This might be a very basic issue that I'm simply unable to solve (probably due to lack of knowledge of how wasm works). I'm trying to import the modules into my Vue App in order to encode AVIF files and i'm getting the following error
500 Cannot find module 'C:\Users\cab_l\Desktop\Repositories\wsp-3.0\node_modules\@jsquash\avif\encode' imported from C:\Users\cab_l\Desktop\Repositories\wsp-3.0\node_modules\@jsquash\avif\index.js
I did check the node_modules folder and the module is present thus I have no idea why that might be the case.
My code looks like this
import { encode } from "@jsquash/avif";
const convertToAvif = (file) => {
return new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
console.log("file ", file);
const avifBuffer = await encode(file);
console.log("buffer ", avifBuffer);
I'm guessing that the issue might be related to this step in the readme file that I'm failing to understand how to proceed with
Note: You will need to either manually include the wasm files from the codec directory or use a bundler like WebPack or Rollup to include them in your app/server.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated