Go Packages
go_pkg is a convenient place to store Go packages that are too small to warrant their own github project.
- bufio/bleeder
Bleeder provides a mechanism for seemlessly exhausting the buffered content of a bufio.Reader, then delegating further read requests to a separate reader.
- compose/maybe
Maybe implements an option type that may either contain a single value or nothing.
Although inspired by the maybe monad, this implementation is less focused on functional purity, and more focused on enabling composition with idiomatic go.
- debug/assert
Assert provides a simple assert mechanism.
- debug/ping
Ping provides a simple debug-printing mechanism.
- encoding/binary
Binary has constants and functions for approximating binary literals.
- runes/IndexRune()
IndexRune() helps you deterimine if a rune exists in an array of runes.
- strings/Hasher32
Makes generating 32-bit hashes from strings more convenient.
- strings/Hasher64
Makes generating 64-bit hashes from strings more convenient.
The packages are built using the Go tool. Assuming you have correctly set the $GOPATH variable, you can run the folloing command:
go get github.com/iNamik/go_pkg
- David Farrell