Cool project . Really great to see desktop and mobile supported too. I would like to help with those .
I was wondering if a proxy that supports also caching the audio files efficiently is envisaged ?
maybe if it’s outside the scope of the project you have sone suggestions.
My use case is that I host everything on tiny Linux server in my house and expose it over a proxy .
So it would ease the load on my home server if I could run a simple proxy in the cloud , that of course Proxies my home server .
I saw a old golang proxy called “nedomi” and was wondering if this would be a good match to my use case of a simple proxy. It looked really cool in that it chunked the files into smaller parts and so match user habits of jumping forward in a stream .
thanks again for this awesome project !!
Don’t know if anyone remembers google music when it allowed you to upload your music btw . I was one of these users that got stung by google shutting it down.