Releases: jenkinsci/bom
Releases · jenkinsci/bom
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add jsoup API plugin (#4430) @jonesbusy
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 409.v98f212e980b_4 to 413.v204a_03785b_92 in /bom-weekly (#4517) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:nodejs from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4 in /bom-weekly (#4515) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:s3 from 494.v65894c3ef139 to 496.v320cdd5a_1f65 in /bom-weekly (#4513) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1575.v49b_01a_460e3b_ to 1637.v6a_6b_f31d4373 in /bom-weekly (#4514) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:claim from 590.v544cb_038c099 to 594.v44e928488dea_ in /bom-weekly (#4512) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:warnings-ng from 12.2.0 to 12.3.0 in /bom-weekly (#4510) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.457.v8d7c72676cfe to 4.482.v1140b_cf263b_a_ in /bom-weekly (#4509) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.3.2-235.v444b_578f3262 to 11.3.3-237.vfb_d3e4f4e87a_ in /bom-weekly (#4508) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1557.v3435ec4057a_e to 1575.v49b_01a_460e3b_ in /bom-weekly (#4507) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-graph-analysis from 216.vfd8b_ece330ca_ to 231.v56354571a_da_0 in /bom-weekly (#4506) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:google-storage-plugin from 1.360.v6ca_38618b_41f to 1.370.vf53e2efa_585b_ in /bom-weekly (#4505) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:view-job-filters from 392.v2c0a_4dd46909 to 396.veea_3d19b_9551 in /bom-weekly (#4504) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins:kubernetes from 4306.vc91e951ea_eb_d to 4313.va_9b_4fe2a_0e34 in /bom-weekly (#4502) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:analysis-model-api from 13.0.0 to 13.1.0 in /bom-weekly (#4503) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:secure-requester-whitelist from 70.ve2a_3c4a_dc9f5 to 72.v6cce468c5513 in /bom-weekly (#4501) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1314.vd966e9a_88895 to 1316.v13ec14a_de230 in /bom-weekly (#4500) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:prometheus from 811.v1823c780b_e8e to 819.v50953a_c560dd in /bom-weekly (#4499) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-timeout from 1.35 to 1.36 in /bom-weekly (#4498) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-credentials from 343.vd80f9c4859df to 357.v6447d38fb_007 in /bom-weekly (#4496) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-utility-steps from 2.18.0 to 2.19.0 in /bom-weekly (#4493) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:data-tables-api from 2.1.8-2 to 2.2.2-1 in /bom-weekly (#4495) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.6.0-3 to 6.7.2-1 in /bom-weekly (#4494) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:warnings-ng from 11.12.0 to 12.2.0 in /bom-weekly (#4492) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:git-forensics from 2.2.1 to 3.1.0 in /bom-weekly (#4486) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:coverage from 1.16.1 to 2.1.0 in /bom-weekly (#4491) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:forensics-api from 2.7.0 to 3.0.0 in /bom-weekly (#4482) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:analysis-model-api from 12.9.1 to 13.0.0 in /bom-weekly (#4490) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:font-awesome-api from 6.6.0-2 to 6.6.0-3 in /bom-weekly (#4484) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:data-tables-api from 2.1.8-1 to 2.1.8-2 in /bom-weekly (#4487) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:prism-api from 1.29.0-18 to 1.29.0-19 in /bom-weekly (#4489) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:jquery3-api from 3.7.1-2 to 3.7.1-3 in /bom-weekly (#4478) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:sbt from 87.v455263c57692 to 88.vee3829489c40 in /bom-weekly (#4479) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:bootstrap5-api from 5.3.3-1 to 5.3.3-2 in /bom-weekly (#4483) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api from 5.5.1-5 to 5.5.1-6 in /bom-weekly (#4485) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:plugin-util-api from 5.1.0 to 6.0.0 in /bom-weekly (#4481) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:caffeine-api from 3.1.8-133.v17b_1ff2e0599 to 3.2.0-161.v691ef352cee1 in /bom-weekly (#4488) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jackson2-api from 2.17.0-386.vcb_b_037da_0d62 to 2.17.0-389.va_5c7e45cd806 in /bom-weekly (#4480) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.3.0-229.vc8f3594c89dc to 11.3.2-235.v444b_578f3262 in /bom-weekly (#4477) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:checks-api from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 in /bom-weekly (#4475) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 934.4.2 to 935.0.0 in /bom-weekly (#4474) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 1002.va_3819d704fe7 to 1003.v3f8b_46de698d in /bom-weekly (#4470) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1856.vf40220e7a_75f to 1864.v6fc4480cb_8fb_ in /bom-weekly (#4468) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:byte-buddy-api from 1.17.0-125.v1e9b_0e7222d7 to 1.17.1-127.vb_73ce3c8c5cf in /bom-weekly (#4469) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:git-client from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 in /bom-weekly (#4464) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump pipeline-stage-view-plugin.version from 2.36 to 2.37 in /bom-weekly (#4465) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:json-path-api from 2.9.0-138.vc943da_d833b_6 to 2.9.0-148.v22a_7ffe323ce in /bom-weekly (#4461) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:byte-buddy-api from 1.17.0-117.v025ccb_c559d7 to 1.17.0-125.v1e9b_0e7222d7 in /bom-weekly (#4462) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jackson2-api from 2.17.0-379.v02de8ec9f64c to 2.17.0-386.vcb_b_037da_0d62 in /bom-weekly (#4463) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-monitor-plugin from 1.14-948.va_a_a_5a_7eb_1f37 to 1.14-961.v676e38a_7a_248 in /bom-weekly (#4460) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:azure-sdk from 191.v53ec8913ee10 to 205.v8607496fa_ffc in /bom-weekly (#4459) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:docker-workflow from 592.v1001d948426c to 595.v60cec912059b_ in /bom-weekly (#4458) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump pipeline-stage-view-plugin.version from 2.35 to 2.36 in /bom-weekly (#4455) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:aws-global-configuration from 142.vfc0728241c1b_ to 144.v1b_4447b_7c93e in /bom-weekly (#4456) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:oidc-provider from 89.v3dfb_6d89b_618 to 96.vee8ed882ec4d in /bom-weekly (#4457) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:google-compute-engine from 4.681.v9020cf2b_7453 to 4.683.v0ce26579a_ee7 in /bom-weekly (#4454) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump net.plavcak.jenkins:scmskip from 66.ve200ee8116cd to 72.vc2f9088d11e2 in /bom-weekly (#4453) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:flaky-test-handler from 1.3.165.v8c796143641b_ to 1.3.168.v9b_0b_fd020db_8 in /bom-weekly (#4452) @dependabot[bot]
- ch...
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add GitLab Logo to the managed set (#4376) @darinpope
- Add Safe Restart to the managed set (#4375) @darinpope
- Add Pipeline Multibranch build strategy extension to the managed set (#4358) @darinpope
- Add SCM Skip to the managed set (#4357) @darinpope
- Add Ignore Committer Strategy to the managed set (#4356) @darinpope
- Add Skip Notifications Trait to the managed set (#4355) @darinpope
- Add Naginator to the managed set (#4354) @darinpope
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:active-directory from 2.38 to 2.39 in /bom-weekly (#4426) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-groovy-lib from 749.v70084559234a_ to 752.vdddedf804e72 in /bom-weekly (#4429) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:naginator from 1.489.v5808b_a_72e0fc to 1.496.v94260e77b_3f5 in /bom-weekly (#4425) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-build-step from 551.v178956c49ef8 to 555.v589d5c24a_3d6 in /bom-weekly (#4428) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:copyartifact from 761.vea_2b_25523e84 to 763.v66351b_9c297f in /bom-weekly (#4423) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-job from 1500.v29502eb_5182e to 1505.vea_4b_20a_4a_495 in /bom-weekly (#4427) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api from 4.5.14-268.v37113894b_d72 to 4.5.14-269.vfa_2321039a_83 in /bom-weekly (#4422) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-job from 1498.v33a_0c6f3a_4b_4 to 1500.v29502eb_5182e in /bom-weekly (#4418) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:github-checks from 589.v845136f916cd to 602.v264a_83610da_6 in /bom-weekly (#4419) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit-attachments from 239.v9e003a_c80a_8c to 275.v54db_1ed8e66f in /bom-weekly (#4414) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:customizable-header from 171.vd1b_e1cb_6cb_53 to 175.v07c36327359a_ in /bom-weekly (#4420) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4014.vcd7dc51d8b_30 to 4018.vf02e01888da_f in /bom-weekly (#4417) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:JiraTestResultReporter from 251.v8ee0248c418c to 252.v1b_e1698d2225 in /bom-weekly (#4421) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:msbuild from 1.35 to 1.36 in /bom-weekly (#4416) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api from 4.5.14-208.v438351942757 to 4.5.14-268.v37113894b_d72 in /bom-weekly (#4413) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1312.v1a_235a_b_94a_31 to 1314.vd966e9a_88895 in /bom-weekly (#4411) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:JiraTestResultReporter from 245.v5a_2d45c771c9 to 251.v8ee0248c418c in /bom-weekly (#4412) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:parameterized-scheduler from 277.v61a_4b_a_49a_c5c to 285.ve611986d4c48 in /bom-weekly (#4410) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:mercurial from 1308.v0e0888fdb_628 to 1309.v6802b_f0efb_b_9 in /bom-weekly (#4408) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:copyartifact from 761.vea_2b_25523e84 to 763.v66351b_9c297f in /bom-weekly (#4409) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-groovy-lib from 749.v70084559234a_ to 751.v709f84f7d768 in /bom-weekly (#4407) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:gitlab-branch-source from 715.v4c830b_ca_ef95 to 718.v40b_5f0e67cd3 in /bom-weekly (#4406) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 934.4.1 to 934.4.2 in /bom-weekly (#4405) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.main:maven-plugin from 3.24 to 3.25 in /bom-weekly (#4402) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.modules:sshd from 3.330.vc866a_8389b_58 to 3.350.v1080103a_10fd in /bom-weekly (#4398) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:dashboard-view from 2.523.v673d549dfee5 to 2.528.v3470c02b_d7c9 in /bom-weekly (#4396) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:gitlab-oauth from 1.20 to 1.21 in /bom-weekly (#4397) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ansicolor from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6 in /bom-weekly (#4392) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:subversion from 1283.vfc8b_92d49a_06 to 1287.vd2d507146906 in /bom-weekly (#4391) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 944.v5a_859593b_98a_ to 946.v2a_79d8a_4b_e14 in /bom-weekly (#4394) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1405.vb_cda_74a_f8974 to 1408.va_622a_b_f5b_1b_1 in /bom-weekly (#4395) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.6wind.jenkins:lockable-resources from 1342.v673282c325c0 to 1349.v8b_ccb_c5487f7 in /bom-weekly (#4393) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ssh-slaves from 3.1021.va_cc11b_de26a_e to 3.1031.v72c6b_883b_869 in /bom-weekly (#4390) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump pipeline-stage-view-plugin.version from 2.34 to 2.35 in /bom-weekly (#4389) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-math3-api from 3.6.1-18.v9d7081dffa_f5 to 3.6.1-38.vb_753c9382184 in /bom-weekly (#4387) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 407.v7857c9611b_44 to 409.v98f212e980b_4 in /bom-weekly (#4388) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:artifactory-client-api from 2.19.0-76.v1826d97a_fef0 to 2.19.0-82.va_7314a_427046 in /bom-weekly (#4385) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:checks-api from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 in /bom-weekly (#4384) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:token-macro from 442.v4f452dc3c7c0 to 444.v52de7e9c573d in /bom-weekly (#4383) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1929.v036b_5a_e1f123 to 1932.v75cb_b_f1b_698d in /bom-weekly (#4381) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 996.v523eb_feb_66ca_ to 1001.vf3448fe27897 in /bom-weekly (#4379) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 406.v06871361eb_2d to 407.v7857c9611b_44 in /bom-weekly (#4380) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:saml from 4.519.v3927f2f0e020 to 4.525.v4f6a_7209447e in /bom-weekly (#4377) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:description-setter from 258.vcd25251271a_a_ to 264.v1957f215dcd5 in /bom-weekly (#4374) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:database-mysql from 63.va_0596d2b_1438 to 134.vb_98470b_d4d2d in /bom-weekly (#4373) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:mysql-api from 9.2.0-51.v555cd9442556 to 9.2.0-53.v708a_e33e6cb_6 in /bom-weekly (#4371) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 in /bom-weekly (#4372) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:gson-api from 2.11.0-109.v1ef91dd0829a_ to 2.12.1-113.v347686d6729f in /bom-weekly (#4369) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:joda-time-api from 2.13.0-93.v9934da_29b_a_e9 to 2.13.1-115.va_6b_5f8efb_1d8 in /bom-weekly (#4370) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:token-macro from 400.v35420b_922dcb_ to 442.v4f452dc3c7c0 in /bom-weekly (#4363) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 402.va_9d108235846 to 406.v06871361eb_2d in /bom-weekly (#4367) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flatpickr-api from 4.6.13-5.v534d8025a_a_59 to 4.6.13-15.vf6e534338831 in /bom-weekly (#4366) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bum...
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add Gitea Checks to the managed set (#4342) @darinpope
- Add Email Extension Template to the managed set (#4341) @darinpope
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 934.3.2 to 934.4.0 in /bom-weekly (#4345) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1553.v4dd20218b_cb_2 to 1557.v3435ec4057a_e in /bom-weekly (#4340) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:apache-httpcomponents-client-5-api from 5.4-135.v4da_349961256 to 5.4-136.v5a_21779c63f8 in /bom-weekly (#4338) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1915.vcdd0a_d0d2625 to 1929.v036b_5a_e1f123 in /bom-weekly (#4337) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:sonar from 2.17.3 to 2.18 in /bom-weekly (#4336) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:json-path-api from 2.9.0-118.v7f23ed82a_8b_8 to 2.9.0-138.vc943da_d833b_6 in /bom-weekly (#4335) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:gson-api from 2.11.0-85.v1f4e87273c33 to 2.11.0-109.v1ef91dd0829a_ in /bom-weekly (#4334) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-auth from 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 in /bom-weekly (#4331) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:role-strategy from 743.v142ea_b_d5f1d3 to 756.v978cb_392eb_d3 in /bom-weekly (#4332) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.6wind.jenkins:lockable-resources from 1327.ved786b_a_197e0 to 1342.v673282c325c0 in /bom-weekly (#4333) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:aws-credentials from 242.v8d05df911e3d to 243.v41c19a_fb_5dcf in /bom-weekly (#4330) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-compress-api from 1.27.1-1 to 1.27.1-2 in /bom-weekly (#4329) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:variant from 60.v7290fc0eb_b_cd to 70.va_d9f17f859e0 in /bom-weekly (#4327) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-user-vars-plugin from 182.v378b_9f14b_487 to 195.v8c35f9d5c3dc in /bom-weekly (#4326) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:claim from 585.v619f52a_a_09dc to 590.v544cb_038c099 in /bom-weekly (#4325) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:authorize-project from 1.8.1 to 2.0.0 in /bom-weekly (#4321) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-build-step from 540.vb_e8849e1a_b_d8 to 551.v178956c49ef8 in /bom-weekly (#4319) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloud-stats from 336.v788e4055508b_ to 377.vd8a_6c953e98e in /bom-weekly (#4320) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:external-monitor-job from 215.v2e88e894db_f8 to 221.v35059272565b_ in /bom-weekly (#4317) @dependabot[bot]
👻 Maintenance
- Remove duplicate locale plugin entry from 2.462.x line (#4344) @MarkEWaite
📦 Dependency updates
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war to v2.495 (#4339) @renovate[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 5.5 to 5.6 in /sample-plugin (#4328) @dependabot[bot]
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.tests:plugins-compat-tester-cli to v1555 (#4318) @renovate[bot]
🚨 Removed
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add
to the managed set (#4316) @basil - Add Gitea to the managed set (#4301) @darinpope
- Add Mercurial to the managed set (#4297) @darinpope
- Add Eclipse Temurin installer to the managed set (#4263) @darinpope
- Add Job Restrictions to the managed set (#4262) @darinpope
- Add Customizable Header to the managed set (fixes #4086) (#4254) @darinpope
- Add 2.492.x release line, remove 2.452.x release line (#4231) @jplayout
- Add Extra Tool Installers to the managed set (#4249) @darinpope
- Add CloudBees File Leak Detector to the managed set (#4245) @darinpope
- Add Design Library to the managed set (#4244) @darinpope
- Add Azure Key Vault to the managed set (#4239) @darinpope
- Add instant-messaging to the managed set (#4238) @darinpope
🐛 Bug fixes
- Use git client 5.0.2 in the 2.452.x and 2.462.x lines (#4240) @MarkEWaite
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump aws-java-sdk2-plugin.version from 2.29.52-15.v9980e773794d to 2.30.5-19.va_fd426c59215 in /bom-weekly (#4314) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump aws-java-sdk-plugin.version from 1.12.772-474.v7f79a_2046a_fb_ to 1.12.772-477.v650d756dcf6d in /bom-weekly (#4313) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:slack from 760.vb_e6a_66db_2d43 to 761.v2a_8770f0d169 in /bom-weekly (#4315) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:config-file-provider from 980.v88956a_a_5d6a_d to 982.vb_a_e458a_37021 in /bom-weekly (#4311) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump pipeline-model-definition-plugin.version from 2.2218.v56d0cda_37c72 to 2.2221.vc657003fb_d93 in /bom-weekly (#4312) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ldap from 770.vb_455e934581a_ to 776.vddf3e325103b_ in /bom-weekly (#4310) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-basic-steps from 1058.vcb_fc1e3a_21a_9 to 1079.vce64b_a_929c5a_ in /bom-weekly (#4308) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4011.v91e9951fa_d5b_ to 4014.vcd7dc51d8b_30 in /bom-weekly (#4309) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-durable-task-step from 1400.v7a_fd50a_091de to 1405.v1fcd4a_d00096 in /bom-weekly (#4306) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1360.v4fb_69c390b_98 to 1363.v03f731255494 in /bom-weekly (#4305) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-multibranch from 795.ve0cb_1f45ca_9a_ to 800.v5f0a_a_660950e in /bom-weekly (#4304) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-step-api from 683.va_885a_76415f9 to 686.v603d058a_e148 in /bom-weekly (#4303) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4009.v0089238351a_9 to 4011.v91e9951fa_d5b_ in /bom-weekly (#4295) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1358.vfb_5780da_64cb_ to 1360.v4fb_69c390b_98 in /bom-weekly (#4296) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.14.0-138.v6341ee58e1df to 2.14.0-143.v2b_362fc39576 in /bom-weekly (#4293) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github:github from 1.40.0 to 1.41.0 in /bom-weekly (#4291) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:mariadb-api from 3.5.1-105.vb_6505b_66efb_d to 3.5.1-113.v00c68e5287d4 in /bom-weekly (#4290) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:database-mariadb from 104.vc21b_a_ceb_6043 to 126.v6d53b_2f60b_e3 in /bom-weekly (#4288) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:email-ext from 1866.v14fa_6d201654 to 1876.v28d8d38315b_d in /bom-weekly (#4289) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:slack from 751.v2e44153c8fe1 to 760.vb_e6a_66db_2d43 in /bom-weekly (#4286) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:conditional-buildstep from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 in /bom-weekly (#4285) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:parameterized-trigger from 806.vf6fff3e28c3e to 840.v3c7d4a_a_5e6c7 in /bom-weekly (#4284) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:metrics from 4.2.21-458.vcf496cb_839e4 to 4.2.21-461.v881e35d8fa_b_a_ in /bom-weekly (#4283) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:locale from 549.v824602fe3393 to 560.vc5b_91b_3a_2b_68 in /bom-weekly (#4280) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:subversion from 1281.vc8837f91a_07a_ to 1283.vfc8b_92d49a_06 in /bom-weekly (#4279) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.453.v4d7765c854f4 to 4.457.v8d7c72676cfe in /bom-weekly (#4277) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:gitlab-plugin from 1.9.6 to 1.9.7 in /bom-weekly (#4271) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:jersey2-api from 2.44-151.v6df377fff741 to 2.45-154.v4ded3dc34f81 in /bom-weekly (#4276) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:command-launcher from 116.vd85919c54a_d6 to 118.v72741845c17a_ in /bom-weekly (#4274) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:dark-theme from 514.va_3ea_73d65dc1 to 524.vd675b_22b_30cb_ in /bom-weekly (#4275) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:http_request from 1.19 to 1.20 in /bom-weekly (#4268) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.452.v2849b_d3945fa_ to 4.453.v4d7765c854f4 in /bom-weekly (#4269) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:run-condition from 1.7 to 243.v3c3f94e46a_8b_ in /bom-weekly (#4273) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:theme-manager from 276.vdec9cf04f928 to 278.v2e3c063e42cc in /bom-weekly (#4272) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 401.v99b_6582132f4 to 402.va_9d108235846 in /bom-weekly (#4267) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1801.v526399543dca_ to 1822.v87175d209b_b_5 in /bom-weekly (#4270) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:jdk-tool from 80.v8a_dee33ed6f0 to 83.v417146707a_3d in /bom-weekly (#4266) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 943.v8b_0d01a_7b_a_08 to 944.v5a_859593b_98a_ in /bom-weekly (#4265) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-step-api from 678.v3ee58b_469476 to 683.va_885a_76415f9 in /bom-weekly (#4264) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:javadoc from 280.v050b_5c849f69 to 310.v032f3f16b_0f8 in /bom-weekly (#4260) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:google-compute-engine from 4.606.ve3308d41b_013 to 4.680.v03300ceb_5e7e in /bom-weekly (#4259) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:docker-workflow from 580.vc0c340686b_54 to 592.v1001d948426c in /bom-weekly (#4258) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 988.v9a_63017e8e36 to 996.v523eb_feb_66ca_ in /bom-weekly (#4257) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:github-branch-source from 1809.v088b_5f22c768 to 1810.v913311241fa_9 in /bom-weekly (#4256) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:design-library from 353.v3b_c47f293f54 to 354.v87d9d5804b_c1 in /bom-weekly (#4255) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:theme-manager from 262.vc57ee4a_eda_5d to 276.vdec9cf04f928 in /bom-weekly (#4253) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-timeout from 1.33 to 1.35 in /bom-weekly (#4252) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:byte-buddy-api from 1.16.0-109.v2a_9f5387f958 to 1.16.1-111.vc76cd8b_2dce5 in /bom-weekly (#4251) @dependabot[bot]
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:nodejs from 1.6.2 to 1.6.3 in /bom-weekly (#4247) @dependabot[bot]
- chor...
🚀 New features and improvements
- Add sbt to the managed set (#4226) @darinpope
- Add Pipeline Aggregator View to managed set (#4225) @darinpope
- Add Claim to the managed set (#4224) @darinpope
- Add Extra Columns to the managed set (#4223) @darinpope
- Add S3 publisher to managed set (#4222) @darinpope
- Add description setter to the managed set (#4220) @darinpope
- Add GitHub Authentication to the managed set (#4219) @darinpope
- Add MSBuild to managed set (#4216) @darinpope
- Add GitLab Credentials - Kubernetes Integration to managed set (#4207) @darinpope
- Add Kubernetes Credentials Provider to the managed set (#4205) @darinpope
🐛 Bug fixes
- Revert versioncolumn 319.x upgrade (#4234) @MarkEWaite
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:versioncolumn from 243.vda_c20eea_a_8a_f to 319.v052e2d416b_23 in /bom-weekly (#4230) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:json-api from 20241224-119.va_dca_a_b_ea_7da_5 to 20250107-125.v28b_a_ffa_eb_f01 in /bom-weekly (#4228) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:scm-api from 698.v8e3b_c788f0a_6 to 703.v72ff4b_259600 in /bom-weekly (#4229) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.1.1-217.v555a_4735dda_a_ to 11.2.0-223.va_b_087b_80376b_ in /bom-weekly (#4227) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:oss-symbols-api from 289.v2453d7c1591d to 296.v4981240eeb_1a_ in /bom-weekly (#4218) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:artifactory-artifact-manager from 166.vefc3e640f00b_ to 190.vfca_09a_223ca_2 in /bom-weekly (#4215) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:matrix-project from 840.v812f627cb_578 to 845.vffd7fa_f27555 in /bom-weekly (#4213) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:artifactory-client-api from 2.19.0-41.vf48b_67cdb_64a_ to 2.19.0-76.v1826d97a_fef0 in /bom-weekly (#4214) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-text-api from 1.12.0-129.v99a_50df237f7 to 1.13.0-153.v91dcd89e2a_22 in /bom-weekly (#4211) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:favorite from 2.221.v19ca_666b_62f5 to 2.225.v68765b_b_a_1fa_3 in /bom-weekly (#4210) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.976.v4dc79fb_c458d to 6.980.v5a_cc0cb_25881 in /bom-weekly (#4209) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4007.vd705fc76a_34e to 4009.v0089238351a_9 in /bom-weekly (#4204) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:branch-api from 2.1206.vd9f35001c95c to 2.1208.vf528356feca_4 in /bom-weekly (#4199) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bouncycastle-api from to in /bom-weekly (#4203) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-job from 1476.v90f02a_225559 to 1496.v5b_18defc07f2 in /bom-weekly (#4202) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.3.1 to 934.3.1 in /bom-weekly (#4201) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:git-client from 6.1.0 to 6.1.1 in /bom-weekly (#4200) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-api from 1336.vee415d95c521 to 1358.vfb_5780da_64cb_ in /bom-weekly (#4195) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1551.v6479d730fa_e6 to 1553.v4dd20218b_cb_2 in /bom-weekly (#4197) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-support from 936.v9fa_77211ca_e1 to 943.v8b_0d01a_7b_a_08 in /bom-weekly (#4194) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-groovy-lib from 745.vdf6077913de0 to 749.v70084559234a_ in /bom-weekly (#4196) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:github-branch-source from 1807.v50351eb_7dd13 to 1809.v088b_5f22c768 in /bom-weekly (#4190) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.3.0 to 933.3.1 in /bom-weekly (#4192) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-durable-task-step from 1398.vf6c9e89e5988 to 1400.v7a_fd50a_091de in /bom-weekly (#4191) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:aws-credentials from 240.v6d844a_6f5480 to 242.v8d05df911e3d in /bom-weekly (#4189) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:pipeline-graph-view from 382.vb_9a_27b_7b_ea_71 to 401.v99b_6582132f4 in /bom-weekly (#4188) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.127 to 1.128 in /bom-weekly (#4186) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:apache-httpcomponents-client-5-api from 5.4-133.vc674f119dc48 to 5.4-135.v4da_349961256 in /bom-weekly (#4183) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:emoji-symbols-api from 13.v723a_b_8e234d1 to 16.0-26.v9818ff7423f0 in /bom-weekly (#4184) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.2.1 to 933.3.0 in /bom-weekly (#4182) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:apache-httpcomponents-client-5-api from 5.4-124.v31e2987e48f4 to 5.4-133.vc674f119dc48 in /bom-weekly (#4181) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:pipeline-input-step from 495.ve9c153f6067b_ to 508.v584c0e9a_2177 in /bom-weekly (#4180) @dependabot
👻 Maintenance
- reactivate the cron trigger for build on Friday (#4206) @darinpope
📦 Dependency updates
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.444.vd4c54f157201 to 4.452.v2849b_d3945fa_ in /bom-weekly (#4179) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1800.v3b_c68a_3f75f5 to 1801.v526399543dca_ in /bom-weekly (#4178) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.975.v4161e479479f to 6.976.v4dc79fb_c458d in /bom-weekly (#4177) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:build-monitor-plugin from 1.14-947.vfec2cf655fe2 to 1.14-948.va_a_a_5a_7eb_1f37 in /bom-weekly (#4175) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1797.ve8a_edb_7e5f6a_ to 1800.v3b_c68a_3f75f5 in /bom-weekly (#4174) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.1.0-209.v943de49c9e57 to 11.1.1-217.v555a_4735dda_a_ in /bom-weekly (#4173) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:branch-api from 2.1202.vc51412f3ed84 to 2.1206.vd9f35001c95c in /bom-weekly (#4172) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-job from 1472.ve4d5eca_143c4 to 1476.v90f02a_225559 in /bom-weekly (#4171) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:google-compute-engine from 4.589.v8a_eeb_b_d3c45c to 4.606.ve3308d41b_013 in /bom-weekly (#4169) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1795.v4b_7fcc52595d to 1797.ve8a_edb_7e5f6a_ in /bom-weekly (#4168) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:oidc-provider from 79.v46f0066a_d813 to 89.v3dfb_6d89b_618 in /bom-weekly (#4167) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4003.vf9c56141493e to 4007.vd705fc76a_34e in /bom-weekly (#4166) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:jnr-posix-api from 3.1.19-2 to 3.1.20-125.vb_6ec4b_21b_15e in /bom-weekly (#4165) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.2.0 to 933.2.1 in /bom-weekly (#4164) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1909.vb_b_f59a_27d013 to 1915.vcdd0a_d0d2625 in /bom-weekly (#4163) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4002.v80ca_d0f47d7f to 4003.vf9c56141493e in /bom-weekly (#4162) @dependabot
📦 Dependency updates
🐛 Bug fixes
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:git from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0 in /bom-weekly (#4157) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1538.v0a_a_a_e0f2e1c0 to 1551.v6479d730fa_e6 in /bom-weekly (#4156) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:copyartifact from 757.v05365583a_455 to 761.vea_2b_25523e84 in /bom-weekly (#4155) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:json-api from 20240303-101.v7a_8666713110 to 20241224-119.va_dca_a_b_ea_7da_5 in /bom-weekly (#4154) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:custom-folder-icon from 2.17 to 2.18 in /bom-weekly (#4153) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:coverage-badges-extension from 127.v8f212c1db_3b_9 to 147.vb_b_2f87a_c7a_54 in /bom-weekly (#4152) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:bouncycastle-api from to in /bom-weekly (#4151) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.0.2 to 933.1.0 in /bom-weekly (#4150) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:echarts-api from 5.5.1-4 to 5.5.1-5 in /bom-weekly (#4149) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1790.ve2a_e5e0b_d90d to 1795.v4b_7fcc52595d in /bom-weekly (#4148) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.14.0-136.v4d2b_0853615e to 2.14.0-138.v6341ee58e1df in /bom-weekly (#4147) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:dashboard-view from 2.521.v339b_a_f4d8da_8 to 2.523.v673d549dfee5 in /bom-weekly (#4146) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.438.v6e62f6782770 to 4.444.vd4c54f157201 in /bom-weekly (#4145) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:saml from 4.511.vef666858a_167 to 4.514.vfd5088cc4ed7 in /bom-weekly (#4143) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ssh-slaves from 2.1010.v64ec48721231 to 3.1021.va_cc11b_de26a_e in /bom-weekly (#4144) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1903.v004d55388f30 to 1909.vb_b_f59a_27d013 in /bom-weekly (#4142) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:embeddable-build-status from 487.va_0ef04c898a_2 to 548.v5653c6e28c41 in /bom-weekly (#4141) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:okhttp-api from 4.11.0-181.v1de5b_83857df to 4.11.0-183.va_87fc7a_89810 in /bom-weekly (#4140) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:parallel-test-executor from 512.v751a_b_24e0e67 to 522.vfe4fd4a_3382a_ in /bom-weekly (#4137) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:aws-global-configuration from 141.v3a_5c7ded79ee to 142.vfc0728241c1b_ in /bom-weekly (#4138) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 986.v45b_b_b_6617433 to 988.v9a_63017e8e36 in /bom-weekly (#4136) @dependabot
✍ Other changes
- Disable weekly build during 2 week end of year shutdown (#4139) @MarkEWaite
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 984.v3684c515c3d5 to 986.v45b_b_b_6617433 in /bom-weekly (#4135) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1393.v6017143c1763 to 1405.vb_cda_74a_f8974 in /bom-weekly (#4134) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 4000.v5198556e9cea_ to 4002.v80ca_d0f47d7f in /bom-weekly (#4133) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci:jenkins from 1.126 to 1.127 in /bom-weekly (#4132) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 982.vc94e428b_b_4d1 to 984.v3684c515c3d5 in /bom-weekly (#4129) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins:kubernetes from 4304.v1b_39d4f98210 to 4306.vc91e951ea_eb_d in /bom-weekly (#4131) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1311.v39e1716e4eb_e to 1312.v1a_235a_b_94a_31 in /bom-weekly (#4126) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1534.v39e20b_212219 to 1538.v0a_a_a_e0f2e1c0 in /bom-weekly (#4128) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 980.v4742455100fe to 982.vc94e428b_b_4d1 in /bom-weekly (#4127) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:support-core from 1523.v5486c8d6da_f3 to 1534.v39e20b_212219 in /bom-weekly (#4123) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:aws-credentials from 239.v6681a_0ea_46ef to 240.v6d844a_6f5480 in /bom-weekly (#4125) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:branch-api from 2.1200.v4b_a_3da_2eb_db_4 to 2.1202.vc51412f3ed84 in /bom-weekly (#4124) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:dockerhub-notification from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 in /bom-weekly (#4122) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins:kubernetes from 4302.va_756e4b_67715 to 4304.v1b_39d4f98210 in /bom-weekly (#4121) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 976.v3a_c9c21e1505 to 980.v4742455100fe in /bom-weekly (#4120) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:oss-symbols-api from 283.v11dd210f99fb_ to 289.v2453d7c1591d in /bom-weekly (#4119) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:aws-global-configuration from 139.v0b_c2603876b_c to 140.vc08280b_30015 in /bom-weekly (#4116) @dependabot
- chore(deps): bump io.jenkins.plugins:forensics-api from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 in /bom-weekly (#4115) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:email-ext from 1861.vdb_d991590994 to 1866.v14fa_6d201654 in /bom-weekly (#4113) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1764.v71db_efb_46a_fe to 1790.ve2a_e5e0b_d90d in /bom-weekly (#4112) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ssh-slaves from 2.973.v0fa_8c0dea_f9f to 2.1010.v64ec48721231 in /bom-weekly (#4110) @dependabot
- Bump aws-java-sdk2-plugin.version from 2.29.21-6.v36d2b_6142774 to 2.29.34-8.v76857219b_b_92 in /bom-weekly (#4111) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.973.vc9b_85a_61e4fc to 6.975.v4161e479479f in /bom-weekly (#4109) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:saml from 4.501.v4313a_01e3a_18 to 4.511.vef666858a_167 in /bom-weekly (#4108) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:byte-buddy-api from 1.15.10-87.v1b_c704a_826a_f to 1.15.11-99.v078c614a_5258 in /bom-weekly (#4106) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:database from 266.v1d03c767934e to 273.vc4781cc27e67 in /bom-weekly (#4107) @dependabot
👻 Maintenance
- Pre-heat the artifact caching proxy (#4095) @MarkEWaite
- Apply developer label to dependency updates (#4105) @MarkEWaite
📦 Dependency updates
- chore(deps): bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:plugin from 5.3 to 5.4 in /sample-plugin (#4130) @dependabot
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war to v2.491 (#4114) @renovate
- Upgrade
(#4117) @basil - Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:docker-java-api from 3.4.0-94.v65ced49b_a_7d5 to 3.4.1-96.v77147a_de67f8 in /bom-weekly (#4103) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:aws-credentials from 231.v08a_59f17d742 to 238.v8fb_588a_2b_e67 in /bom-weekly (#4101) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:aws-global-configuration from 130.v35b_7b_96f53c3 to 139.v0b_c2603876b_c in /bom-weekly (#4100) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 933.v7119e94e8f56 to 933.0.2 in /bom-weekly (#4099) @dependabot
👷 Changes for plugin developers
- chore(release): update pipeline trigger time in Jenkinsfile (#4102, #4098, #4089) @krisstern
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:commons-compress-api from 1.26.1-2 to 1.27.1-1 in /bom-weekly (#4097) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.0.1-205.vb_88942645ccd to 11.1.0-209.v943de49c9e57 in /bom-weekly (#4096) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.971.v9a_984fd08864 to 6.973.vc9b_85a_61e4fc in /bom-weekly (#4094) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:google-compute-engine from 4.580.v005441dfeea_d to 4.589.v8a_eeb_b_d3c45c in /bom-weekly (#4093) @dependabot
- Bump mina-sshd-api.version from 2.14.0-133.vcc091215a_358 to 2.14.0-136.v4d2b_0853615e in /bom-weekly (#4090) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.969.v7d22c6eb_fde1 to 6.971.v9a_984fd08864 in /bom-weekly (#4088) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 973.v528f9ff4df04 to 976.v3a_c9c21e1505 in /bom-weekly (#4082) @dependabot
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war to v2.489 (#4081) @renovate
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.963.v6edc0fc71472 to 6.969.v7d22c6eb_fde1 in /bom-weekly (#4083) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:credentials from 1389.vd7a_b_f5fa_50a_2 to 1393.v6017143c1763 in /bom-weekly (#4080) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ec2 from 1760.vcc93a_2ec6efe to 1764.v71db_efb_46a_fe in /bom-weekly (#4079) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:oic-auth from 4.421.v5422614eb_e0a_ to 4.438.v6e62f6782770 in /bom-weekly (#4078) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:dark-theme from 479.v661b_1b_911c01 to 514.va_3ea_73d65dc1 in /bom-weekly (#4077) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-credentials from 341.v4881e9f4ffea_ to 343.vd80f9c4859df in /bom-weekly (#4076) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 932.vff504b_2003fe to 933.v7119e94e8f56 in /bom-weekly (#4075) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:prometheus from 795.v995762102f28 to 801.v98e119d8eeda_ in /bom-weekly (#4073) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source from 922.va_71d0e0b_7b_8d to 932.vff504b_2003fe in /bom-weekly (#4074) @dependabot
📦 Dependency updates
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:oss-symbols-api from 263.ve167089dc43a_ to 283.v11dd210f99fb_ in /bom-weekly (#4069) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:junit from 1309.v0078b_fecd6ed to 1311.v39e1716e4eb_e in /bom-weekly (#4068) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:azure-sdk from 190.vda_d771d75d47 to 191.v53ec8913ee10 in /bom-weekly (#4067) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:azure-sdk from 184.v1f2c161c9777 to 190.vda_d771d75d47 in /bom-weekly (#4065) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:cloudbees-folder from 6.959.v4ed5cc9e2dd4 to 6.963.v6edc0fc71472 in /bom-weekly (#4063) @dependabot
- Bump org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins:kubernetes from 4300.vd82c5692b_3a_e to 4302.va_756e4b_67715 in /bom-weekly (#4064) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:flyway-api from 11.0.0-201.vecc71e6f88b_d to 11.0.1-205.vb_88942645ccd in /bom-weekly (#4062) @dependabot
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.main:jenkins-war to v2.488 (#4060) @renovate
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-cps from 3996.va_f5c1799f978 to 4000.v5198556e9cea_ in /bom-weekly (#4056) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:opentelemetry-api from 1.43.0-38.v1a_9b_53e3f70f to in /bom-weekly (#4054) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins.workflow:workflow-job from 1468.vcf4f5ee92395 to 1472.ve4d5eca_143c4 in /bom-weekly (#4055) @dependabot
- Bump org.csanchez.jenkins.plugins:kubernetes from 4296.v20a_7e4d77cf6 to 4300.vd82c5692b_3a_e in /bom-weekly (#4053) @dependabot
- Bump configuration-as-code-plugin.version from 1897.v79281e066ea_7 to 1903.v004d55388f30 in /bom-weekly (#4052) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-vm-agents from 971.v88fcc9f5167c to 973.v528f9ff4df04 in /bom-weekly (#4049) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:oss-symbols-api from 235.v1a_b_7758b_3396 to 263.ve167089dc43a_ in /bom-weekly (#4051) @dependabot
- Bump org.jenkins-ci.plugins:azure-credentials from 312.v0f3973cd1e59 to 341.v4881e9f4ffea_ in /bom-weekly (#4050) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:mariadb-api from 3.5.0-97.v7a_b_c4a_1a_f3df to 3.5.1-105.vb_6505b_66efb_d in /bom-weekly (#4048) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:artifact-manager-s3 from 893.v55283e2d4a_2e to 894.v29efa_d1a_6383 in /bom-weekly (#4047) @dependabot
- Bump io.jenkins.plugins:artifact-manager-s3 from 888.v342fb_0718408 to 893.v55283e2d4a_2e in /bom-weekly (#4046) @dependabot
- Update dependency org.jenkins-ci.tests:plugins-compat-tester-cli to v1535 (#4045) @renovate