This package provides a Theano-based implementation of convolutional networks as described in (Bergstra, Yamins, and Cox, 2013), which exposes many architectural hyperparameters for optimization by hyperopt.
A Python/Numpy/Scipy stack. The Python package requirements are listed in requirements.txt.
Optional (but strongly recommended) is an NVIDIA GPU device at least as fast as, say, a GTX280, and CUDA. See Theano's documentation for setting up Theano to use a GPU device.
Optional (but strongly recommended) is the MongoDB database software, which allows hyperopt to support parallel optimization.
Check out this project
git clone
. -
Install it as a Python package. This installation makes the code files importable, which is required when running asynchronous hyperparameter optimization (i.e. with hyperopt-mongo-worker, as explained below).
python install
Consider installing this within your user account (
) or within a virtualenv to avoid installing this package system-wide, and to avoid needing root privileges.Installing hyperopt-convnet will install a pile of Python packages, which are listed in requirements.txt. On my computer, I had to explicitly install a few packages, because whatever the script was doing wasn't working (I still don't understand python packaging...):
pip install numpy
,pip install scipy
,pip install matplotlib
Replace sklearn < 0.13 with git version (we need some new stuff in SVC).
If installation goes well, then you will now be able to import the hpconvnet
module. The easiest way to test your installation is
THEANO_FLAGS=device=gpu shovel lfw.random_driver --max_n_per_class=20
This command should not crash, it should (i) download LFW if necessary and then (ii) loop indefinitely doing random search on a tiny subset of the LFW training data.
Running hyperparameter optimization on large convolutional networks for data sets such as LFW and CIFAR10 takes a significant amount of time: expect a search of a few hundred points to take about a GPU-week. This cannot be completely parallelized (Bayesian optimization works on the basis of feedback about the fitness landscape after all), but in my experience it can easily be parallelized 5-fold to 10-fold. So if you have access to a small cluster you can see significant progress in an hour or two, and be done in a day.
What follows here is a sketch of the unix commands you would need to do to make this happen. To get more of a sense about what's going on, read through hyperopt documentation on using mongo.
Set up a mongodb process for inter-process communication.
mongod --dbpath . --port PORT --directoryperdb --fork --journal --logpath log.log --nohttpinterface
If this machine is visible to the internet, you should either bind mongod to the local loopback address and connect to the database via an ssh tunnel, or set up mongodb for password-protected access.
Start an asynchronous search process, that connects to the mongodb and polls a work queue created there.
shovel cifar10.tpe_driver localhost PORT 0.0
Start one or more generic hyperopt worker processes to crank through the trials of the experiment, pointing at the database that's written into the shovel script, in this case:
ssh WORKNODE hyperopt-mongo-worker --mongo=localhost:PORT/DBNAME
The PORT should match the one used to launch mongodb. The DBNAME should match the one used in shovel/, which is "dbname" by default.
If you have a cluster with a queue system (e.g. Torque, PBS, etc.) then use that system to schedule a few hyperopt-mongo-worker processes. When they start, they will connect to the database and reserve an experiment trial. These processes will loop indefinitely by default, dequeueing/reserving trials and storing the results back to the database. They will stop when the search process no longer adds new trials to the database, or when several (4) consecutive trials fail to complete successfully (i.e. your trial evaluation code is faulty and you should either fix it or at least catch the terminating exceptions).
driver code for various data sets. When you typeshovel
in bash, it will try to run thefoo
task in the file. -
describes the search space and the objective function that hyperopt.fmin requires to optimize LFW's view 1 data set. -
describes the search space and the objective function that hyperopt.fmin requires to optimize CIFAR10 validation performance. -
provides a LearningAlgo (skdata-style) derived fromSLM_Visitor
that does classification based on sklearn's SVC binary SVM and a precomputed kernel. This is generally a good choice for data sets without too many examples. The LFW experiments use this class. -
has a LearningAlgo (skdata-style) derived fromSLM_Visitor
that does classification based on a primal SVM solver. This is generally a good choice for data sets with larger numbers of examples. The MNIST and CIFAR10 experiments use this class. -
, a LearningAlgo (skdata-style) base class with image feature extraction code and several LearningAlgo interface methods. -
- creates the "pipeline" part of the search space, which describes the full set of possibilities for image feature extraction (the full set of convolutional architectures). Theuslm_domain
function returns this search space as a pyll graph. Note also thecall_catching_pipeline_errors
function, which includesexcept
clauses for all known errors which may arise in the course of evaluating that pyll graph. -
- defines many custom pyll.scope functions which serve to describe theuslm_domain
search space.
The basic idea of the code is that the driver code (e.g. in shovel/ defines a search space and an objective function for hyperopt.
The search space is relatively complex, not only in terms of its size (238 hyperparameters) but also in its internal logic: a "sample" from the search space is a dictionary that alongside some some simpler key-value pairs, contains a "pipeline" key whose value is itself a pyll graph (seriously, pyll has support for lambda expressions), which evaluates to a theano function, which can process images.
The objective function is implemented by e.g. lfw.slm_visitor_lfw which
allocates a LearningAlgo (an SLM_Visitor_ESVC instance called visitor
to handle most of the work.
The lfw.slm_visitor_lfw routine passes a LearningAlgo
to the LFW data set's "protocol" function, which
walks the LearningAlgo through the various steps of an LFW experiment: showing
it the right data at the right time, asking it to compute various statistics,
and so on.
When that's all done, lfw.slm_visitor_lfw asks the LearningAlgo to make
a report (visitor.hyperopt_rval()
) in the form of a dictionary.
That dictionary is augmented with what hyperopt needs to see (loss and status
keys) and passed back to hyperopt.
There are other files too in the hpconvnet folder, but these ones summarize the logic and control flow.
J. Bergstra, D. Yamins, D. D. Cox (2013). Making a Science of Model Search: Hyperparameter Optimization in Hundreds of Dimensions for Vision Architectures, in Proc. ICML2013. -- This paper describes the convolutional architectures implemented in this software package, and the results you should expect from hyperparameter optimization.
J. Bergstra, R. Bardenet, Y. Bengio, B. Kegl (2011). Algorithms for Hyper-parameter Optimization In Proc. NIPS2011. -- This paper introduces the TPE hyperparameter optimization algorithm.