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Daisuke Sato edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 1 revision

NavCogFP (Fingerprint)


Tab Label Description
FingerPrint For manual fingerprinting
ARFingerPrint For fingerprinting with ARKit localization
Beacon For registering beacon location and ID
ID Check beacon identifier
POI For registering POI information


This tab is for manual fingerprinting. You need to specify an exact location of your device (not your body) on the map where you are going to collect beacon radio wave signals. We recommend you to collect at least 10 seconds and also to turn 360 degree during the collection. Technically speaking, your body can interfere the signal so you need to change position of your body around the device to make localization model robust and reliable.

  1. Select a referencepoint in Settings view
  2. Specify your location on the map
    • by panning the map or
    • by using "Left/Right/Down/Up" buttons
  3. Tap "Start" on top right to collect BLE beacon radio signals for defined duration (see Settings)

Deleting existing fingerprint data

  1. Move the target fingerprint (green dot) to the map center
  2. Tap Delete button on top right

ARFingerprint is utilizing Apple's ARKit, a technology for augmented reality which can track the device relative position precisely. This mode requires you to determine two anchor points to associate ARKit relative coordinate and indoor map coordinate.


  1. Open <MapService>/qrcode.jsp
  2. Print out QR codes for at least two anchor locations (at least 10 meters distant)
  • select a location on the map to show a QR code (coding latitude, longitude, and floor)
  • click "Print" button to print (DO NOT use "Print" in the menu)
  • please check the selected location (O mark) is shown on the printing page
  1. Bring and tape the printed QR code on the floor/ground at the corresponding physical location to make QR code anchors


  1. Open ARFingerPrint tab, and check a small camera view is appeard on the map
  2. Go to a QR code anchor position
  3. Frame the first QR code in the camera view
  • frame the QR code in the border line (red border -> blue border)
  • keep the iPhone horizontally (back camera down) (red cross -> blue cross)
  1. Press "Start" to start signal collection
  2. Walk slowly toward the second QR code anchor
  • Your location may be wrong but ignore it
  • You need to aim the camera toward your front direction
  1. Frame the second QR code in the camera view
  • Your location will be corrected by the second QR code
  1. Collect fingerprint as much as possible but stop if the gap between estimated location and the actual device location becomes big (more than 1 meters).
  1. Go to a location where a beacon is deployed
  2. Specify the location on the map
  3. Tap "Add" button to select and register a beacon from a list
  1. You can see the identifier of the beacon which is observed with the strongest RSSI



Refpoint (Reference point) is an origin of local coordinate for fingerprinting.

  • Select Refpoint
    • It shows a list of floorplans defined on LocationTools server
    • You can select a refpoint where you will upload fingerprinting data


  • Beacon UUID
    • You can add Beacon UUID
    • This can be set on server config
  • Duration
    • Specify fingerprinting duration in seconds for FingerPrint
      • 5-10 seconds are recommended
  • Show Route
    • You can see defined route on the indoor maps
  • Use HTTPS
    • Specify to use HTTPS connection
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