Processor options not used #171
I've created a Paperclip model which uses a 'processor' , which inherits from the Thumbnail example :
I've noticed that when I use Paperclip in the non-background-process way, those options are successfully passed to Imagemagick and my image is rotated as I expect (notice 'rotate 90') :
Command :: convert '/var/folders/9w/f7r7st_x52d9j7h26rvxnqtw3905xq/T/6fbbbcd16ebfdd1f1d03d140864cd39b20160405-8637-1p5qy48[0]' -rotate 90 -auto-orient -resize "250x" -crop "250x250+0+41" +repage -quality 60 '/var/folders/9w/f7r7st_x52d9j7h26rvxnqtw3905xq/T/d981b804e49e80ba21b044c34eedef3120160405-8637-6lpd8l'
however when I uncomment process_in_background, I see Imagemagick called without those options:
[ActiveJob] [DelayedPaperclip::Jobs::ActiveJob] [110b7d6e-e1ca-4b56-8f79-aa31448da970] Command :: convert '/var/folders/9w/f7r7st_x52d9j7h26rvxnqtw3905xq/T/b24982efc9699db5d6208187637a3f9e20160405-10356-19qn6fv[0]' -auto-orient -resize "250x" -crop "250x250+0+62" +repage -quality 60 '/var/folders/9w/f7r7st_x52d9j7h26rvxnqtw3905xq/T/c6e0a783d72f6edba85d22c20b9bcefb20160405-10356-1pv23gq'
I'm making a sample rails app as a minimal test case to demonstrate this. Is this a known issue?
I'm also using paperclip with aws-sdk 2.0 so I'm not on the latest gem version (of paperclip); I can try to upgrade that as well if it's helpful. I'm using the hash recommended for use with aws-sdk 2.0: 523bd4 .