Operating system
Joplin version
Desktop version info
Joplin 3.0.6 (prod, linux)
ID del Client: f9d2e9edf10e4f5dac96202b4820f0bf
Sinc. versione: 3
Profilo versione: 47
Portachiavi supportato: No
Revisione: 18b9f5c
Current behaviour
When editing, Joplin waits for you to stop typing, and then renders the new markdown in the right panel. When the markdown is "heavy" to render (lots of katex and mermaid), the rendering can take up to one second on my computer.
During this time the editor hangs so every time you stop typing for a couple seconds and then resume, you can't type anymore for a brief moment. It's really frustrating.
Expected behaviour
Joplin's editor doesn't hang when rendering.
Taking a shot in the dark, I would say the problem is that the rendering panel uses the same thread as the editor. If true, a solution would be asynchronous rendering.
A simple mitigation that eliminates the problem is to have an option to disable automatic rendering, and allow manual rendering through a button.
I'm not familiar with electron apps so I don't know how to benchmark this, but once I have some data I will post it here. Maybe the problem is not the rendering.
None yet.