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Projects using Vader
qadzek edited this page Mar 17, 2024
38 revisions
Feel free to update the page if you’re using Vader in your project.
- junegunn/vim-emoji
- junegunn/seoul256.vim
- junegunn/vim-easy-align
- junegunn/vim-after-object
- junegunn/vim-plug
- junegunn/vim-oblique
- junegunn/vim-pseudocl
- junegunn/limelight.vim
- junegunn/fzf
- justinmk/vim-sneak
- HiPhish/info.vim
- mrtazz/simplenote.vim
- edkolev/erlang-motions.vim
- bruno-/vim-alt-mappings
- plasticboy/vim-markdown
- wikimatze/vim-banshee
- roryokane/detectindent
- jreybert/vimagit
- lervag/vimtex
- w0rp/ale
- christianrondeau/vim-base64
- Squareys/vim-cmake
- javier-lopez/cutils.vim
- javier-lopez/sprunge.vim
- javier-lopez/checksum.vim
- javier-lopez/vlide.vim
- jparise/vim-graphql
- jparise/vim-phabricator
- whonore/Coqtail
- whonore/vim-sentencer
- whonore/vim-unsource
- shumphrey/fugitive-gitlab
- PsychoLlama/teleport.vim
- pi314/ime.vim
- scuilion/markdown-drawer
- paulkass/jira-vim
- kkoomen/vim-doge
- rodjek/vim-puppet
- vimwiki/vimwiki
- kristijanhusak/vim-js-file-import
- echuraev/translate-shell.vim
- voldikss/vim-translator
- voldikss/vim-floaterm
- j-carl/vim-mesonist
- jupyter-vim/jupyter-vim
- relastle/vim-nayvy
- vim-airline/vim-airline-themes
- rdipardo/vim-cpywrite
- oasys/vim-textfsm
- m-pilia/vim-yggdrasil
- m-pilia/vim-ccls
- ilyachur/cmake4vim
- qadzek/vim-md-link