C++ DSL for easy graphical async programming.
In dataflow, node represents some job. Each node has directed edges which represent dependency flow.
using namespace dataflow;
// single worker.
graph g(1);
auto & a = g.add_node("a", [] () {});
auto & b = g.add_node("b", [] () {});
auto & c = g.add_node("c", [] () {});
auto & d = g.add_node("d", [] () {});
auto & e = g.add_node("e", [] () {});
auto & f = g.add_node("f", [] () {});
// connect nodes.
a >> b >> c >> d >> a;
// connect nodes.
a >> e >> f >> a;
Graph object manages nodes and connections. Graphical representation of this network is fowllowing
At this time point, node a is in job queue.
When node is enqueued, the node sleeps until all incoming edges are locked.
If all incoming edges are locked, the node wake up and do associated job.
graph::fire(node const & n)
enqueues n
and lock it's all incomming edges.
make workers wake up.
Now a worker finished a job associated to node a
, and the node is dequeued.
When node is dequeued, all nodes connected with outgoing edge from the node are enqueued.
In this case, node b
and e
are enqueued, and edge a -> e
and a -> b
are locked.
Now node b
and e
are in queue.
If there are many workers, these node can be executed simultaneously.
In this example, there is one worker, and node b
is executed.
This is how dataflow works. Due to this calculation model, concurrent programming is really fun now!
Each node can have its own data.
auto & a = g.add_node<int>("a", [] (int & a) {});
auto & b = g.add_node<float>("b", [] (float & b) {});
a >> b >> a;
Now node a
and b
has data int
and float
There data are passed to handler's first argument.
Node can also refer to other node's data.
auto & a = g.add_node<int>("a", [] (int & a) {});
auto & b = g.add_node<float>("b", [] (float & b, int & a) {});
a >> b >> a;
// data reference
a << b;
This is a simple example how to share data.
auto & a = g.add_node<int>("a", [] (int & a) {});
auto & b = g.add_node("b", [] (int & a) {});
auto & c = g.add_node("c", [] (int & a) {});
a >> b >> a;
a >> c >> a;
// data reference
a << b;
a << c;
This is a example of data race.
If there are multi workers, node a
may be accessed and be written simultaneously.
Problem here is that there is no dependence between b
and c
auto & a = g.add_node<int>("a", [] (int & a) {});
auto & b = g.add_node("b", [] (int & a) {});
auto & c = g.add_node("c", [] (int & a) {});
a >> b >> c >> a;
// data reference
a << b;
a << c;
The other solution is to use atomic variable.
auto & a = g.add_node<std::atomic_int>("a", [] (std::atomic_int & a) {});
auto & b = g.add_node("b", [] (std::atomic_int & a) {});
auto & c = g.add_node("c", [] (std::atomic_int & a) {});
a >> b >> c >> a;
// data reference
a << b;
a << c;