Material color scheme for Vim based on w0ng/vim-hybrid color scheme.
It includes 2 color schemes:
Both schemes are almost similar to w0ng/vim-hybrid, just some colors are switched (Purple with red), to look more like tomorrow-night.
- Pathogen
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vim-hybrid-material
- Remember to run
to generate help tags - NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material'
- Vundle
Plugin 'kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material'
- Plug
Plug 'kristijanhusak/vim-hybrid-material'
- manual
- copy all of the files from
directory into your~/.vim/colors
If you would like some of the code to be bolded, like functions and language controls, add this option to vimrc:
let g:enable_bold_font = 1
If you want comments to be in italic, also add this:
let g:enable_italic_font = 1
To use transparent background, add this option:
let g:hybrid_transparent_background = 1
Note: Options must be set before colorscheme hybrid_material
Based on equinusocio/material-theme.
True colors are a requirement for this color scheme to work properly. To enable this, place the following in your ~/.vimrc
or ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
if (has("nvim"))
"For Neovim 0.1.3 and 0.1.4 < >
"For Neovim > 0.1.5 and Vim > patch 7.4.1799 < >
"Based on Vim patch 7.4.1770 (`guicolors` option) < >
" < >
if (has("termguicolors"))
set termguicolors
Only add this to .vimrc after installation:
set background=dark
colorscheme hybrid_material
For Vim version check folder base16-material.
Original w0ng/vim-hybrid, with only colors switched.
set background=dark
colorscheme hybrid_reverse
Light version is also included, just set background to light instead of dark:
set background=light
colorscheme hybrid_material
If you are using vim-airline plugin, there is a hybrid theme that suites well with this color scheme (Used on screenshots).
let g:airline_theme = "hybrid"
Font on screenshot: Inconsolata
- w0ng/vim-hybrid
- equinusocio/material-theme
- @seanwash for adding support for Vim