BigCloneEval is a framework for performing clone detection tool evaluation experiments with the BigCloneBench clone benchmark.
We are happy to answer any of your questions regarding BigCloneEval or BigCloneBench.
- Jeff Svajlenko ([email protected])
- Chanchal K. Roy ([email protected])
Feel free to open an issue if you encounter issues or bugs.
We also welcome bug fixes, improvements and feature additions by pull request. Since it may take us some time to integrate your changes into this repository, the ideal method is to fork this repoistory for your changes and submit your pull request. Feel free to post your fork in your pull request and/or an issue so that others can use your changes while we work to integrate into the main repository.
(An always up-to-date list can be found here)
Complete the following steps to install the setup BigCloneEval.
Alternatively, download the VM version of BigCloneEval to have a pre-configured
environment. Username: bce
, password: clones
VM available in VMWare format at:!AhXbM6MKt_yLj_42w4Y-l5isPPiOOw?e=SIS5yW
The VM was created with VMWare Player Workstation, which is free for personal and educational purposes:
BigCloneEval is available as a github repository. The latest version can be retrieved using the following git command:
git clone
Direct link:!AhXbM6MKt_yLj_NwwVacvUzmi6uorA?e=eMu0P4
Extract the contents of BigCloneBench (BigCloneBench_BCEvalVersion.tar.gz) into the 'bigclonebenchdb' directory of the BigCloneEval distribution.
To manually view this database, use h2database:
Direct link:!AhXbM6MKt_yLj_N15CewgjM7Y8NLKA?e=cScoRJ
Extract the contents of IJaDataset (IJaDataset_BCEvalVersion.tar.gz) into the 'ijadataset' directory of the BigCloneEval distribution.
This should create a directory 'ijadataset/bcb_reduced/' which contains one sub-directory per functionality in BigCloneBench.
From the root directory, run make
From the commands/
directory, execute the init
script. This will initialize the tools
The following documents the usage of BigCloneEval. Please also see the demonstration video on the BigCloneEval webpage.
To evaluate the recall of a clone detection tool you must complete the following steps:
- Register the clone detection tool with BigCloneEval.
- Detect clones in IJaDataset using the clone detection tool.
- Import the detected clones into BigCloneEval.
- Configure and execution the evaluation experiment.
These steps are performed using BigCloneEval's commands, which are located in the command/ directory as scripts. These scripts must be executed from within the command directory (the command directory must be the working directory).
In the next section we outline the available commands. Then we discuss how each step can be performed in detail. Then we include specific documentation for each command.
The commands are available in the commands/
directory, and should be executed from that
directory. Executing the commands with the -h
flag will show their parameters.
The special bcb
command can execute all other commands and provide a usage help. Run
./bcb help
to get the following overview:
Usage: bcb COMMAND
The big clone bench tool
clearClones Removes the imported clones for the specified registered tool.
countClones Count the number of clones that have been imported for the
deleteTool Deletes a tool, specified by its ID, from the framework. Also
removes any imported clones for this tool.
detectClones Executes the clone detection tool for IJaDataset in an
automated procedure. Requires a script that configures and
executes the tool, and the scalability limits of the tool
in terms of the maximum input size measured in source
files. Used deterministic input partitioning to overcome
scalability limits. Optional, clone detection can be
performed manually if desired.
evaluateRecall Measures the recall of the clones given. Highly configureable.
Summarizes recall per clone type, per inter vs
intra-project clones, per functionality in BigCloneBench
and for different syntactical similarity regions in the
output tool evaluation report.
evaluateTool Measures the recall of the specific tool based on the clones
imported for it. Highly configureable, including using
custom clone-matching algorithms. Summarizes recall per
clone type, per inter vs intra-project clones, per
functionality in BigCloneBenchand for different syntactical
similarity regions in the output tool evaluation report.
importClones Imports the clones detected by a tool in IJaDataset into the
framework for evaluation. Clones are provided as clone
pairs in a simple CSV file. See documentation below for the
expected format.
init This command initializes the tools database. It is used on
first-time setup. It can also be used to restore the tools
database to its original condition. This will delete any
tools, and their clones, from the database, and restart the
ID increment to 1.
This may take some time to execute as the database is
listTools Lists the tools registered in the database. Including their
ID, name and description.
partitionInput partitions the files from the input directory to the output
registerTool Registers a clone detection tool with the framework. Requires
a name and description of the tool, which is stored in the
tools database. Returns a unique identifier for the tool
for indicating the target tool for the other commands. Name
and description are for reference by the user.
help Displays help information about the specified command
First the tool must be registered to the framework. This is done by the registerTool command, which requires a name and description of the tool. The intention is for the user to use the name field to record the name and version of the tool, and the description to denote the configuration used in the detection experiment. These are stored for later reference by the user. A unique identifier is output for the user to refer to this tool in the latter steps.
Next the tool must be executed for IJaDataset. This can be done manually or using our detectClones command. Use the method which is easiest for your tool.
You must execute the tool for each subdirectory in ijadataset/bcb_sample
. For example,
you must execute the tool for ijadataset/bcb_sample/2
and ijadataset/bcb_sample/3
etc. Each sub-directory is the files from the full IJaDataset that contain clones of one
of the functionalities in BigCloneBench.
Some of these sub-directories may contain too many source files for the scalability constraints of some tools, particularly those that require significant memory. In this case the partitionInput command can be used to split these inputs into a number of smaller inputs given a maximum number of files the tool can reliably handle.
To use the automatic clone detection procedure, a script must be provided that configures
and executes the tool. On Linux and OSX this is expected to be a bash script, and it
executed using bash -c /path/to/script/ /path/to/clone/detection/input/
. On Windows,
this is expected to be a command script, and is executed using
cmd.exe /c C:\path\to\script\ C:\path\to\clone\detection\input\
The script is expected to take as a parameter a directory which contains source code
(possibly in sub-directories) for clone detection to be executed on. The script should
configure and execute the tool, and output the detected clones to stdout. The script
should terminate with an exit code of 0 if it was successful, or non-zero if it failed.
The tool should not output anything to stdout except for the detected clones. Ideally,
the clones should be output in the format expected by the importClones
command (see the
next step), although any output is supported.
The sample/
directory contains the nicadRunner
as an example bash script targeting
Linux/OSX, and and iclonesRunner.cmd
command script targeting Windows. Note that these
scripts won't run as is, and will require downloading and installing the clone detection
tools, and modifying the runner to work with your computer's environment.
The detectClones
command takes this script as input, the maximum files the tool can handle
without scalability issues on the available hardware, and a scratch directory to use in
case input partitioning is required for scalability issues (otherwise the OS tmp directory
is used).
then executes the script with each sub-directory in ijadatset/bcb_sample/
as input, using input partitioning on the sub-directories that exceed the tool's indicated
scalability constraints. The output from each execution is concatenated into a final
output file.
Note that due to the nature of how we reduced IJaDataset, and how input partitioning works, the final output may contain some duplicated clones (not the fault of the tool itself). These can be trimmed from the output if desired, but will not affect the evaluation results.
The next step is to import the clones, which is done using the importClones
command. This
takes the ID of the registered tool, and a file containing the clones. The importClones
command expects the clones to be formatted in a simple CSV file, where each line specifies
one clone pair in the following format:
For example:
Where cf#_subdirectory,cf#_filename,cf#_startline,cf#_endline
specifies one of the code
fragments. And the order of the code fragments in the clone pair does not matter.
is the sub-directory of IJaDataset the source file is found in.
IJaDataset has three subdirectories: selected
, default
and sample
. For example,
sub-input ijadataset/bcb_sample/2
contains a selected
, default
and sample
directory. The meaning behind the sub-directories is not important, but it needs to be
specified to fully resolve the source file.
If your tool outputs clone classes, they need to be converted into clone pairs for this format.
The evaluate command is used to measure the recall of the clone detection tool for BigCloneBench based on its imported clones. This takes the ID of the tool, a file to output the tool evaluation report to, and a number of configuration options for customizing the recall evaluation experiment.
A clone matcher must be specified. This is the algorithm used to determine if a reference clone in the benchmark is sufficiently captured by a candidate clone reported by the tool for the reference clone to be considered as detected by the candidate tool.
BigCloneEval includes our coverage-based clone matching algorithm. More details are provided below in the Command Documentation section. This is implemented in a plugin architecture such that users can implement their own clone matching algorithm using our existing algorithm as a template.
The clone matcher to be used is specified by name, including a parameter string, when the evaluate command is used.
A number of configuration parameters place constraints on which reference clones are considered when measuring recall. The following constraints are available:
- minimum and/or maximum clone size in tokens, original source lines, and/or pretty-printed source lines
- minimum confidence
- minimum judges
The clone size constraints makes it easy to set a standard clone size for the experiment and appropriately and fairly configure your candidate tools for their benchmark experiment. Clone size constraints are available in the major ways in which clone size is typically measured.
The minimum judges constraint selects only those clones whose code fragments (functions) have been examined by a minimum number of judges. Each code fragment has been inspected for the functionality of the clone by at least one judge. Some have been examined by multiple judges in order to measure the accuracy of the judging. This way you can select just those examined by some number of judges. Only a small portion has been examined by multiple judges currently. In future we hope to have the entire benchmark examined by multiple judges.
Similar to the minimum judges, the minimum confidence is the minimum agreement when multiple judges are used. This is, for both code fragments, the minimum difference in true positive vs false positive votes by the judges. Currently a small portion of the data has been seen by more than two judges, where this constraint is relevant.
The user can specify how the syntactical similarity of the reference clones should be measured. BigCloneBench includes syntactical similarity measured both by line and by token after Type-1 and Type-2 normalizations. This includes a strict pretty-printing, the removal of comments, blind identifier renaming and literal abstraction. Similarity is measured as the minimum ratio of the lines or tokens one code fragment in the clone pair shares with the other. Shared lines or tokens are identified with the diff algorithm which considers the order of the lines or tokens.
Syntactical similarity for the experimetn can then be measured by line, by token, by the average of the line and token measures, or by both (using the smaller of the two).
We reccomend using BOTH
as it is the most fair option when comparing token and
line-based tools without bias. This is the setting we use in our studies, and when
reporting the clone demographics of BigCloneBench
You can also specify the minimum syntactical clone similarity of clones to consider. By default, the evaluation considers the full scope of syntactical similarity, 0% to 100%. However, most tools are syntax-based, and will have none or near-zero detection much below their configured detection threshold. So some execution time can be saved by omitting the reporting of recall for these clones. The minimum similarity to measure recall to must be specified as a multiple of 5.
BigCloneBench divides Type-3 and Type-4 clones by their syntactical similarity into four categories:
Very-Strongly Type-3 : Clones with 90% (inclsuive) to 100% (exclusive) shared syntax. Strongly Type-3 : Clones with 70% (inclsuive) to 90% (exclusive) shared syntax. Moderately Type-3 : Clones with 50% (inclsuive) to 70% (exclusive) shared syntax. Weakly Type-3 / Type-4 : Clones with 0% (inclsuive) to 50% (exclusive) shared syntax.
These are canonical categories for BigCloneBench, but evaluate also reports recall for every lower threshold and range of syntactical similarity (in 5% granularity).
Most syntax-based Type-3 tools operate mostly in the Very-Stringly and Strongly categories. AST and PDG type tools may have some recall in the moderately Type-3 category as well, but not usually significant.
If time allows, it is best to run for full range. However, executing for a minimum similarity of 50% is sufficient for most tools, as they have 0% or near-0% for the Weakly Type-3 / Type-4 category, and often similar for the Moderately Type-3.
The reccomended settings are as follows:
similarity type = both line and token (smaller measure) minimum clone size in original source lines = 6 lines minimum clone size in pretty-printed source lines = 6 lines minimum clone size in tokens = 50 tokens clone-matcher: Coverage clone matcher with 70% coverage threshold
These correspond to the settings we have used in our previous studies.
The tool evaluation report sumamrizes recall from a number of perspectives.
Recall is reported per clone type. Including Type-1, Type-2, Type-3 and Type-4. The recall for Type-2 is reported for different common definitions of Type-2. Since there is no agreed upon minimum similarity of a Type-3 clone, the Type-3 and Type-4 clones are split into a number of categories. Note that sine all of the clones are semantic clones (implement a shared functionality), those which do not meet the Type-3 definition are Type-4 clones. We summarize the per-clone-type categories below:
- Type-1: Recall for the Type-1 clones.
- Type-2: Recall for all Type-2 clones (most generous definition).
- Type-2 (blind): Type-2 clones which don't have a 1:1 mapping of identifier names.
- Type-2 (consistent): Type-2 clones which have a 1:1 mapping of identifier names.
- Very-Strongly Type-3: Clones with sytnactical similarity in range [90,100).
- Strongly Type-3: Clones with sytnactical similarity in range [70,90)
- Moderately Type-3: Clones with syntactical similarity in range [50,70)
- Weakly Type-3 or Type-4: Clones with syntactical similarity in range [0,50)
The categories assume that Type-4 clones share less than 50% of their syntax. Most Type-3 clone detectors should have good recall in the Very-Strongly Type-3 range. Very good Type-3 detectors also have good recall in the Strongly Type-3 while maintaining good precision. It is expected that Moderately Type-3 clones are outside the scope of syntax based clone detection approaches, unless precision is significantly compromised. Other techniques that do not rely so much on the syntax of the clone may perform better in this range. The weakly Type-3/Type-4 clones are probably outside the scope of most or all clone detection techniques.
Recall is also reported for Type-3/Type-4 clones in different syntactical similarity ranges. It is reported for each range at a granularity of 5%: [0,5), [5,10), etc. It is also reported for each minimum syntactical similarity at a granularity fo 5%: [0,100), [5,100), [10,100), etc.
Recall is reported for all clones, for just the inter-project clones, and for just the intra-project clones. Recall can then be compared for these different contexts.
Recall is also reported for all clones, and then also the clones of each individual functionality in BigCloneBench.
The evaluation report summarizes the number of reference clones considered in each measurement.
The evaluation report documents the version of BigCloneEval and BigCloneBench used to create it for future reference.
Usage: bcb init [-hV]
This command initializes the tools database. It is used on first-time setup. It
can also be used to restore the tools database to its original condition. This
will delete any tools, and their clones, from the database, and restart the ID
increment to 1.
This may take some time to execute as the database is compacted.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./init
Usage: bcb registerTool [-hV] -d=<string> -n=<string>
Registers a clone detection tool with the framework. Requires a name and
description of the tool, which is stored in the tools database. Returns a
unique identifier for the tool for indicating the target tool for the other
commands. Name and description are for reference by the user.
-d, --description=<string>
A description for the tool. Use quotes to allow spaces
and special characters.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-n, --name=<string> A name for the tool. Use quotes to allow spaces and
special characters.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./registerTool -n "NiCad" -d "Default configuration"
Usage: bcb listTools [-hV]
Lists the tools registered in the database. Including their ID, name and
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./listTools
Usage: bcb detectClones [-hnV] -m=<int> -o=<PATH> -r=<PATH> [-s=<PATH>]
Executes the clone detection tool for IJaDataset in an automated procedure.
Requires a script that configures and executes the tool, and the scalability
limits of the tool in terms of the maximum input size measured in source files.
Used deterministic input partitioning to overcome scalability limits. Optional,
clone detection can be performed manually if desired.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-m, --mf, --max-files=<int>
Maximum files in each output subset (pair of
-n, --nc, --no-clean Does not clean up scratch data. For
diagnosis/correction. See documentation. Need to
specify custom scratch directory for this.
-o, --output=<PATH> File to write the report to.
-r, --tr, --tool-runner=<PATH>
Path to the tool runner executable.
-s, --sd, --scratch-directory=<PATH>
Directory to be used as scratch space. Default is
system tmp directory. Can not already exist.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./detectClones -tr ~/NiCadRunner -o ~/clones -mf 10000
Usage: bcb importClones [-hV] -c=<FILE> -t=<ID>
Imports the clones detected by a tool in IJaDataset into the framework for
evaluation. Clones are provided as clone pairs in a simple CSV file. See
documentation below for the expected format.
-c, --clones=<FILE> File containing the detected clones.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --tool=<ID> The ID of the tool.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./importClones -t 2 -c ~/clones
Usage: bcb deleteTool [-hV] -t=<ID>
Deletes a tool, specified by its ID, from the framework. Also removes any
imported clones for this tool.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --tool=<ID> The ID of the tool.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./deleteTool -t 2
Usage: bcb clearClones [-hV] -t=<ID>
Removes the imported clones for the specified registered tool.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-t, --tool=<ID> The ID of the tool.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
$ ./clearClones -t 2
Usage: bcb evaluateTool [-hV] [-j=<int>] [-m=<MATCHER>] [--mal=<int>]
[--map=<int>] [--mat=<int>] [--mic=<int>] [--mil=<int>]
[--mip=<int>] [--mit=<int>] -o=<PATH> [-s=<int>]
[--st=<STR>] -t=<ID>
Measures the recall of the specific tool based on the clones imported for it.
Highly configureable, including using custom clone-matching algorithms.
Summarizes recall per clone type, per inter vs intra-project clones, per
functionality in BigCloneBenchand for different syntactical similarity regions
in the output tool evaluation report.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-j, --mij, --minimum-judges=<int>
Minimum number of judges.
-m, --matcher=<MATCHER> Specify the clone matcher. See documentation for
configuration strings. Default is
coverage-matcher with 70% coverage threshold.
--mal, --max-lines, --maximum-lines=<int>
Maximum clone size in original lines.
--map, --max-pretty, --maximum-pretty=<int>
Maximum clone size in pretty-printed lines.
--mat, --max-tokens, --maximum-tokens=<int>
Maximum clone size in tokens.
--mic, --minimum-confidence=<int>
Minimum confidence.
--mil, --min-lines, --minimum-lines=<int>
Minimum clone size in original lines.
--mip, --min-pretty, --minimum-pretty=<int>
Minimum clone size in pretty-printed lines.
--mit, --min-tokens, --minimum-tokens=<int>
Minimum clone size in tokens.
-o, --output=<PATH> File to write the report to.
-s, --mis, --minimum-similarity=<int>
Minimum clone similarity to evaluate down to.
--st, --similarity-type=<STR>
How to measure similarity. One of TOKEN, LINE,
BOTH, AVG. Defaults to BOTH
-t, --tool=<ID> The ID of the tool.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
Requires the tool to report a candidate clone that covers a certain ratio of the reference clone for the reference clone to be considered detected. Takes one or three parameters. The first parameter is the coverage ratio. We recommend a 0.70 coverage ratio.
Optionally, the user can put a constraint on how far outside of the clone the candidate clone can extend while still being considered a match. Since BigCloneBench has function clones, it is not desirable for the tool to report clones that extend significant beyond the boundary of the clone. The user can specify a tolerance on the extension beyond the boundary of the reference clone by a number of original source lines, or a ratio of the size of the clone itself.
CoverageMatcher 0.7
: The candidate clone must cover 70% of the reference clone by line. The candidate clone can extend indefinitely beyond the boundaries of the reference clone without punishment.CoverageMatcher 0.7 line 2
: The candidate clone must cover 70% of the reference clone by line. If the candidate clone extends 2 line beyond the boundary of the reference clone (by either code fragment) then the candidate clone is rejected as a match.CoverageMatcher 0.7 ratio 0.20
The candidate clone must cover 70% of the reference clone by line. If the candidate clone extends 20% beyond the boundary of the reference clone, by each code fragment's size in lines, then the candidate clone is rejected as a match.
See the source file src/cloneMatchingAlgorithm/
for more details.
To provide your own clone matcher, create a class implementing the CloneMatcher interface. Your custom clone matcher must be in the 'cloneMatchingAlgorithms' package, and on the classpath. Ideally, install your compiled .class in the 'bin/cloneMatchingAlgorithms' directory. The clone matchers are discovered by reflection at runtime. Your custom clone matcher must have a constructor which takes an long as its first parameter and a string as it second parameter. The long is the ID of the tool being evaluated, and the string is the configuration string specified in the execution of evaluate. You specify your clone matcher as such when executing the evaluate command:
-m "MyCloneMatcher arg1 arg2 arg3"
The constructor of your clone matcher will be called with the ID of the tool, and then "arg1 arg2 arg3" as the configuration string.
Your clone matcher implements the isDetected(Clone clone)
method. It should check if
the specified reference clone was detected using a query over the tool's clone table.
The tool's clone table will be named: tool_$ID$_clones
, where $ID$
is the ID of the
tool. The clone table has fields: type1
, name1
, startline1
, endline1
, type2
, name2
, endline2
. Where the start/end lines are integers, and the other
parameters are strings (varchar).
This is in the tools DB, which a connection to this database is available by the
Your clone matcher should check both orderings of the reference clone's code fragments as they may be reversed in the tool's detected clones.
See the existing CoverageMatcher
as a template.
BigCloneEval is distributed as an eclipse project. So the easiest way to develop your own clone matcher is to open BigCloneEval as an eclipse Java project and develop your code from there.
$ ./evaluate -t 3 -o ~/report -st both -m Coverage "CoverageMatcher 0.7 ratio 0.2" -mis 50 -mil 10 -mip 10 -mit 50