What it can/cannot do
-[x] Download USGS catalog
-[x] Download event-based data or continuous data
-[x] Event based repeating earthquake searching (with unknown arrival picks)
i.e. RepEQ predict travel time arrival by a user defined velocity model.
-[x] Continuous data based repeating earthquake searching with the ANSS(USGS) picks
-[x] Coda waves interferometry
-[-] Earthquake relocation (Beta)
(2020.12.14) Parallel processing cross-correlation template matching
(2020.12.09) Add chunk reading for ms > 2GB (automatically applied)
(2020.11.17) Add coda wave interferometry
(2020.11.13) Data visualization of waveforms
(2020.11.01) Add repeating earthquake relocation (iterative inversion method)
(2020.10.17) Add template download tool
(2020.10.06) Modify Mass_downloader
(left) Example waveforms at the station JOKA; (right) Zoom-in view of the waveforms
RepEQ uses phase picks from the ANSS(USGS) catalog, so make sure install libcomcat first
cd Your_Local_Path
git clone https://github.com/jiunting/RepEQ.git
Go to your environval variable file (.base_profile or .bashrc)
vi ~/.bashrc
vi ~/.bash_profile
and add the following line in the file
#set RepEQ
Simply copy example file control.py and modify the parameters for event based catalog.
#in control file
download_tools.catalog_USGS(cata_times, cata_area, cata_magnitude, cata_out)
The function takes 4 inputs
Variable Name | Meaning |
cata_times | <array or list; len=2; dtype=str or datetime> i.e. [t1,t2] the begining and ending of catalog. |
cata_area | <array or list; len=4; dtype=float> area defined by 4-points [lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max] |
cata_magnitude | <array or list; len=2; dtype=float> magnitude range [mag_min, mag_max] |
cata_name | output name |
Copy example file control_cont.py and modify the parameters.
#in control file
download_tools.make_catalog(times=[cata_times[0], cata_times[1]], dt=dt, lon_lat=lon_lat, outname=cata_out)
The function is similar to example 2-1 except the dt, which controls the sampling interval of the generated time.
For daily data, set dt=86400.
3-1 RepEQ download waveforms based on the catalog generated from the above. Waveforms can be either chunks of data (event-based) or continuous data (everything)
Copy example file control.py or control_cont.py then set the time (i.e. how long the timeseries to be downloaded) and filter (i.e. which event should be downloaded)
#in control file
download_tools.download_waves_catalog(cata_out, cata_filters, sec_bef_aft, range_rad, channel, provider, waveforms_outdir)
Default output directory is home/project_name/waveforms
Copy example file control_cont.py, use the repeq.template module
from repeq import template
T = template.Template(home, project_name, cata_name2, True, sampling_rate, filter=filter, tcs_length=[1,9], filt_CC=0.3, filt_nSTA=6, plot_check=True)
#set T.download = True
T.template_load() #load data or download data depends on T.download is True/False
The template will be in the home/project_name/waveform_template
Attribute Name | Meaning |
catalog | <str;> catalog name |
download | <boolean;> download the data or loading them from waveform_template |
tcs_length | <array or list; len=2; dtype=float> time series length before and after arrival |
Step 1. Before run the script, make sure you have downloaded template data in home/project_name/waveform_template/ and continuous data in home/project_name/waveform/ .
There are two ways to run calculation i)run directly or ii) multiprocessing which is highly recommended!
# Run by multiprocessing
T = template.Template(home, project_name, cata_name2, False, sampling_rate, filter=filter, tcs_length=[1,9], filt_CC=0.3, filt_nSTA=6, plot_check=False)
# Set T.download = False, so T.template_load() will not download the templates again but load all the existing ms in the list
T.template_load() #to show all the templates: print(T.ms)
# Decide how many multiprocessing
n_part = 8 #set 8 multiprocessing
T_part = template.T_partition(T,n_part=n_part) #partitioning the T
template.T_parallel(T_part, n_part=n_part, save_CCF=False, fmt=2) #parallel for all T_part
## if you insist or computer out-of-memory, here is the way to run them one-by-one
## T.template_load()
## T.xcorr_cont(save_CCF=False, fmt=2) #fmt=1 no longer supported
The results will be saved in home/project_name/output/Template_match/Detections/
Step 2. Make sure detections are robust.
from repeq import data_proc
#set some filter to the detections
'diff_t':60, #inter-event time >= 60 s
'min_sta':6, #minimum 6 stations (channels or phases)
'min_CC':0.3 #minimum averaged CC
# cut the time series from filtered detections
data_proc.bulk_cut_dailydata(home, project_name, filter_detc, cut_window=[5,20]) #cut a longer time series for better plotting
# make figure from the above (cut) timeseries
from repeq import data_visual
data_visual.bulk_plot_detc_tcs(home, project_name, filter_detc)
Step 1. Predict arrival time based on catalog and station location from a given velocity model, and calculate CC
analysis.searchRepEQ(home, project_name, vel_model, cata_name, data_filters, startover=startover, make_fig_CC=make_fig_CC, QC=True, save_note=True)
Step 2. Apply hash to merge the measurement into a large summary file
analysis.read_logs(home, project_name) #merge all the .log file into a large summary file: project_name.summary
Step 3. Link the summary file and find repeating earthquake sequence
analysis.sequence(home, project_name, seq_filters) #make sequence file: project_name.summary
Step 4. Furthermore, measure coda-wave interferometry
analysis.measure_lag(home, project_name, lag_params, sequence_file, cata_name) #If A and B are repeating EQ, align P waves and measure their lags.