Issue summary
Exploring all the possible examples, even the last one, the behaviour on iOS mobile is not working: virtual keyboard going on and off doesn't get the last line (the prompt) scrolling up and down so that's never covered when keyboard is up.
Expected behavior
The bottom of the terminal, where terminal is, should always be automatically attached to the bottom of the visible view, without or without keyboard.
Actual behavior
Keyboard going up (once the screen is full of lines and after has been up and down once), covers the terminal. The terminal should always automatically scroll to the bottom, be attached to the keyboard popping up/down, and keep like that while typing a command (or prompt in focus) or when executing a command.
Steps to reproduce
Simply loading the latest demo on iOS, making the screen full of commands so it scrolls down, keyboard up and down and then up again, it covers the bottom of the terminal/view.
Browser and OS
Latest iOS, Safari or Firefox (both using WebKit anyway).