- Release owner: @lidel
- Release reviewer: @gammazero
- Expected RC1 date: Tue 17th or Fri 20th
- Expected RC2 date: Wed 22nd
- Expected RC3 date: Thu 23rc
- 🚢 Expected final release date: Wed 22nd or 29th
- Release PR: Release 0.33.0 #10636
- Accompanying PR for improving the release process: docs: update for 0.33 #10674
- Internal Staging tests by Shipyard: Kubo 0.32.1 vs 0.33.x @ Notion
- Changelog:
Items In Scope
- feat(libp2p): shared TCP listeners and AutoTLS.AutoWSS #10565
- for RC1, have this in go-libp2p@main: fix(sampledconn): Correctly handle slow bytes and closed conns libp2p/go-libp2p#3080
- fix: increase provider sample size #10589
- chore: update to boxo without goprocess #10567
- Update to boxo with refactored providerQueryManager. #10595
- fix: go-libp2p v0.37.2 #10603
- docs(changelog/v0.33): bitswap reprovide changes #10604
- chore: p2p-forge/client v0.1.0 #10605
- refactor(rcmgr): use default libp2p rcmgr metrics #9947
- fix: ipfs-webui v4.4.1 #10608
- refactor(cmds): do not return errors embedded in result type #10527
- chore: boxo v0.25.0 #10619
- Upgrade to Boxo v0.26.0 #10631
- new go-libp2p release with fixes
- go-libp2p-kad-dht with accelerated client fix
- datastore perf fixes / saner defaults
- fix: ipfs-webui v4.4.2 #10635 with fix from fix: [email protected] ipfs-webui#2310
- [skip changelog] pinmfs: mitigate slow mfs writes when it triggers #10623
Found during RC1:
- TCP connection multiplexing (tcpreuse package) doesn't work with pnet libp2p/go-libp2p#3119
- added explicit check to daemon.go, no need to bump go-libp2p
- goroutine leak on kubo staging 02 and potential side effects
- gc not engaging on kubo staging 02 (tbd if same or separate issue)
- fix(dns): update default DNSLink resolvers #10655
- quicreuse: make it possible to use an application-constructed quic.Transport libp2p/go-libp2p#3122 (fine to just bump quic-go, and not go-libp2p)
- chore: p2p-forge v0.2.2 + go-libp2p-kad-dht v0.28.2 #10663
- do not send cancel message to peer that sent block boxo#784
- fix(client): race in cert renewal ipshipyard/p2p-forge#42
- fix(bitswap): negative wantlist metrics #10670
Nice To Have (Optional)
- Agree if we use
- For now we keep using
- Will revisit once this is done: feat: opt-in WithShortForgeAddrs(true|false) to produce /dnsX addrs ipshipyard/p2p-forge#40
- For now we keep using
- fix(cli): support HTTPS in ipfs --api #10659
- accelerated-dht: cleanup peer from message sender on disconnection libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht#1009
- mfs: clean cache on sync boxo#751
- fix(cmds/add): disallow --wrap with --to-files #10612
- Broken CID info for identity multihashes ipld-explorer-components#464
- feat(bootstrap): add JS-based #10575
- Boxo
- AutoTLS
- acme_client "got renewal info" (logger does not respect go-log config) ipshipyard/p2p-forge#8 (comment)
- AutoTLS: attempts to get cert when not publicly diallable #10570
- add flag for adding catch-all listener without touching swarm listeners in config
- Denylist support fixes and improvements
- Support legacy double-hash entries for IPNS CIDs and DNSLink ipfs-shipyard/nopfs#40
- ipfs blockservice is incompatible with sessions ipfs-shipyard/nopfs#34 (NOfs content filtering is not applied to bitswap)
- Support consuming rainbow#126 (same applies to Kubo)
- Update pubsub and add default validator #9684 + update to v0.12.0 with GossipSub v1.2
- Add basic UnixFS sanity check to 'ipfs files cp' #10331
- feat(filestore): add mmap reader option boxo#665 disabled by default, with opt-in variable similar to this or this
- Prevent multiple instances of "ipfs bitswap reprovide" running at the same time #10513
- gateway/blocks-backend: GetBlock should not perform IPLD decoding boxo#673
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