I have been looking at this library to provide an interface between 2 channels of DMX and I2C. I have written the very simple sketch as below, based on the example.
//#include <Wire.h>
int dmxAddress[] = {112, 113 }; //DMX Address of the 2 channels to be monitored
byte dmxValues[2]; // Levels associated with the 2 channels
byte hiByte[2]; // used for reading DMX address from I2c
byte loByte[2]; // used for reading DMX address from I2c
const int Pin1 = 9; // PWM output 1
const int Pin2 = 6; // PWM output 2
const int FlagPin = 17; // Low when DMX is present.
void setup()
// Wire.begin(2);
// Wire.onRequest(requestEvent);
// Wire.onReceive(receiveEvent);
pinMode(FlagPin, OUTPUT);
// set some default values
digitalWrite(FlagPin, 1);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
void loop()
// Calculate how long no data bucket was received
unsigned long lastPacket = DMXSerial.noDataSince();
if (lastPacket < 5000)
// read recent DMX values
digitalWrite(FlagPin, 0);
//digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 1);
dmxValues[0] =[0]);
dmxValues[1] =[1]);
analogWrite(Pin1, dmxValues[0]);
analogWrite(Pin2, dmxValues[1]);
analogWrite(Pin1, 0);
analogWrite(Pin2, 0);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, 0);
digitalWrite(FlagPin, 1);
} // if
//void requestEvent()
// Wire.write(dmxValues[0]);
// Wire.write(dmxValues[1]);
//void receiveEvent(int howMany)
// while (Wire.available())
// {
// hiByte[0] =;
// loByte[0] =;
// hiByte[1] =;
// loByte[1] =;
// dmxAddress[0] = (hiByte[0] << 8) + loByte[0];
// dmxAddress[1] = (hiByte[1] << 8) + loByte[1];
// }
I noticed that FlagPin will go high after some time even when valid DMX data seemed to be received. So I commented out the I2C part of the code.
I have ran the above code on an Arduino Nano and an Arduino Nano Every. In both cases the else part of the if statement in loop() is called when I think valid data is being received. Please see attached video. LED_BUILTIN goes off after a few seconds, where the 2 LEDs keep varying in level showing DMX being received.
This is not the behaviour I was expecting, but I may have misunderstood the library. Any help received with thanks.