puredata (libpd) for unity mobile (ios,android)
Kalimba is a puredata (libpd) binding for Unity, mainly targeting mobile platforms (Unity's iOS, Android export). For testing and debugging purpose it is possible to connect via tcp and use pd during "editor-play" mode.
- Android, iOS: vanilla libpd
- Android: on-the-fly extraction from apk file (eg. content from StreamingAssets/pd)
- Android: ogg streaming/playback
- Android: midi parsing (cyclone)
public class AudioTest : MonoBehaviour
void Start ()
KalimbaPd.OpenFile("kalimbaTest.pd", "pd");
void OnGUI ()
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (10, 10, 100, 50), "sine_on"))
- The directory "unity3d" contains a example project containing a simple pd file and some unity gui buttons to control pd.
- "ios-libpd" contains all the iOS specific source code. There is a README.txt in this directory that explains how to add it to our xcode project.
- "android-libpd" contains all necessary files to build pd jni for Android.
- "android-exampleapp" contains all necessary files to build the custom Unity-Android activity.
- latency issue on Android
- missing ogg streaming and midi parsing on iOS
- missing automatic workflow to add files (eg. pd, ogg) from Unity to XCode project
- puredata & community - For creating a great tool.
- dreamfab - For funding and publishing Tridek which is the first game that will use kalimba.
- Bit Barons & Filippo Beck Peccoz - For being willing to create a game with real interactive audio.
Same license (bsd like) as pd and pd related things.
- http://blog.tridek.com/post/31459621189/the-composers-new-role-in-game-development
- http://blog.tridek.com/post/29834155461/using-libpd-with-unity3d-on-mobile-devices-part-1
- Boinkss - http://www.noisetoysound.org.uk/boinkss.html
- SonicScan Touch - http://www.noisetoysound.org.uk/sonicscan.html
- https://github.com/libpd - original source (pd, ios binding, android binding)
- http://puredata.info/ - pure data main page
- https://github.com/Magicolo/uPD - A relatively complete alternative to Unity's audio engine using Pure Data and LibPD.