IIRC magit still binds the status buffer independently from the transient definition even though it's mostly the same.
I'm writing some code that goes like this:
(transient-define-prefix uni-dyn-dispatch
"Control the uni-dyn render states."
("c" "create" undefined :transient t)
("p" "pause" undefined :transient t)
("k" "clear data" undefined :transient t)
("g" "refresh size" undefined :transient t) ; todo add to keymap
("f" "fullscreen" uni-dyn-fullscreen)
("q" "quit" undefined :transient t)]
["Update Dynamics\n"
("l" "iteration limit" uni-dyn--dispatch-set-limit)
("p" "sampling scale" uni-dyn--dispatch-set-sampling-scale)
("e" "render escapers only" undefined :transient t)
("r" "render repeaters only" undefined :transient t)]
["" ("h" "toggle help" transient-quit-all)]])
(defvar uni-dyn-render-mode-map
(let ((map (make-composed-keymap button-buffer-map special-mode-map)))
(define-key map "c" #'undefined)
(define-key map "k" #'undefined)
(define-key map "g" #'undefined)
(define-key map "q" #'undefined)
(define-key map "h" #'uni-dyn-dispatch)
(define-key map "l" #'uni-dyn-set-limit)
(define-key map "g" nil) ; there is no update.
And whenever making special modes like this, it would be beneficial to extract the prefix's map (which has a superset of keymap information) and then modify the keymap for any commands that shouldn't be bound.
What concerns should come up during the implementation? Since a regular keymap is usually not dynamic like transients are during each setup, I believe logic that deactivates keys situationally for the transient UI should be bypassed, meaning a special mode map derived from a transient always has the full set of keys bound and nothing hidden / inapt.