Hello! I have discovered a bug with this library.
It seems that on the Arduino Uno, the internal pullup resistor on pin 2 does not work when this library is being used.
I will include a very simple sketch showing the problem below.
It sets pin 2 as an input with pullup. It then reads from that input, and directly outputs it to pin 13 (built in LED on Uno).
When pin 2 is not connected to anything, the pullup should keep the pin high, meaning the LED should be ON unless pin 2 is tied to ground. However, it remains OFF unless you tie pin 2 to 5V.
If you comment out the initiation of this library, it works as expected.
Here is the sketch-
#include <DMXSerial.h>
bool inputValue;
void setup() {
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, digitalRead(2));
I am working on a somewhat urgent project using this library, so I would appreciate it if someone could get back to me about this soon, but I understand this is community led, so I understand if it doesn't get fixed right away.
Thanks a lot for making this library (and hopefully maintaining it), as it seems to be the only library for receiving DMX, and it works quite well other than this issue.