default_url is being shown for styles not marked to be processed in background #107
I seem to be encountering a bug wherein the default_url
is being returned for styles that I didn't mark to be process in background. I'm using the latest gem version (2.8.0).
Here's my paperclip setup:
has_attached_file :photo, {
styles: {
large: ['400x400#', :jpg],
small: ['200x200#', :jpg]
path: "photos/items/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
default_url: "//localhost:3000/assets/items/missing/:style.jpg",
only_process: [:large]
process_in_background :photo, only_process: [:small]
Then here's a test I run in my console to replicate this bug:
2.0.0-p353 :005 > ="sample.jpg")
2.0.0-p353 :006 >
2.0.0-p353 :007 >
=> "//localhost:3000/assets/items/missing/large.jpg"
2.0.0-p353 :008 >
=> "//localhost:3000/assets/items/missing/small.jpg"
I expect small
to return the default url but I expect large
to return the actual URL for the image since it was not processed in background. Even when I reload (using i.reload
) the object, it's the same thing.
Looking at the commit history, it seems that it should be fixed by this commit. Though this issue I'm encountering doesn't seem to be covered by the test cases in that commit. So I'm not sure if this is a regression or something else.
Hope someone can shed a light on this issue. Thanks in advance! :)