This is a sample monorepo that can be used as a starting point for a serverless python project on AWS, using SAM and lambda containers.
It includes two sample lambda services:
- hello-world - a simple lambda handler without API, packaged as Zip (uploaded to s3 bucket)
- greeting - a simple lambda service with API, using Flask service framework, deployed as container (image uploaded to ECR)
The repo is great for ramping up on the following concepts:
- Developing inside Devcontainer (dockerized development environment)
- Using Poetry for dependency management and packaging
- Unit testing lambda services
- Working with Localstack
- Building and running serverlass apps locally using sam cli
- pre-commit hooks
- Terraform
- Github workflows
- Changeset for package versions
The monorepo will be extendedt to support:
- When running in AWS mode, Start Lambda with AppConfigConfigurationProvider when runs on AWS + Define IAM role to access AppConfig and SecretsManager
- Logging using [aws-powertools] (
- Add Config Schema validators under each
folder and deploy it in terraform - Use Lambda Extensions to better handle calls to AppConfig and SSM
- Semantic release using changeset - blogpost here
- Terraform to deploy infra on localstack and on AWS
- Remove IAM Role and Policy resources from SAM templates
- Add a deployment.yml workflow to deploy to AWS and to Localstack
- Add e2e.yml workflow with a simple e2e test which runs nightly (every night)
- Semantic released is not used until sample key concepts are implemented.
In order to ease the setup time of new development environment, we are using dev containers while developing, thus by leveraging docker, we have a unified docker image that automatically installs anything that we need to be able to develop.
This requires all of our developers to use docker and Visual Studio Code, to get optimized development environment.
- Install Git
- Install Visual Studio Code and install the Dev Containers Extension
- Install Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows and make sure the docker daemon is started
- Clone the DevContainer repo.
- Open the repo in visual studio code
- Create and edit .devcontainer/.env based on the .env.sample file. Set TARGETARCH and VARIANT based on your computer architecture, as explained in the comments on .env.sample.
- Press
and then typereopen in container
- Once the container is ready you should have a working dev-environment.
- If you are running into
Remote-Containers CLI: RPC pipe not configured
error, please follow this fix
Poetry is used for dependency management in the monorepo instead of pip
Potery settings and list of dependencies is managed in pyproject.toml
file for each package, in addition to the root.
To install a package, add <package-name> = "<version>"
to the pyproject.toml
file and install using poetry install
Make sure you distinguish dev and prod dependencies.
In the long run, we aim to release packages into a private Github package registry and install them from the registry.
In the short term, we'll keep it simple and won't publish the packages, but rather install them locally.
When develop = true
, the package is installed in editable mode, so changes in the local package will be reflected directly.
For example:
my_local_package = { path = "../packages/my_local_package", develop = false }
We will use python-semantic-release to automatically manage package versioning per package.
The configuration of python-semantic-release
this will be centralized in the root's pyproject.toml
There are several approaches to bumping versions:
- Manual Bumping - Manually bumping version in the
file - Selective Release Rules - Use python-semantic-release configuration options for selective release rules.
- Custom Release Script - For more control, a custom release script using the semantic_release library.
We will start with option 2
This approach will help starting with a basic release_rules
As the project grows, we will refine the rules to handle more complex scenarios, and consider using a custom script for intricate versioning logic if needed.
Following the Semantic Versioning Convention this is how version is incremented: Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
- PATCH version when you make backward compatible bug fixes
To allow automatic versioning, we'll need to follow commit message format.
- Commit Message Format:
<type>(<scope>): <short summary>
type: This denotes the kind of change the commit introduces. Common types include feat (new feature), fix (bug fix), docs (documentation changes), style (style changes that do not affect the meaning of the code), refactor (code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature), test (adding missing tests or correcting existing ones), chore (updates to the build process, auxiliary tools, and libraries such as documentation generation).
scope (optional): A scope may be provided to indicate a more specific part of the codebase the change affects.
short summary: A concise description of the changes.
Examples: feat(authentication): add jwt support fix(database): resolve connection leak
Automated Version Management python-semantic-release will analyze these commit messages from the main branch (or whichever branch is configured) to automatically determine the type of version bump required for the next release: Commits with feat will trigger a minor version bump. Commits with fix will trigger a patch version bump. Commits that include a BREAKING CHANGE footer will trigger a major version bump, regardless of the commit type. Custom rules in the [tool.semantic_release.release_rules] section can further refine how other types of commits (like docs, style, or chore) influence the version bump.
Release Process Upon merging changes into the release branch (e.g., main), the CI pipeline should include a step that runs python-semantic-release. This tool will:
- Analyze commits since the last release.
- Determine the next version number based on the commit messages.
- Update the version in pyproject.toml and any other configured version_variable files.
- Generate or update the
- Tag the release in the VCS (Version Control System, e.g., Git).
- Optionally, upload the package to PyPI or another package repository if configured.
We're using VS Code DevContainer to run our dockerized development environment.
To run the development environment locally, click Shift+Command+p -> Reopen in Container
We're leveraging AWS Localstack to emulate a cloud environment locally. To do so, we are using docker-compose to setup the DevContainer and Localstack containers on your host machine.
After the DevContainer is created, we run the script ./devcontainer/
in which we install all the dependencies and build the packages.
In addition, it creates two aliases, which allows running aws and sam commands against the local stack.
So instead of aws
or sam
, you can use aws-localstack
and sam-localstack
NOTE: In order for these aliases to be available, open a new bash terminal and try them. If for some reason the aliases are not recognized, you can set them up naually as follows:
echo "alias aws-localstack='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=test AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=$CLOUD_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE aws'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
echo "alias sam-localstack='AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=test AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_ENDPOINT_URL=$CLOUD_ENDPOINT_OVERRIDE sam'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
Once we add terraform files to create the infrastructure, we'll be able to deploy the infra on our localstack.
To install, build and test a local package, do the following from the repo root:
cd packages/<your-package>
poetry install
poetry run pytest
If you have package sependency, such as packages.package-a dependes on package-b, poetry can install the local packages and they can be imported. See package-a and package-b examples.
NOTE: When running on VS Code, you may see that the dependency local package is not recognized by pylance. Please ignore it.
To install all packages run from the monorepo root:
python install-all
In general, every script defined in packages/scripts
pyproject.toml can be run similarly:
python <script-name>
There are several options to run services locally:
- Run the flask app directly
- Run local lambda using sam cli
- Deploy the lambda to localstack using sam cli
Note: We use samconfig.toml file to configure SAM CLI. We will use
command argument to specify which configuration to use. The default configuration is used for local dev environment.
cd services/<my-service>
flask --app run --debug
- Use
sam local invoke
for invoking lambdas without API (e.g. hello-world). - Use
sam start-api
to invoke lambdas with API (e.g. greeting). - Remove this line from greeting/samconfig.tomland hello-world/samconfig.toml if you are not running on Mac:
container_host = 'host.docker.internal'
cd services/hello-world
sam build
sudo sam local invoke
cd services/greeting
sam build
sudo sam local start-api
Open your browser and ensure the endpoints work correctly:
You can deploy the lambda function to localstack similarly to deploying to aws, by using aws-localstack
Note: Use local dev configuration and Zip build when deploying to localstack if you don;t have Pro Loaclstack account (ECR, AppConfig and SecretsManager are pro features)
First, create an S3 bucket in local stack for the lambdas packaged using sam cli:
aws-localstack s3api create-bucket --bucket sam-lambda-code-hello-world
Then, build and deploy:
cd services/hello-world
sam build
sam-localstack deploy
Once deployed to localstack, all lambdas are available on a single endpoint and can be invoked using function name. Get the FunctionName from the result of running:
aws-localstack lambda list-functions
Invoke the lambda on localstack with the relevant FunctionName:
aws-localstack lambda invoke \
--function-name <FunctionName> \
--payload '{}' \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
To view localstack logs run:
sudo docker logs localstack-main
Make sure you are logged in to AWS Dev account using aws sso login
If your SSO login is not configured, run:
aws configure sso
Skip SSO session name and set the profile name to default
If you are using multiple profiles (e.g. prod and dev), add --profile-name <profile>
to each command.
Note: Deploy will automatically use the template under .aws-sam/build.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket sam-lambda-code-hello-world
Then, build and deploy:
cd services/hello-world
sam build
sam deploy
Once deployed to localstack, all lambdas are available on a single endpoint and can be invoked using function name. Get the FunctionName from the result of running:
aws lambda list-functions
Invoke the lambda on localstack with the relevant FunctionName:
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name hello-world \
--payload '{}' \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
Build the container (note that in samconfig.toml the --use-container is set to true, hence no need to explicitly specify it here:). Use the greeting package version as DockerTag when deployng to AWS.
cd services/greeting
sam build --config-env <prod|dev> --parameter-overrides 'DockerTag=<package-version>'
Ensure there's an ECR repository for the lambda images, or create one.
Use the service name as repository name, greeting
in this example.
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name greeting --query 'repository.repositoryUri' > repoUri.txt
Get the repository URI from repoUri.txt and delete repoUri.txt.
Now, deploy to localstack using sam deploy (open a new bash window):
Use prod
or dev
as config env. For prod
, det DockerTag
to be the recent greeting package version.
sam deploy --config-env <prod|dev> --parameter-overrides 'DockerTage=<package-version>'
You can list the functions and see that the newly deployed lambda appears in the list:
aws lambda list-functions
To invoke the function:
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name greeting \
--payload '{"headers": {}, "path": "/hello", "httpMethod": "GET"}' \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name greeting \
--payload '{"headers": {}, "path": "/hello/Danny", "httpMethod": "GET"}' \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
You can also go to test the service via the AWS console:
- Lambda dashboard -> Functions -> greeting -> greeting-service -> Greeting API
- Select the enfpoint
- Use the
If needed, a Function URL can be set, but we'll skip it for now.
Note: When deployed remotely, the greeting message returns with 5 exclamation points, according to the remote config, but when running locally or on local stack, it is returned with a single exclamation point. Make sure this is indeed what you are observing when running locally or remptly.
Three main types of tests in this repo: Unit Tests
- Tests individual software units (functions and classes) in isolation.
- Best Practices: Write unit tests alongside code development, ensure comprehensive coverage of the unit's logic, and strive for isolated and repeatable tests. Unit tests are required in each PR, and Code Review process should ensure it. (Later on coverage tools will be added)
- Naming:
- Mark: Given most of our tests are unit tests, there's no need to mark them
- Executed:
- Pre-push runs all impacted unit tests
- CI: All unit tests are executed automatically and must pass, otherwise merge to main fails
- Nightly: All tests are executed nightly (workflow will be added soon)
Integration Tests
- Verifies how different software units interact with each other.
- Best Practices: Focus on interfaces and data exchange between units, test with stubs or mocks for external dependencies (except for the modules which their integration is being verified), and design tests to uncover integration issues.
- Naming:
- Mark:
- Executed:
- Nightly on each environment: All tests are executed nightly (workflow will be added soon)
End-to-end Tests
- Simulates real user journeys, testing how different system components work together from start to finish. It encompasses functional, non-functional, and integration testing aspects.
- Best Practices:
- Design tests that mimic real user workflows and critical business processes.
- Prioritize high-impact user scenarios that deliver the most value.
- Use realistic and well-structured test data sets that reflect real-world conditions.
- Ensure data isolation to prevent tests from interfering with each other.
- Naming: /e2e/
- Mark:
- Execeuted:
- Nightly on each environment: All tests are executed nightly (workflow will be added soon)