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@kpcyrd kpcyrd released this 05 Dec 00:42
· 57 commits to main since this release


sn0int rescope -i

There've been commands for {scope,noscope,autoscope,autonoscope} for a while, scope/noscope sets entities to out-of-scope which automatically excludes them from further investigations, and autoscope/autonoscope is a system to automatically set things out-of-scope with a hierarchical rule set.

In the past there was no way to re-apply these rules to existing entities. This is now possible with the rescope command that's available both from the interactive cli and the commandline.

It defaults to non-interactive mode that shows a diff when applying the rules and asks for confirmation. -n is a dry-run to always reject the change, -y to automatically apply it and -i to interactively decide for each entity.

Besides the obvious y and n there's also:

  • d (done) - apply the changes confirmed so far, skip the rest
  • a (always) - apply all other changes matching this specific rule: if matched noscope .com and you select a, would be set out-of-scope and the next-up would be automatically set out-of-scope without asking again
  • x (never) - skip this change and all future changes matched by this rule


We'd like to thank @SantiagoTorres and @repi for their support on github sponsors.