e = 12.5
    f, _ := decimal.NewFromFloat64(2.567)   // f = 2.567
    g, _ := decimal.NewFromInt64(7, 896, 3) // g = 7.896

    // Arithmetic operations
    fmt.Println(d.Add(e))              // 8 + 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.Sub(e))              // 8 - 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.SubAbs(e))           // abs(8 - 12.5)

    fmt.Println(d.Mul(e))              // 8 * 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.AddMul(e, f))        // 8 + 12.5 * 2.567
    fmt.Println(d.SubMul(e, f))        // 8 - 12.5 * 2.567
    fmt.Println(d.PowInt(2))           // 8²

    fmt.Println(d.Quo(e))              // 8 / 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.AddQuo(e, f))        // 8 + 12.5 / 2.567
    fmt.Println(d.SubQuo(e, f))        // 8 - 12.5 / 2.567
    fmt.Println(d.QuoRem(e))           // 8 div 12.5, 8 mod 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.Inv())               // 1 / 8

    fmt.Println(decimal.Sum(d, e, f))  // 8 + 12.5 + 2.567
    fmt.Println(decimal.Mean(d, e, f)) // (8 + 12.5 + 2.567) / 3
    fmt.Println(decimal.Prod(d, e, f)) // 8 * 12.5 * 2.567

    // Transcendental functions
    fmt.Println(e.Sqrt())              // √12.5
    fmt.Println(e.Exp())               // exp(12.5)
    fmt.Println(e.Expm1())             // exp(12.5) - 1
    fmt.Println(e.Log())               // ln(12.5)
    fmt.Println(e.Log1p())             // ln(12.5 + 1)
    fmt.Println(e.Log2())              // log₂(12.5)
    fmt.Println(e.Log10())             // log₁₀(12.5)
    fmt.Println(e.Pow(d))              // 12.5⁸

    // Rounding to 2 decimal places
    fmt.Println(g.Round(2))            // 7.90
    fmt.Println(g.Ceil(2))             // 7.90
    fmt.Println(g.Floor(2))            // 7.89
    fmt.Println(g.Trunc(2))            // 7.89

    // Conversions
    fmt.Println(f.Int64(9))            // 2 567000000
    fmt.Println(f.Float64())           // 2.567
    fmt.Println(f.String())            // 2.567

    // Formatting
    fmt.Printf("%.2f", f)              // 2.57
    fmt.Printf("%.2k", f)              // 256.70%


For detailed documentation and additional examples, visit the package documentation. For examples related to financial calculations, see the money package documentation.


Comparison with other popular packages:

Feature govalues cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 shopspring/decimal v1.4.0
Correctly Rounded Yes No No
Speed High Medium Low1
Heap Allocations No Medium High
Precision 19 digits Arbitrary Arbitrary
Panic Free Yes Yes No2
Mutability Immutable Mutable1 Immutable
Mathematical Context Implicit Explicit Implicit


goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700C  with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 
Test Case Expression govalues cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 shopspring/decimal v1.4.0 govalues vs cockroachdb govalues vs shopspring
Add 5 + 6 16.06n 74.88n 140.90n +366.22% +777.33%
Mul 2 * 3 16.93n 62.20n 146.00n +267.40% +762.37%
Quo 2 / 4 (exact) 59.52n 176.95n 657.40n +197.30% +1004.50%
Quo 2 / 3 (inexact) 391.60n 976.80n 2962.50n +149.39% +656.42%
PowInt 1.1^60 950.90n 3302.50n 4599.50n +247.32% +383.73%
PowInt 1.01^600 3.45µ 10.67µ 18.67µ +209.04% +440.89%
PowInt 1.001^6000 5.94µ 20.50µ 722.22µ +244.88% +12052.44%
Sqrt √2 3.40µ 4.96µ 2101.86µ +46.00% +61755.71%
Exp exp(0.5) 8.35µ 39.28µ 20.06µ +370.58% +140.32%
Log ln(0.5) 54.89µ 129.01µ 151.55µ +135.03% +176.10%
Parse 1 16.52n 76.30n 136.55n +362.00% +726.82%
Parse 123.456 47.37n 176.90n 242.60n +273.44% +412.14%
Parse 123456789.1234567890 85.49n 224.15n 497.95n +162.19% +482.47%
String 1 5.11n 19.57n 198.25n +283.21% +3783.07%
String 123.456 35.78n 77.12n 228.85n +115.52% +539.51%
String 123456789.1234567890 70.72n 239.10n 337.25n +238.12% +376.91%
Telco (see specification) 137.00n 969.40n 3981.00n +607.33% +2804.78%

The benchmark results shown in the table are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on your specific use case.


  1. decimal package was created simply because shopspring/decimal was too slow and cockroachdb/apd was mutable. 2

  2. shopspring/decimal panics on division by zero.