"A great idea for those who have no idea how to hire people!" --askyourmother
"You might not want to take parental advice from a fat bastard who sits and plays with his keyboard all day on a computer.
Try a grown-up instead. By which I mean, someone who has chosen to develop emotional intelligence.
Yes I can see the irony in what I'm saying. Thanks." --throwaway6436
"Oh didn't realize i had to read things to learn how to navigate things. Cool UX bro." --phpDie
"Only if it were live streamed. Since he didn't require that, he is a parasite as was already proven." --obvmn
"> This is a massive lift in real economic activity which can finance a lot of debt.
China's already hit its limit. "Also, the Chinese economy is over-indebted. The total social debt is now 300%. Together with external debt, this figure rises to about 350%." http://marketrealist.com/2016/01/george-soros-sees-crisis-re...
> Secondly there is a now huge upper middle class who are travelling the world, sending their kids to Australia or US for study and still buying Apple products. They are not going away
"their buying power doesn't compare with that of their US counterparts. Between 2010 and 2014, only 12% of these people reported a household income of more than $3,200 a year, or $8.50 a day." http://www.businessinsider.com/demand-report-on-chinas-middl..." --sharetea
"This article is the biggest bunch of rubbish that I have read in months. It takes bias to whole new levels. People are starting to realize that "studies" are almost always biased in the first place and should not be trusted. Secondly, look at some of the examples used:
A comparison is made between:
> 25% of black kids had parents who grew up in the bottom two levels and moved up at least one.
> 59% of white kids moved up
Notice any difference here? The whole article is like this. Comparing completely separate things. This is laughable. I feel embarrassed by the bias and sorry for those who read this article with a straight face."* --PoorBloke123
"Go and fuck yourself, please :)" --john_butts
"Again, hate to be a hater on this guy, but I can't take anything seriously after "the blog post" about 42 Floors interview process: http://web.archive.org/web/20140618142018/http://blog.42floo...
And that domain name - HumbledMBA.com? Sounds super humble.
The whole blog looks like fodder for the next season of Silicon Valley." --42floorshater
"Well, personally, I think the cookie-cutter "I'm surprised by the negativity here" comments at the top of every marginally controversial HN post are a bit surprising." --fjrjfjdjjdd
"dang, how is this guy not banned yet? Saying "nigger" in every other post is way worse than anything Mike Church has done." --umanwizard
"> Try building a large webapp in vi and then comment.
I've built several using mostly vim as the editor.
> These days what you do is more important than what you use to do it, use vi or emacs or some shitty text editor
I mean that's a cute opinion, but both vim and emacs are much more powerful and flexible than eclipse, intellij, visual studio or other similar crap.
> but it isn't the thing to be used for a large web app.
Why not?
> I am fine with vscode, I want to get things done rather than learn my editor (read spend valuable time learning nooks and corners and the million shorcuts which I'd have rather spent on building my application product or startup)
You probably spend 100x more time making shitposts on HN and other forums than it would take to learn vim and emacs." --dubdubbub
"Hope they keep this traitor alive for the whole thirty-five." --DavidTNcl
"Wow. Thank you for the support. Donations are always appreciated!
1C6ZUd2WdoptjeqG1bxDZwwutBfmuPQU2k" --myrbergsarmy
"To the 66% of you who are obese or overweight: put down the fork. It can be done." --Girlang
"As much as I look at your impressive past (assuming you are actually that Walter Bright), I gotta say, I don't think many here really care what your old fart opinions are.
Seriously, every post I see of yours, is the offended digital immigrant, get off my lawn, typical old person bashing technology and lamenting our return to goats and manual plows.
Thankfully in no time you'll be gone from this world, and progress can be made." --FenrirWolf
"Which is completely irrelevant to the point that this worthless-to-society A-hole gets let into this country and then completely exploits our legal system while providing nothing of value to anybody. This is exactly the type of scum that needs to be kept out of here." --yttrbug900
"> kill the cancer that's causing it
This guy is calling Trump supporters like myself a cancer that needs to be killed. Who's the real nazi? We need Trump to fix this country and we need it fast" --mikeaz1
"I admire your cautiousness. You certainly are a strong male and will surely be rewarded with offspring for being such a gallant mate." --wagglycocks
"I'm sorry, but I don't buy the collective security reasoning. I'm not convinced that there aren't large custom databases of shared private keys that can be used to grant individual, time adjusted master keys that would allow the FBI to enforce their 4th amendment duties while making it impossible for a single master key to be discovered and instantly break every devices encryption.
Apple would be very liable for keeping this giant database of individual private keys safe. So would tbe FBI. But I have no doubt that it could be done. It would just take political will and perhaps a bit of novel cryptography, but if Bitcoin has shown me anything, it is that there are lots of remaining solutions to existing problems using crypto.
Your issue is that you're starting with a first principle based on what applied technology can currently do instead of starting with the first principle based on the relationship between an individual, the government, and public.
We should be thinking about how we can use new cryptographic technologies to assist humans instead of insisting that humans must be subjected to the technological limitations of a consumer electronics company.
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
This clearly states the government has the right to warranted search and seizure for cases in which it needs to protect the public at large.
This is what takes precedence, not what Apple's current crop of cryptographers can come up with.
EDIT: I'm sorry, but I have a rate limited account because my conservative opinions are not valued by the HackerNews community. I have some follow ups to your comments:
> However, I also don't think Apple has a responsibility—even as a "citizen" of the country—to explicitly allow government access.
First, please see my other comment related to the third-party doctrine for reference:
I would argue that if we are to allow publicly chartered corporations to store and maintain access to privished works that they would have to be held liable to both the individual as well as the government. Just as banks are liable to both individual customers as well as the government.
Apple clearly doesn't want this responsibility. They don't want to be liable to both the individual and the government. Or perhaps anyone. They sell shiny toys. They're really not that important and perhaps they don't really care that much about privacy beyond how it affects sales.
> That it does. But what it does not state is that the government has a right to create laws mandating that free citizens, not accused of any crime, must only create or possess items that the government can obtain access to.
Again, please see my comment related to the third-party doctrine.
We're going to need some new laws related to privished works. Right now you don't really have the right to privacy outside of your private person and private property. A bank will let the government open safety deposit boxes. The bank has the keys to the vault and you don't so I think we have already have some historical precedence with which to base these new legal fundamentals.
> Whilst I don't know whether I agree, this is an argument that needs more exposure on HN.
Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breathe... I don't think you realize just how dogmatic this place is. If you say anything about being in support of the government, intellectual property, or dare question the values of the open source community, you're just immediately downvoted to fucking oblivion.
Also, I kind of like being a prick to who I imagine are a bunch of stuck up yuppies, so there's that as well.
But where the fuck else am I to go in San Francisco? Everywhere I am I'm just surrounded by a bunch of fearful techie drones with their fucking athleisure clothing. Everyone always has fucking headphone on and is glued to their god damned phones, I can't start a conversation with anyone anyways. There's no discourse happening anywhere!
All I can do now is just fucking rant and rave on HackerNews comments in the hope that someone out there might be fucking listening for a god damned change!!!!
> However, your last three paras are quite insufferable and if I were you I would reconsider your relationship with the HN community.
I have considered my relationship with HackerNews to be over for quite some time. Right now I'm just seeing how far I can push it before I get banned.
That you vehemently disagree with me is WHY I AM SO FUCKING PISSED OFF! Everyone here uses the downvote button for disagreement because they're lazy fucking assholes who can't really approach my arguments.
This is the number one place for discussion about technology on the web, or perhaps anywhere. I'm very well qualified to talk about tech and tech policy. Yet my ideas are constantly shit on by a bunch of ignorant and dogmatic cocksuckers. I want to see just how long YOU could put up with this abuse before you FUCKING SPRUNG A GOD DAMNED LEAK IN YOUR BRAIN!
This whole "community" is insufferable and my actions are really a quite logical reflection of the kind of discourse that takes place in these forums." --williamcotton
"Because four times now you've said "I know more than you" and have provided nothing of substance to back your claims. I know this is HN and "what you say" means more than "what you do", but hipster bravado will only get you so far." --x1024
"Android N McNFace" --what_a_disaster
"Except the NBBO was often stale (on purpose), so you were getting what was wrongly quoted as the NBBO by selling to an HFT who knew that the actual BBO was better, allowing them to arb on that knowledge.
That said, a substantial portion of your posting history consists of you being dishonest about the value extracted by HFT (value that is actually created by others), so I'm not surprised that you are lying about the results." --kpkp
"oh the nerd police is coming to get me!
my comment does the same as did the comment i was replying to which you have conveniently removed, faggot :)
THUG LIFE" --rectify
"/" --wichsen
"lol, So as long as I post Pro-Goverment, Pro-Socialism message/comments that is "on topic" for hacker news
Is this the offical position now of Hacker News? Libertarian Topics are not allowed? As I do not see you "detaching" any of the Pro-Government Comments" --the_ancient
"Wonderful idea. Now I can finally take my lessons on Islam cheaply by phone (calling Sweden is sure cheaper than Saudi Arabia).
Do they have any professional privilege checkers on the line? I might need one of those as well." --theworstshill
"No." --betteridge
"The extent to which the space programs of nation states are little more than fig leafs over what are in reality a bunch of maladjusted homicidal maniacs, and the extent to which the average person has absolutely no concept of this can be really frustrating at times.
The whole notion that it is "noble" to "reach for the stars" when in reality everybody can see you're trying to develop ICMBS so you can extract resources from competing nation states over threat of nuclear annihilation...makes me want to kick their children's genitals until they become bloody pulp." --dbpokorny
"Another turn in the swinging door between douchle and big gov" --Tannic
"Shut you pussy mouth, whore." --albasha
"Opposing view? I worked there you stupid shit. Keyboard commander, email me if you want proof of the astroturfing. Otherwise fuck right off back to whatever game you were playing :)" --cpqq
"Why does this keep getting removed from the front page?
It's funny to see people justifying this in stupid ways. We all know why women do worse than men. Because they are not as good in technical fields as men. We all know this. Why are people in such denial?
Let's say that only 1% of programmers are women. We're supposed to believe that this is some grave injustice, that many great programmers are not hired because they are women and more still just don't even think about becoming programmers just because they are women. I could easily name 100 great programmers, Torvalds, Stallman, Carmack etc. I challenge anyone to name one, just ONE female programmer that is on that level. How could it possible be that out of the thousands of great programmers out there, not one woman has made it to that level?
Simple: they are NOT AS GOOD AT PROGRAMMING. Has anyone here ever worked with a woman? You end up redoing all of their work for them. In conversations with them it is abundantly clear that they do not understand what is going on. Their brains are just not wired to work that way. This goes for 95%+ of men too, by the way. But it's more like 99.99% of women." --mystral
"The very intelligent traditional men are the ones under attack in America. The stupid are not directly under attack. The stupid are under attack indirectly, because the true leaders of society are under attack. The evidence of this can be seen in all of the crumbling cities in America. Even Noam Chomsky, a renowned liberal, admits that America is in a decline.
Understanding the reason can start with understanding that the very very intelligent men have been shouldered out of the Ivy League schools. Men have higher quantitative reasoning ability than women. The truly magical men that should be in control of our society are being shouldered out by very intelligent women.
>In 2005, the distinguished economist Lawrence Summers was forced to resign as President of Harvard University after expressing the view, at a seminar on diversity in the academic workplace, that in some fields the innate cognitive differences between the sexes might make the search for a perfect 50:50 gender balance impossible.
Mr. Summers taking damage here is an instance of the de-evolution effect of feminism that we all experience everyday. There will never be a balance in the genders until genius men are stepped on and damaged until their phenotypes have been genocided/they no longer exist. And even in that case, if the very genius men are being stepped on, then genius women are also going to be disappearing, as the same genius men are generally their fathers." --krauthammer2
"The homeless surely don't act human." --Chronic51
"Or too many women... :-)" --odinduty
"Wow bro you're so right. The reason is 100% culture. Nature has absolutely nothing to do with it. It's all nurture. Omg. You're so enlightened.
The fact that men evolved for millions of years tackling incredibly hard logistics problems (hunting animals, warring against other tribes and nations) while women evolved during that time in social roles that revolved around bearing and caring for children has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that men gravitate more towards solving logistics problems than women. Absolutely not related. Nope. Not at all. It's all CULTURE! Nature had nothing to with it, it's all NURTURE!
You're blaming it all on culture but only a sith deals in absolutes. The real answer is a combination of nature and nurture. Your black and white thinking reveals your cluelessness.
Watch this documentary if you actually want to learn the empirical truth about nature, nurture, gender, etc:
Until then, have fun remaining in your hypnotized trance state of thinking in absolutist black-and-white terms and blaming culture for everything you don't like." --blackjettas
"The wikipedia article has citations and external links, which are far more trustworthy than your hand waving and bullshit which you just made up on the spot.
> There really isn't enough detail there, but what detail there is suggests those numbers are completely made up.
Read the report, it has plenty of details, I don't really feel like spoonfeeding an ignorant and dishonest bullshitter.
> A multi-decade accounting isn't useful when we are discussing the current state of subsidies across industries.
Of course it's useful, just because it doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't make it irrelevant.
> The tax-based "subsidies" appear to just be referring to the ability to write off expenses, an aspect of the tax code that is nearly universal to every industry in all nations.
No, there are specific tax subsidies, which is why it is mentioned explicitly. Not sure why you are handwaving and trying to imagine a reality which agrees with your retarded opinion.
> There are very, very few examples of income taxes that do not allow the write-off of expenses.
Blah blah. Not even worth arguing.
> The second part of that summary, referring to "exemptions" from economic regulations, is bizarre. We don't generally have price controls or limits on the rate of return in the United States.
There are many price controls in the US, once again you are showing your extreme ignorance.
> It seems like that report probably just chose arbitrary numbers for what it felt the profit rate should have been, and added the difference between that and the real numbers into the subsidy number.
No, it's just that you are very stupid and dishonest.
> That is more an argument for communism than anything related to a discussion about subsidy policy.
Hahahaha." --jnosdfosdknmf
">White neighbourhoods did not want them because property values, black neighbourhoods weren't even asked.
Selective memory? Keystone XL pipeline didn't care about color of property owners when using things like eminent domain. US Fed runs highways through while farmland. Your deceptive when you imply that its blacks only.
>It's so unintegrated white America can't stop adopting it.
Entertainment, not lifestyle.
>If all you do is look for black criminals, yes that is exactly what you will find.
Or if all you are doing is looking for a troubled part of town, that's exactly what you will find.
>¿Wait, what!?
Acting offended doesn't negate his point. The "black accent" is lazy, low lexical density, hyper masculine and caustic. It's the core of a culture, communication. Be white, get pulled over and talk like you normally would to the officer. Get pulled over again and adopt the lingo and "snap on a fuckin' racist ass pig trin' to hol' you down tho'" and let me know how it goes.
His point is strong - act like an animal, get treated like an animal.
"Oh, they find out soon enough, when being pulled over for "XXXXing while black""
Ok while we are making stuff up - I guess whites will find out soon enough that they are racist for "XXXXing while white". Nobody's concerned with a white males problems, hes probably privileged anyway so fuck him, right?" --MajorLOL
"Lets hope a caught a cold and will die." --sirmiller
"Are we still linking to this snake oil salesman?" --oafitupa
"It's fantastic being called a racist by a fanatical racist. Your post drips with upper class privilege." --MajorLOL
"stop with this bitcoin bullshit. fuck that." --iammew
"Im being downvoted, oh no I better cry about it" --throwaway21816
"Repost as a semi-useful thread below didn't meet humor standards and people who aren't logged into HN should see it, too.
If you need an FIR filter, click here and push the button. Generates the code too.
Also if you don't know what you're talking about, kindly refrain from wandering into it in the middle of an article that might otherwise be useful. "An Intro To Beamforming" is a hell of a lot stronger if it doesn't have several flaming errors about basic DSP processing in the middle of it. Those sorts of errors may cause experts discovering you for the first time to avoid your project, not devote time to fixing it." --tacos
"Oh shit boy, these other comments schooled you!" --assocguilt
"> This is a serious security threat for many Muslims abroad.
It's not a threat. It's a wake up call. The less you can bury all that goes on under the rug the less easier it is to justify repressive, hypocritical cultures like the cultures around Islam." --x5n1
"Wrong. Track and Field are specific events on a running track, and include events on the field, like shotput and javelin.
Obviously a millenial. I feel like I am wasting my time explaining it, when you could just look it up in a dictionary." --whatsamattayou
"With all due respect, for the purpose of what we are arguing here, this pisses me off. Why do I even waste my time trying to make an argument when you spew this." --is_it_worth_it_
"grow a thicker face" --jorgecurio
"Hey Dre - I just met your mom at the glory hole at Brietbart!" --coco1989
"The leadership of YCombinator hates Jews, and tacitly encourages this type of discussion. You'll never see moderator @dang delete this stuff." --FuturePromise
"> Every country reports unemployment similarly. The system we use has classes, so yes you can look at both U3 and U6 and the still the US comes out on top, if compared to the same class.
First of all, U3 and U6 are both not real unemployment. They exclude a large portion of the population from the statistic, like I already said, but you seem to have no idea what I'm talking about. Real unemployment which is usually taken as the number of people above 16 who do not work is about 40% in the US. Yes, there are reasons why people in this large group should be separated for statistical purposes but this number is the real unemployment, IE the actual number of people who are not employed.
> The US's high employment rate is unquestionable, as much as you hate it and wish it to be worse.
You're really trying to sound like an idiot aren't you?
> Real Median Household Income is almost excactly the GDP per capita in the USA.
So now you are comparing MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD (OFTEN TWO OR MORE PEOPLE COMBINED) income to AVERAGE PER CAPITA (SINGLE PERSON) income? Really? Embarrassing.
Here is what the real median vs average incomes look like:
> They absolutely are. Their programs are unaffordable, especially in Greece's case.
So, your definition of 'feel good socialism' is 'they have unaffordable programs'? You amaze me with your depth of knowledge.
> Because people are naturally racists and in ethnocentrist cultures people are happy.
Sorry, go preach your NrX crap to the children over at /r/AnarchoCapitalism. It does not impress me.
> Denmark is a mere 5m people, about half of the Chicago metropolitan area.
How is that relevant, when their productive output is still dependent on their size?
> I guess we arent allowed to talk about that ,but anything in the US's history is fair game, eh?
You sound like an angry American redneck, who tries to yell 'Murica! Fuck yeah!' to whoever might hear you and try to defend America to people who don't have anything against the country in general and attack them with childish fallacious rants. All the while trying to cover up any issues that actually hurt American people. You are a brainwashed moron." --bubtubgub
"You won't do it. You're too lazy and there is no immediate motivation for doing something like that." --sebastic
"Honestly, you are either not intelligent or actively trying to distort my answers.
1) The 1st simply gives you freedom of speech. It doesn't matter if it is a gossip about someone.
2) I clearly was referring to the article exposing Thiel as gay ( his motivation for this). Because it clearly did not openly humiliated him, his overstated battle clearly shows an inflated ego.
Honestly, your answer and all the others sadly shows how rationality is just an "extra factor" when a "tech guru" is criticized. I expected more from this community." --further_tech
"aaaaand nobody cares" --groovytime
"While we're talking about who is who -- the parent poster is Jed Smith; he's a sysadmin and disgruntled former CoreOS employee. I'd take what he says with more than a grain of salt." --jedisfullofit
"You are so desperate to justify your thinking (not to me, mind you, to yourself) that you grasp for every straw possible, forgetting what the question was about along the way.
This particular question was about how you formed your opinion about Google using GA data to build advertising profiles. My opinion is formed based on my expertise in mining many terabytes of data and my experience in sourcing this data. Based on that experience I can say that GA data is not of interest to google because it is unreliable and they have better data already. Even if it was, they would have to stop themselves because it is just too damn risky (bankruptcy level risk) to use it.
So my opinion stems from my experience in this very business. And your opinion stems from where exactly? This is what I'm trying to show you. You have 0 idea what you are talking about but insist that you are right. Even further, you outright accuse google of lying when they say GA data is not used unless the webmaster explicitly opts in to share it. Why do they have that control in first place then?
Oh and btw, that quote about relevant search results and ads... you might want to check where it comes from before basing arguments off it. You know, if you want to have a coherent argument and not some tin foil conspiracy theory grasping desperately for whatever it can catch. Checking facts is a good thing, don't you agree?
Anyway, you will either admit it to yourself tomorrow, or you won't. I don't particularly care. I just wanted to see how far you will go in your justification attempt. Remember that just because you are allowed to have an opinion does not mean you must have one." --TheLogothete
"So, you're offering financial incentives for poor people to hook themselves to big pharma, with the condition that they go through with the "treatment". Nice. And bonus points for managing to frame the conditional part as a feature, that's some serious corporate bullshitting skills..." --fncodr
"Their earlier goal was "make money for shareholders". Their current goal is "make money for shareholders".
I know that doesn't fit peoples fever dreams about world domination but that's what they were doing in the 90's. That's what they are doing now. That's what Google is doing. That's what Apple is doing.
All of the strategy stuff that you guys attribute to Microsoft, as if it were a single person, are childish naive views of how companies function.
Why can't you guys accept "yes" for an answer. They are using Linux. They are contributing code to the Linux Kernel. They have developers contributing to Clang and Docker. They just announced support for FreeBSD on Azure and are supporting that project as well.
ITS OVER. Open Source won. It's everywhere. It isn't going away.
Maybe you could start hating something else?" --youdeserveit
"beep beep beep" --autism_detector
"David Sacks
takes responsibility for the situation.
* admits that he's laying people off, rather than disguising it as performance-based firing.
* offers a severance that is generous by tech standards, and
* allows people whose roles have changed to escape with severance and their reputation intact.
This is very much not the Y Combinator way of doing things. Are we sure that Zenefits was once YC?"* --zelos144
"It is very childish and stupid to respond to a proof with a shit like "no, this is not a proof".
> The idea that static type systems are better to use (in general) because you can make dynamic type systems on top of them is simply not something you can just say and then have taken as fact.
Oh, did not realise you're so incompetent (although I should have guessed after your epic fail with the gradual typing). Do I have to prove that 2+2=4 too?
Once again: dynamic typing is a subset of static typing and therefore it is less powerful. Period. You cannot do anything with this fact.
Also, funny that you did not respond to my accusation that you believe that type systems are only for "validity checking". Which suggests that I was right." --sklogic
"So the US should just sit back and take it?" --toomanythings2
"I'm just making an observation -- that's all. Looks like I hit it right on the mark." --garandloch
"That ignores the fact that you've hired human employees. Maybe chemical castration should be a part of the onboarding process these days?" --boosting7669
"This is why I tell everybody who talks about internet of things that I like my devices like I like my women: small and dumb." --diskcat
"Even better startup idea, concentrate people into camps, make them pay with labor
pm if you want to be CMO on this one" --rogersmith
"And Part 2/2:
file.seek is your friend. You should not use any dynamic allocation to make it more robust (yes preallocating fixed memory size with "char circular_ring[N * MAX_SIZE]") Where N and MAX_SIZE are fixed.
Well. It requires a complete rewrite for this code to not create a risk for your users. Your code is like full of hidden landmine by lack of design.
And you know what?
It used to be standard knowledge for introduction to CS for scientific. You know why? Because no users of computers like to lose their precious data made during a very long measurement spilling huge amount of data and costing a lot of resources. (like gold, helium, molybden, electricity, time, wages of qualified operators....)
It seems like coders do not care of their users, like a builder thinking it is reasonable to build 50 store buildings on quicksands because people only judges builder by the look of their creation." --SFJulie2
"No, I put 'Coca Cola'... Can you read?" --hamana
"Btw, that guy isn't me." --flanfly
"I have pictures too...
1950 US memo talking about the orders to machine gun Korean civilians
and some of the dead bodies http://i1.wp.com/boombastis.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/N...
US supported massacre of 1980 democracy protests against dictatorship in Gwangju, South Korea http://timshorrock.com/wp-content/uploads/bodies-engnews_443...
Here's some pictures of Koreans protesting against two soldiers from the US occupation force in South Korea who raped several teenage girls
I just love how to the manor born, bloodthirsty white Americans love trying to feel high and mighty about how superior, morally and otherwise, they think they are compared to the rest of the world.
If you're a to the manor born, bloodthirsty white American - downvote this post! Show your moral indignation with me too! Help hide the truth of the crimes of US imperialism in Korea I laid out! See how fast you can get this flagged and to the bottom of the article comments! Move your morally righteous white professional finger to that downvote or flag button! You've got the karma, you've got the moral righteousness on your side, get to it! Listen to Trump - don't be a weakling before the enemies of the United States!" --obrero
"Agreed. Where do the shills like shanselman go when you actually have a genuine criticism?" --throwaway_1012
"There's no excuse to bring your car to the dealership unless you're a woman or have the delicate hands of the typical cross fitter." --brogrammer90
"Clearly this is because of user error. I use it everyday, never had a problem with it at all. So basically, you're an idiot. Don't blame that on the system." --travisty
"No one is "meant" to be tortured and abused. I find you reply to be morally abhorrent and absolutely disgusting.
Right now, at this very moment, on American highways, there are no less than 5,000 concentration camp trucks. Trucks that we’ve constructed. Inside these trucks there are living, terrified, innocent beings (such as) cows, pigs and chickens. These trucks are being driven to concentration camp slaughterhouses that we’ve carefully constructed all across America. When the trucks arrive, the animals are so frightened they won’t even get off the truck. They’re not stupid. They know what’s next. So people go on the trucks with electric prods and force them to walk down the chutes to their own death. Or if the animals are small enough to manhandle, like chickens, we’ll just grab them off the trucks and toss them inside. Inside, these innocent, living beings are hanged upside down, fully conscious. In other words, they go in alive against their will and come out chopped up into hundreds of pieces. I think this type of behavior is inexcusable and unbecoming of a species that claims to understand right from wrong. The animals have not done one single thing to us to deserve the wrath and the cruelty that we hurl on them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt4lweBJTQs" --noondip
"What economies can you point to that have provided their citizens a higher standard of living than the market economies have? Be specific." --hjhgyhgd
"Imagine for a moment if your closest neighbors switched from being normal professional neighbors to being a short-term rental occupied by people who want to party on a budget. That projects a noise issue, a property value issue, and often a security issue onto external parties.
There are also some issues for those who take the room (e.g. fire code, safety issues, etc that come up once in a million times, but aren't great); but my objection to AirBNB is the externalities generated, and the fact that Brian Chesky has made extraordinarily clear (through word and action) that he is intentionally facilitating the violations because that's more profitable for him.
I'm using a throwaway to say this because stating honest truths about AirBNB (one of pg's highest return investments) gets you banned here, no matter how you say them." --jinglewoof
"So no one has replicated your findings and you're better than everyone else? K.
TBH it looks like you're making multiple accounts to comment on your own posts to make the comments that disagree with you appear lower.
You and the child above mine had this same conversation 383 days ago:
This is pathetic.
for posterity:
https://web.archive.org/web/20160609014033/https://news.ycom..." --zxcvcxz
"Ooh, comments not visible when not logged in. Very 2009." --mbrutsch
"> Young people are still building their lives, trying to establish their career. They're likely going to be denied the opportunity to live and work in 27 countries.
Why? Do you think only EU citizens are allowed to live and work in the EU? Do you think British people are now banned from entry into the EU?
Most people - young or old - do not even want to live and work in another European country.
> I think it's pretty disgraceful that they've torpedoed our future based on their hazy rose-coloured memories of some supposedly-better past.
I think it's pretty disgraceful that people like you demonstrate such incredible arrogance that your minority opinion is somehow innately superior; constructing ridiculous fantasies of why people voted to leave, based on absurd generalisations and a childish, rose-tinted view of the EU.
There's nothing to stop you living in an EU country, if you think by virtue of those two letters it's such a utopia compared to the UK or any other non-EU country (aka almost every country on the planet)." --hartpuff
"Of course I am a racist. It is true that certain races are intellectually inferior to others. Blacks(especially in Sub-Saharan Africa) are intellectually the most inferior. Maybe we should rethink a questionable idea that all blacks should be allowed autonomy and revise 13th Amendment. Many of them have low self-control and exhibit impulsive behavior, compared to other races. However, blacks are physically superior to all races, which made and could make them again good slaves." --cynical_sheet
"It baffles me to say it's negative to be hypocritical in that regard.
My position in these cases is simple: I want what's best for me and my people and fuck the rest.
Europe has had a history of pointless and toxic altruism that has lead us to this point. Think of the refugee crisis for example. The "all humans are equal regardless of where they were born" and the "please I'd do whatever it takes so people don't label me as a racist" rubbish has ruined our culture." --nicotonico
"Have you grown food, ever?" --nametakenobv
"Let's play 'bait or indian'
It was indian! Thanks for playing, see you next time!!" --shrugger
">Even easier than being a fanboy is to
Easier? How? Because you said so?
>promote one's own superiority via dismissal
How come I haven't noticed that it isn't working, then?
>sneering at the efforts of others..
This is where you show your fanboy colors. The GP said something along the line "I don't think that is as amazing as you say", and you overreact, saying that they are, "sneering at others efforts". Another commenter said SpaceX is facing "incredible" criticism in HN. All signs of over reaction, typical of fanboys when their need and expectation of unquestioning acceptance and praise from everyone, for their object of worship, are not met..
>You probably see yourself as sophisticated, remarks are no different than a 7 year old putting down somebody for throwing like a girl, It's adolescent, not contrarian.
More typical, hurt fanboy reaction. Stop for a moment and and think about what exactly in my comment have provoked you to attack me in this fashion." --thrownear
"To be clear, if you look through OPs posts, he's clearly a government shill.
Trust his advice at your own peril." --fuckmodsahja
"> 1) Have migrations (except they're going to be some scary ad hoc nodejs script that loop through your document store and modify fields on the fly).
Unless you have never written migrations in SQL before you would know that they are even scary and a big bunch of sql. What is even worse is that, despite nobody here acknowledging it, must SQL databases are used with an ORM. Now in your migration script you have to hack SQL and language-based ORM commands together into a big pile of shit.
> 2) Have schemas (except they'll be implicit and undocumented)
Actually they can be just as explicit and documented. Mongo even has schemas now I think. But you can see the schema in the class definitions of your code. Once again, most people use an ORM and do this anyway.
> 3) Constraints (except they'll be hidden inside your app logic, and violating them will cause data corruption).
Errr... SQL constraints are very limited and literally every application has additional constrains embedded in the code.
The PostgresSQL propaganda on this forum is such bullshit. None of you have any idea what you are talking about even though you are supposed to be hackers." --1879325235
"Good move by Norway!! Can you read this? I cant tell if I am shadow banned? Please give me a vote in any direction" --sneezeplease
"It is never acceptable to attack and use violence against other individuals.
The fact that you perceive them as making money from their marginalization does not make it acceptable for you and others to attack them to send death threats, and to engage in other horrific and violent behavior.
It is reprehensible and disgusting that you think your hatred and bigotry is acceptable... because somebody might've made money. (and it's only marginally worse when you realize that they almost never make meaningful money anyway)." --hnlogics
"EDIT: Just reviewed your Twitter. It's 2000 tweets of snark and criticism of everything you come across - GoT, other coders, Agile, politics. I doubt we will get anywhere constructive on this thread but my original post remains below.
Original post >>
"Doesn't give him the chops or credibility to tell others how to program or solve problems."
...that cannot be serious. Am actually smiling at that. Also laughing at the idea that modern coders think they have nothing to learn from Grady Booch.
Plinkplonk you are absolutely someone I would never want on my team or contributing to a product I was involved in. Aggressive, combative and dismissive of the precedents that laid the foundations for modern software engineering. You need to mature (my opinion). Your post has not painted you in a flattering light.
But feel free to prove me wrong - in your eyes what DOES give someone the chops to support others with engineering advice? What do they need to have accomplished?" --Teeboo
"Making a piece of content available for free is not comparable to removing a piece of purchased content.
It is extraordinarily dishonest to conflate the situations.
Thank you for identifying yourself as an individual who happily engages in dishonest rhetoric. Your decision to be so flagrantly dishonest and manipulative on a minor matter makes it clear that only a fool would trust you on any matters, major or minor." --smelg
"> Inconsistencies in HN moderation are random side-effects of the impossibility of reading all the threads.
Unless it's one of mine, of course. Then you seem fairly consistent.
ban me or leave me alone." --mreiland
"Why are you acting as free tech support if you're going to be such a bitch about it?" --goldbrick
"> but my intuition says this is believable.
We replaced that with science and fact-checking hundreds of years ago. Seriously, what a useless, stupid response." --LionessLover
">you haven't convinced anyone for either your eloquence or your argumentative skills.
Even in this thread,
even when the language shows its true color in front of their very own eyes, people continue to be in denial. (See arguments of /u/betterphpguy).
I don't bother to polish my arguments regarding this, because I know how futile it really is. A programmer who "likes" or Php cannot be convinced otherwise by arguments. If he/she is lucky, their own experience with the language and outside of it, will take them to that realisation.
I do this only for the benefit of any newcomer who might come across these thread, and might think that Php is on par with the other languages." --greatdipper2
"So... how is the discussion going? Productive? :)" --blumkvist
"> immigrant-bashing
Why is it so fucking difficult for some people to distinguish between "immigrants" and "illegal immigrants"?
It's like confusing sex with rape." --hugh4
"Summary: Startup spent more then startup earned. Startup failed. Startup founder is going home.
Orig wordcount: 5891
TlDr wordcount: 13
Saved: 99.78%
"It has been downvoted and flagged because Americans can't deal with other people's opinion. I think that should have been clear by now.
That's exactly the issue I'm talking about. They need to grow up and learn that their culture isn't the only one that counts." --arguseyes
"Please, take everything he says as a gospel if you can't be bothered to read up on the replies he received the last dozen times.
Hint: There is one in this thread." --justthistime_
"I don't mind professional listings, really; but I do mind fraudulent ones. And AirBNB isn't setup to encourage honest feedback.
My singular experience with AirBNB was a listing where they advertised a NYC address 2 avenues from the real address; they lied about details; they used a multitude of names; they told me to lie about who I was to a superintendent who might stop by. The place was a pit.
But my recourse was limited, because I didn't feel like getting into a fight with fraudsters who knew my real identity but who'd hid their own, and AirBNB doesn't give a shit. So I just recognized that AirBNB is a haven for crime, realized that their review policies are designed to protect the criminals, and I stopped using it, and became an anti-airbnb advocate.
I hope I meet Brian Chesky someday, because PG loves to go on about what a great guy he is, but as near as I can tell he's a sociopathic asshole who made purposeful design decisions specifically to enable fraud that happens to increase his profits. This makes sense, given that he built the whole damned thing by being a spammer (and lying about it). I'm genuinely curious if he's not the completely worthless piece of shit that he absolutely appears to be from a customer standpoint." --gogaoa
"Your comment is the shitty one. The guy makes more than 90% of the rest of the ENTIRE country, but he's "screwed"? Are you kidding?
Only someone with an insane entitlement complex can fucking complain about 165k a year not being enough.
Keep on being the reason the rest of the world hates the US, you're doing a GREAT JOB." --drugsAreBad0001
"You are disgusting. Don't come to Austria." --austrian
"> Let me ask you a simple question - who gets to decide what stuff should or should not be shoved down people's throats?
Why the enlightened progressives of course. It's for our best.
Anyone who disagrees is just morally wrong and must be shamed and silenced." --trw0012
"You clearly exhibit lack of empathy, a common trait of a psychopath." --curiousjorge
"You are very hardworking, talented, and special. You have risen above your station. God only knows what a person of your caliber would have achieved if you had had a more fortunate background.
I hope that this message massaged your ego to a satisfactory degree." --indubitablytrue
"Your source does not support your claim. The only thing worse than people who spew lies are people who do so with footnotes that imply that you're not lying.
American police officers are out of control. That's not a "meme" that's being "promoted" it's an actual fact that some authoritarian assholes (read: you) are attempting to discredit and hide.
You should be ashamed of yourself." --lpgepk
"Holy shit civics education is pretty bleak in high school these days huh?
everyone commenting on this is so ignorant you all must be teenagers
the cops dont have to arrest you to control you. They can detain you whenever they want and barely need any reason at all. A hunch is sufficient to detain you for pretty much as long as they want if their hunch continues.
fuckin privileged teenagers" --anikamariam
"A moderator just a hair left of your current moderation approach on the authoritarianism scale would "flag and remove" PG's entire recent article about income inequality with a note calling it "tedious ideological posturing."
Censorship is generally the territory of petty proceduralism, not grand political gesture.
"It matters much more whether the author is wrong or right than what his tone is."
That's a direct quote from PG. Take it for what you will." --puredemo
"Before HN, Refind had about 900 users (half of them very active). We just announced by email and in the product that we're on HN today." --dominikgro
"This thread should embarrass you. Christ, I'm embarrassed for you.
I linked multiple real world demonstrations (both the technical data, and actual observations of these cores in practice) of how big little is used for power consumption, including specific details of the core power profiles. You still allude to your great, clearly laughable, expertise and actually continue arguing this. Remarkable.
You are a Hacker News "Expert" and a bore. You are far, far out of your depth, and you should stop responding to topics where your knowledge is hilariously wrong.
you literally have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to CPU sleeping
He said that cores slept as much as "every 50ms". 50ms is an enormous period of time, and is a colossally granular mechanism of power reduction. They didn't discount what I said at all (in fact, talking about the millisecond scale when discussing a costly CPU activity is pretty bizarre to begin with), though it is unsurprising that you try to hang on that.
Not to mention that their comment is simply dated and wrong now regardless.
anything other than self-serving industry press releases to back up your claims.
Comical. And yet you'll wave your hand at "battery life" based upon utterly nothing. Hey guys - ARM, Samsung, Qualcomm --- disregard them, and disregard actual observations of how these SoCs operate in the field on varying demand workloads -- because this guy knows how compilers are written and he does little winky faces.
Save the world from your ignorance. The mere fact that you continually reference your great compiler writer knowledge in relation to core design is, honestly, embarrassing." --inversionOf
"Citation needed was the insult here. This isn't some arcane area with difficult to reach resources. And given the subject matter screw politeness. Go do some fucking legwork, asshole." --elektromekatron
"What the hell is this fucking article even talking about? Silicon valley hires THOUSANDS OF BLACK CODERS from India every year. Some anthropology:
The modern day Dravidians are descendants of the Harappan civilisation. WHOSE SETTLERS CAME FROM AFRICA DURING THE BRONZE AGE AROUND 3000 BC.
Another fucking shill article by H1B lobbyists to try to lower wages to middle class americans. Class war at its best." --fawefawef
"Which account? mindcrime and WorldWideWayne both seem to be alive at this time. Oh maybe you just meant banned from submitting stories. That makes sense. Thanks!" --WorldWideWayne
"You're a fucking shill trying to impose a suicide situation when it was clearly a police murder." --Eleutheria
"> I mean that you're pretending your ideology can avoid all coercion, while ignoring the coercion involved in enforcing property rights.
No I'm not. But as we've established in another thread, you're dishonest, so I'll just stop here." --sukulaku
"You are trying to sound really smart and its causing you to sound like you're saying nothing.
> Allow me to randomly speculate that in your mental world
> That habit becomes deeply learned by your neural networks, reinforced by daily training.
Look out everyone, we have a DATA SCIENTIST (TM)
> Fortunately your species has evolved the mysterious capacity of thinking and willing, so you can in fact make decisions that are counterintuitive to your own neural training.
reddit.com/r/iamverysmart" --aksdkqwekqwe
""Boys get toy cars AND sewing kits."
So to fix problems you would screw Boys aka male gender ?
How much retard are you ?" --uiwei09
"This has nothing to do with growth or even sexism/racism. This is a political takeover and shakedown of a valueable company. Moving out of a meritocracy to a hierarchy like this is to move away from performance based influence to political based influence.
The SJWs behind this just want money and they are importing their people into the company to increase their control. The use of discrimination is part of the mechanism to increase their numbers. Once they get a lot of people below them, they'll demand larger and larger paychecks and stock options. That's it, it's a fairly simple plan. Find a valuable company and raid it. All this inclusion/sexism talk is just dressing. Even githubs ceo's motivation is pretty clear. If he grows the org, he'll argue that he deserves more money because he's managing more people. Then when he exits he can position himself as the manager of a much larger org of thousands instead of this insanely profitable 70 person org." --imfine-ok
"Right... Well while you live in that Utopia of yours, large groups of Sunni fanatics are currently commuting genocide against non Sunni. How much % of Muslims should think killing apostates is okay until you deem it incompatible with France liberal policies. It's because of dhimmis like you that Le Pen is winning. Wake up and smell your ashes.
Edit: someone really needs to look up what Dhimmi means before they actually prove me right. How quickly someone can fall in ones eye. Never saw that coming lol. Full on Dhimmi." --NoCulturalFit
"Doesn't make you less of a useful Dhimmi no matter how much offense you decided to take when identifying as a Dhimmi." --NoCulturalFit
"If there were no Muslims, there would be almost no terror attacks. Conversely, if there were more Muslims, there would be more terror attacks." --a3voices
"Drop what? Relevant facts and observations? You can just fuck right off with your weasely bullshit reasons and appeals to maturity.
And if you actually didn't give a shit, you wouldn't have replied but here I think now we see the real you getting upset that someone called you out on your bullshit reasons for posting this." --WorldWideWayne
"So you expressly support torture and genocide?" --yourepowerless
"It's a waste of time to interact with policy makers.
They have no interest in just or fair or good outcomes. They are corrupt and beholden to those with wealth and power, and they only desire the same.
The law has become an illegitimate tool of violenence to oppress any who dare oppose the state. The only solution is wide scale defiance." --wasteoftime
"Migrants at least use condoms when they rape Swedish girls. /s" --psykovsky
"I had the same thought as the parent. His last essay was, by a wide margin, his least well considered, most nonsensical, and most widely criticized essay. It was, by a wide margin, his worse ever work.
And now, suddenly, his next essay is on life being too short for bullshit and arguing on the internet?
Yes... this seems to me like one thing: it seems like Paul Graham knows he wrote a god-awful, indefensible, steaming turd of an essay; and he's running away. He wants to stand by his self-entitled beliefs. He wants to stand by his ridiculous mischaracterizations of those he attacked. He wants to stand by all that bullshit.
And he's standing by his awful essay by claiming engaging with critics of his steaming turd would be a waste of his life.
Yes. This is another new low point for pg.
pg, you're over. You used to be important... and you'll continue to think you're important. But you are now the past, and the future will be found somewhere else.
Enjoy your bubble where everybody tells you that everything you say is gold. Enjoy never growing or learning again, because you've sealed out voices that are willing to tell you when you're wrong. Enjoy pretending you're perfect.
You're done.
You're a joke.
pg. you're the past." --bansarefun
"I just had to reply. OMG, you are totally stupid and naive.
Please don't breed. Your stupid ilk will inherit the earth and will doom the human race!" --peterrushkin
""All blacks are racist too" oh stop it. It was told by progresives over and over again that blacks can not be racist! Remember - racism is power + prejudice! (Same with sexism). Do you have any more lies/mental gymnastics?" --shadowbanin5
"His mention of 'arguing on the internet' as one of the few specific examples of time-wasting behavior makes it hard not to read it as a reaction.
I absolutely believe he values time.
But I also absolutely believe that he is using this as a public excuse as to why he's running away from the criticism of his previous essay; a previous essay which was quite possibly the most flawed piece of writing he's ever let loose onto the Internet.
It's just really, really convenient that one moment he's making ridiculous assertions about what people mean when they're upset about income inequality... and now he's talking about why life is too short for him to have unpleasant conversations.
It reads like cowardice. It reads like a cowardly billionaire who wants to grossly distort the actual concerns of real people; who doesn't want to listen to anybody who doesn't think he's a god; and who wants to live in ignorance.
I'm sure time is meaningful for you... but maybe you should ask him if there wasn't some reason that he suddenly finished this essay. And if maybe it wasn't because he's a thin-skinned jerk who can't handle the fact that his previous missive was really poorly thought out... maybe he can't handle interactions with people who don't think he's a God.
pg has had a ton of my respect for a very long time. But between these two essays, I've realized that pg is no longer a useful or good man. He's passed into that world where he simply cannot accept the notion that he might sometimes be wrong; and he'd rather live in ignorance of that. He'd rather believe he is perfect, that he is a god, than face the fact that he wrote a really terrible essay, an essay that showed a complete disconnect from reality.
But hey... you're married to him so you're a billionaire too, so I bet you thought his reality-deficient spew was also really great. And that's one of the best things about being a billionaire; you can afford to live in a distorted reality that has no connection to the real world. You can do so, and it will be comfortable for your entire family. Nobody will say anything to your face, because you are too powerful.
So yes... enjoy your time... enjoy your ignorance... enjoy shitting on the world and denying reality. Enjoy making excuses for your husband's ignorant brand of politics. Because he's going to get worse for the rest of his life. Rich white men rarely get less entitled as they age.
pg won't wake up and be Bill Gates, realizing that this shit is fucked up. That would require a connection to reality that he has clearly lost." --giantqqq
"usually betas like the attention. also so seattle to not feel afraid." --captrh
"can you tell me whats wrong in it? just want to understand" --abhinaykumar21
"You get all these folks freaking out with nonsense self diagnoses and labels when the plain fact is they have messed up health. They've eaten garbage for many years and spent too much sedentary time inside and spent too much time alone. They'd clearly show elevated prolactin on a blood test. They have elevated serotonin and cortisol. It's "learned helplessness" same as you can predictably induce in rats.
The labels are meaningless. The problem is shitty health. There is no such thing as mental health divorced from physical health.
You do not have "social anxiety"[tag]. This is another destructive idiotic label. Death to psychiatry. At one level you might have some health problems leaving you in an overly reactive state. At another level you might simply be insufficiently practiced with dealing with group settings of strangers.
At no point does some medicalized label like "social anxiety" or "aspergers spectrum" make sense. Keep in mind that all psychologists and psychiatrists must be executed." --a8da6b0c91d
"There is a solution and it's very simple:
- Kill the parasites.
Producers are taxed at nearly 50% rate[income + sales tax + property + wage + others] on what they make. If we kill off the parasites, then we would have to work almost 50% less to have the same standard of living as we have now. Imagine: 20 hours/week. You could work 2-3 days and then enjoy the rest. Or 1 person could work and the other one would stay at home and take care of their children.
It makes sense to reward people you love and who are productive. But, these are parasites and the correct course of action is to, not reward them with cash and goods we producers make, but to kill them and enjoy our lives.
Don't you agree?" --sly_foxx
"Get over your self satisfied prejudices and actually think for a minute. Other cities don't have the same housing crisis as San Francisco and guess what, those cities also don't have bizarre and impossible restrictions on new constructions. So yeah, it is the city government causing the problem and suggestioning they only need another 18 months to come up with a plan is myopoc bullshit, they've had twenty years and still failed.
So so so amazing how people will refuse to actually examine their assumptions." --noyounoyounoyou
"This is Mike Hearn.
https://lobste.rs/s/82pz7r/curated_links_to_understand_dange..." --itistoday2
"Naw, you're not a fanboi.
You just had to come and shit all over Microsoft and make the same point that you already made up thread because uhhh, you call it like you see it...right?
Bullshit. More like you can't deal with opinions that don't match your own, especially when it comes to Microsoft and Apple. You're nothing more than an pro-Apple, anti-Microsoft fanboi." --gelasio
"You didn't address my question. Which specific part of my comment was "off-topic" given the topic of the experience of women in tech
If you don't want to allow discussion of a topic, maybe the better option is to disallow discussion of the topic. Otherwise it looks a lot like you are pushing a personal agenda in your position as moderator. That's tyranny. Are you a tyrant?
As you can see, my account is relatively new. I'm not familiar with the flame war you're speaking of. Can you tell me more about it so I don't post any more comments that could be construed to perpetuate it?
Which part did you think was inflammatory, the part where I said I'm acquainted with dozens of industry women I respect, or the part where I lament that the dialogue has been manipulated by a few bad apples?" --silentplummet
">I can't believe how stupid Microsoft is. This is never a bug. You can't be that amateurish.
Apple had a similar bug in Safari.
>Safari's Private Browsing Mode Saves URLs In an Easily Accessible File
Google had a similar bug on Chrome in Android
>Chrome for Android’s incognito mode saves some of the sites you visit
I find it curious that a huge deal is made out of Microsoft's missteps with over-the-top comments being modded up and same with the articles, but similar or worse things by, say Google or Apple are simply papered over and buried.
It's Slashdot all over again." --amlgsmsn
"I don't know what these people are on about... Leah Weitz is a very attractive woman and I would hire her as my secretary or assistant in a heartbeat." --bru_
"you sound delusional as fuck. seek help" --dumbdee
"look at sherlock here. do you realize how robotic you sound with this comment?" --thispathseems
"Why do you care? Remind me, did I make that specific question to you?" --notNow
"When you walk into an anonymous message board and the first thing you declare is your gender, you shouldn't be surprised when other people think you are attention whoring.
Tits or gtfo is the perfect counter, since you want to a special snowflake, then we will treat you as your polar opposite - a generic bag of skin and meat worth nothing but a masturbation aid.
Downvote all you like. The truth hurts doesn't it?" --bigguy4u
"Since you passive-aggressively banned my account by not actually telling me about it. I'm going to passive-aggressively come back and continue to post.
I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say "doing the same thing over again".
My posts aren't offensive or against the rules.
You really need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror: the truth hurts sometimes and banning opposing view points as being against your community rules (which they are not) is a problem and only contributes to the echo chamber of Hacker News." --paulhauggis_999
""This stack ranking process systematically undervalued female technical employees compared to similarly situated male employees because, among other reasons, it meant that lower ranked employees were inferior and should be paid less and promoted less frequently regardless of their actual contributions to Microsoft," Moussouris' lawyers write in the complaint."
From the article, I see nothing that singled her out as a female. It only pointed out the unfairness of the ranking system, regardless of gender.
I have to chuckle at some of these lawsuits that I've been seeing recently. Men have been dealing with this kind of bullshit and unfairness for many years. It's only now coming to light because women seem to think that it's sexist, when in reality, it's pretty much equally miserable for all.
It just so happens that more women are entering the workplace to experience it." --paulhauggis_999
"Does Quora know you like to BS?" --heraclitus23
"9,139 Palestinians have been killed by israel since September 29, 2000. 28,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. 72,935 Palestinians have been injured by Israel since September 29, 2000. Are Palestinians subject to the same trauma or is this limited to people of jewish ancestry?" --imadeanaccount
"You're disingenuous so I'll just not bother anymore." --HiYaBarbie
"Ahmed Mohamed invited to White House, Facebook, Google after clock incident
Yeah tell me more.Also gl to america when one day again a person named ahmed mohammed blows up a zillions of people with some bomb. But no you are not putting these people on pedestal.
I am sick of you people. Russia should have burned USA to the ashes. At least the russians are just drunk idiots." --lotor
"Is Reddit full today? Is there any reason at all that leftist nonsense from The Atlantic keeps appearing on HN when it has no relevance to technology? White people are all racists and non-white people are all perfect people. We get it already. Oh and rich people are all bad and poor people are all good. Utter lies and nonsense." --kuni-toko-tachi
"Another thin lie to appease the foolish? Why hasn't Mike weighed in on this? I tweeted Mike on twitter and it was you and some other twat who were so quick to tell me how FOSS-friendly the project was, yet I've every suspicion that this project will end up in tears and LuaJIT will end up in a dark corner of CF's internals.
I'm not asking you to be held responsible for CF business, that'd be unreasonable. I might be a rude halfwit, but I know where the boundary lies.
Though I've mentioned it already multiple times, I'll reiterate a final time: Absolutely no concrete assurance (from CF officially) that the LuaJIT project will be developed openly. It has been moved to GitHub, distancing it from the long-appreciated mailing list and cementing it's position ion a platform that openly censors projects and actively enforces a code of conduct to further the narrative that code should take peoples' feelings into consideration. Github is widely used, and most of the alternatives suck, so it's an understandable sin.
On top of all that, the murky posts on the actual list indicate no significant progress has been made on figuring out a new direction for the project, and little to no effort has been made to do more than announce to the community what's (allegedly) going on.
Finally, the biggest disconnect between you and I is that if someone offered me money to take over a FOSS project and move to behind closed doors of a huge corporation, instead of agreeing and playing sock-puppet on mailing lists and twitter (who does that sound like?), I would out them to the community.
I'm not asking for you to make changes, just voicing my dissent and my intent to take aggressive, direct action." --logicrime
"Even Eric Schmidt told Obama it was a bad idea. IBM, Intel, and Cisco are against it. My posts were shadow banned on HN for being against these regulations. It's odd that people like you can't fathom that there are two sides to this issue." --travie7273
"You should have posted this to OP. I am defending tptacek." --themeek
"Thanks mini. I'm not sure why they banned me (I used a link in my first post?), but they let me create another account, and am now using that one." --brian_cunnie
"Ha ha! I know who you are.
Tomorrow, after your meds, read what you wrote and you will see that you are arguing against yourself. I'm only responding to you so that others here can see how insane you are.
Tomorrow if you wish to continue this debate we can do so in person with Roberts rules of debate, the loser with their head between their knees." --comrade1
"You're full of shit. It's not a quotation. The sentence makes no sense if you put the word "encrypted" in italics rather than quote marks. HN even supports italics, so it's not like it's a needed thing. Also, your English is suspect, so don't tell me how people use quotations in English. Your reading comprehension is pretty questionable as well, seeing as you read a post criticizing Windows as not doing so. So kindly fuck right off." --juliangregorian
"Really....? Account isn't new and this legit sounds awesome. It's cute that you have nothing better to do than play forum detective, but take your suspicion and stuff it." --schyule
"Fuck off." --throwaway999777
"Yeah, I'm going to go read an article about string theory in the fucking Huffington Post, because I hate myself.
Seriously, why is the Huffington Post not banned as a source here?" --jsigoerjg
"Sounds like Marissa Mayer took Google's stack-ranking machinery and replicated, awful detail by awful detail. What a queynte.
At Google, the bottom categories are rarely used and "Meets Expectations" is a huge window (3.0-3.4) from the 3rd to 65th percentile. Since you only get your bucket, your manager could be saying that he's giving you a perfectly respectable 3.4, while actually raping you in the ass with a 3.0.
Often, you have managers who give the 3.0 and 3.1 to keep reports immobile (they can't transfer) while conveying that they are getting average or average-plus scores. But whenever there's a witch-hunt-I-mean-dishonest-layoff-I-mean-"Low Performer Initiative" those people given 3.0s get hit with PIPs, which is not what even their managers wanted." --michaelochurch
"According to this post, they do.
It would be nice to have that in a disclaimer in the posts discussing Google or in the HN profile page though." --wfjackson
"Are comments ever deleted or hidden from view completely? I've been reading HN for a year or two, and I've never noticed an issue with comment quality. In topics with a larger number of comments, you get one or two heavily downvoted posts, but that's it.
My question, is there an issue with comments I'm not seeing? Do the popular topics on the homepage have dozens of spam or troll comments that are pruned out constantly, so I don't notice the problem? Or is the issue those 1 or 2 downvoted comments I mentioned earlier?
HN receives a small number of comments, so fine tuning algorithms isn't a big deal in my opinion. This isn't Reddit, where the number one post right now has 4,000 comments. That presents a lot of complications, since they need to try and cycle new comments so they all receive some visibility, allowing them a chance to rise if they're of high quality. On HN, you have 20 comments, or 50 comments, so regardless of the sorting, nearly everything gets read. As long as HN generally sorts comments, they're fine." --User8712
"[Thanks, japhyr, for pointing that out although we obviously disagree]
Actually, I've already figured that out. This guy is going to be my friend for the rest of my life even though I've only known him for a year. Several times it's happened that we both make excuses to ditch our respective girlfriends to just hang out alone together, drink wine and talk about life. Women have almost no intellectual curiosity. It is just how they are wired. If you want to have great conversations about anything meaningful, you must find a man." --iretired
"Oops, sorry I thought you were the founder of Nest. So ThrowawayPhilea was hellbanned for The "Philea is more important" part ? Harsh" --vladimir55
"At the risk of turning political, it's a great example of how our taxes are wasted. Playing with space toys shouldn't be funded with taxpayer money.
I'm sure I'll get downvoted to hell for this, but why should my money be funding this? Sorry, but it has no benefit whatsoever.
edit: Instead of downvoting a dissenting voice, why not argue your case - why should taxpayers fund space toys?
edit2: Well, looks like I'm banned from commenting. Good job dealing with those that don't agree with you..." --throwit99
"Let me stoop to your level for a moment:
Yo, FUCKHEAD: You claimed appropriating marriage was a band-aid. BUT... you ALREADY HAD THE FUCKING RIGHTS. You JUST WANT TO ARGUE ABOUT WHAT MARRIAGE IS.
FUCK YOU. You don't give a SHIT about the rights, because you don't even know that you already have them. You JUST WANT TO FORCE RELIGION to let you call it marriage.
And we've already had the separate but equal argument, don't even fucking bother with it. You can't stand that you can't make a coherent argument here, because you're a bully. A fucking FUCKHEAD bully." --bluntly_said
"It's wildly inappropriate to lob a blanket accusation of fraud against every single person who has ever complained about your moderation.
People have wildly divergent views as to what's appropriate, what's a little rude, and what's over the line. This means that even if you really truly believe that there was NEVER a mistake made during moderation, that some people will truly believe what they said.
Good moderation requires a ton of empathy and kindness." --gohjo
"Not sure what I did to deserve this... but okay. Thanks for the feedback." --Shout_App
"I had this happen to me when I critiqued a YC backed company. Had a few thousand in 'meaningless internet karma points'. You pretty soon realise after a few further comments anyway, so I doubt it's actually effective.
It's pretty mean spirited though - generally a "douchebag" move. It'd be like having a bad employee, but instead of firing him, or discussing his work, just don't bother paying him any more.
After being hellbanned I actually realised that commenting on internet forums is toxic, generally a waste of time, and not productive. So I quit. At the start, you sort of care about "karma". But you end up realising it's a measure of two things. 1. How much time you waste commenting on the internet, and 2. How much you can agree with the groupthink echo-chamber.
But for those that like spending time commenting, I would have thought following a subreddit model would work better here, with the growth. Spread the power out. If I get hellbanned from the "rust is the future!!!" subhackernews, big whoop.
It'd also help with filtering out all the non-interesting (self driving cars) stories.
But then perhaps it'd basically be reddit at that stage which would defeat the point..." --throwit99
"You promote your site on reddit very aggressively, and consistently smear reddit's moderators as bad guys. You're a liar, and definitely not some poor victim.
Things you have done include running a bot to constantly promote MediaCrush on reddit (which you refer to as, "a little spammy"), vote-gaming by upvoting your bot's posts, removing any and all of your posts where you receive negative press, and slandering reddit moderators." --ghani
"I disagree with the tone with which yummyfajitas is discussing this, but I absolutely think he should have the right to voice his opinion. Aren't downvotes punishment enough? I wonder if he had been more cautious in his phrasing if his comments would still be dead-ed for picking the "wrong" side of an issue.
I see the direction that hacker news is going. Whether by mod or by algorithm, it ain't pretty." --crassus2