terraform-plugin-framework-timeouts is a Go module containing convenience functions and types for timeouts for use with terraform-plugin-framework. It aims to provide simple access and usage of timeouts defined within configuration.
This Go module is typically kept up to date with the latest terraform-plugin-framework
releases to ensure all timeouts functionality is available.
This Go module follows terraform-plugin-framework
Go compatibility.
Currently, that means Go 1.22 must be used when developing and testing code.
Usage of this module requires the following changes in the provider code:
Timeouts can be defined using either nested blocks or nested attributes.
If you are writing a new provider using terraform-plugin-framework then we recommend using nested attributes.
If you are migrating a provider from SDKv2 to the Framework and you are already using timeouts you can either continue to use block syntax, or switch to using nested attributes. However, switching to using nested attributes will require that practitioners that are using your provider update their Terraform configuration.
The following illustrates nested block syntax for defining timeouts on a resource and a data source.
resource "timeouts_example" "example" {
/* ... */
timeouts {
create = "60m"
data "timeouts_example" "example" {
/* ... */
timeouts {
read = "30m"
Use this module to mutate the schema.Schema
You must supply timeouts.Opts
when calling timeouts.Block()
on a resource. The supplied timeouts.Opts
allows specifying which timeouts to create and whether to override the default description for the timeout.
Alternatively, timeouts.BlockAll()
will generate attributes for create
, read
, update
and delete
import (
/* ... */
func (t *exampleResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
/* ... */
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"timeouts": timeouts.Block(ctx,
Create: true,
The timeouts.Block()
call does not accept options on a data source as read
is the only option.
However, the timeouts.BlockWithOpts()
function is available for overriding the default description.
import (
/* ... */
func (t exampleDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.SchemaRequest, resp *datasource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
/* ... */
Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{
"timeouts": timeouts.Block(ctx),
The following illustrates nested attribute syntax for defining timeouts on a resource and a data source.
resource "timeouts_example" "example" {
/* ... */
timeouts = {
create = "60m"
data "timeouts_example" "example" {
/* ... */
timeouts = {
read = "30m"
Use this module to mutate the schema.Schema
as follows:
You must supply timeouts.Opts
when calling timeouts.Attributes()
on a resource. The supplied timeouts.Opts
allows specifying which timeouts to create and whether to override the default description for the timeout.
Alternatively, timeouts.AttributesAll()
will generate attributes for create
, read
, update
and delete
import (
/* ... */
func (t *exampleResource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req resource.SchemaRequest, resp *resource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
/* ... */
"timeouts": timeouts.Attributes(ctx, timeouts.Opts{
Create: true,
The timeouts.Attributes()
call does not accept options on a data source as read
is the only option.
However, the timeouts.AttributesWithOpts()
function is available for overriding the default description.
import (
/* ... */
func (t exampleDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.SchemaRequest, resp *datasource.SchemaResponse) {
resp.Schema = schema.Schema{
Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{
/* ... */
"timeouts": timeouts.Attributes(ctx),
In functions in which the config, state or plan is being unmarshalled, for instance, the Create
func (r exampleResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
var data exampleResourceData
diags := req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)
The model that is being used, exampleResourceData
in this example, will need to be modified to include a field for
timeouts which is of type timeouts.Value
. For example:
type exampleResourceData struct {
/* ... */
Timeouts timeouts.Value `tfsdk:"timeouts"`
Once the model has been populated with the config, state or plan the duration of the timeout can be accessed by calling the appropriate helper function and then used to configure timeout behaviour, for instance:
func (r exampleResource) Create(ctx context.Context, req resource.CreateRequest, resp *resource.CreateResponse) {
var data exampleResourceData
diags := req.Plan.Get(ctx, &data)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
// Create() is passed a default timeout to use if no value
// has been supplied in the Terraform configuration.
createTimeout, err := data.Timeouts.Create(ctx, 20*time.Minute)
if err != nil {
// handle error
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, createTimeout)
defer cancel()
/* ... */