This program is designed for Golang users to find and view functions/methods/structures through defined libraries. It also allows you to create a vendor directory in a specified project.
Just because I created a lot of libraries for my use and over time they grow a lot and now to quickly find the function I need and be able to integrate it into my project I needed to a tool allowing me to find it and thus know what were the necessary 'imports'. With this tool, I can do all of this quickly. I have also integrated the possibility of creating a 'vendor' directory that I use in most of the projects that I present in my 'repository'.
(most Linux distributions include it natively)
$ sudo apt install libgtksourceview-4-0
Functions Library Manager Debian package installation:
$ sudo dpkg -i go-func-lib-mgr-x.x-amd64.debUninstall:
$ sudo dpkg -P go-func-lib-mgr
Take a look at H.F.M repositories for others useful Linux software.
If you just want to use it, simply download the compiled version ( .deb) under the Releases tab.
Otherwise, if you plan to play inside the source code, see below "How to compile" section.
All suggestions, contributions and ideas to improve software usability will be greatly appreciated.
- Programmed with go language: golang
- GUI provided by Gotk3, GUI library for Go (minimum required gtk3.16).
- Text editor use GtkSourceView component.
- I use home-made software: "Gotk3ObjHandler" to embed images/icons, UI-information and manage/generate gtk3 objects code from glade ui designer. and "Gotk3ObjTranslate" to generate the language files and the assignment of a tool-tip on the gtk3 objects (both are not published at the moment, in fact, they need documentations and, I have not had the time to do them).
- Search and display of functions / methods / structures exported or not, in selected local libraries.
- Creation of a "vendor" directory to facilitate future compilations of your projects without problem by copying all the libraries used in it, in this way, even if the libraries have changed (become incompatible) or disappeared, your program can still have access to it. Possibility to include (or not) the libraries according to your wishes.
- Allows you to preview the source code (which was found) with a highlight capability spanning multiple languages.
- A map that allows you to see all the content of the code found and allows easy navigation through it.
- Easily navigate to the functions/ methods /structures tree and simply display the "comment" it contains using the tooltip display.
- Each function have his tool-tip for explanations.
This is the main screen, and children
Be sure you have golang installed in right way. Go installation.
Open terminal window and at command prompt, type:
go get
See Gotk3 Installation instructions for gui installation instruction.
gotk3_gtksource is also required.
To change gtk3 interface you need to use the
devMode = true
to disable embedding assets. see below ... -
To change language file you need to use another home made software, (not published actually). So don't change language file ...
To Produce a stand-alone executable, you must change inside "main.go" file:
func main() {
devMode = true
func main() {
devMode = false
This operation indicate that externals data (Image/Icons) must be embedded into the executable file.
Built using
Name | Version / Info / Name |
GOLANG | V1.16.3 -> GO111MODULE="off", GOPROXY="direct" |
DISTRIB | LinuxMint Xfce |
VERSION | 20 |
CODENAME | ulyana |
RELEASE | #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 |
KERNEL | 5.8.0-48-generic |
HDWPLATFORM | x86_64 |
GTK+ 3 | 3.24.20 |
GLIB 2 | 2.64.3 |
CAIRO | 1.16.0 |
GtkSourceView | 4.6.0 |
LiteIDE | 37.4 qt5.x |
Qt5 | 5.12.8 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu |
- The compilation have not been tested under Windows or Mac OS, but all file access functions, line-end manipulations or charset implementation are made with OS portability in mind.
- Go to this page: Issues · hfmrow/go-func-lib-mgr · GitHub and start a new problem report.
- Give the information (as above), concerning your working environment as well as the version of the operating system used.
- Provide a method to reproduce the problem.
- Golang GtkSourceView binding for use with gotk3
- Go bindings for GTK3
- fuzzy
- And some personal libraries not yet published.