Hi @mathertel 👋
Thank you for your fantastic work on this library 👍
I have a suggestion to save memory space: use one or more (2, 3...) bytes to store, for example, the pin of the button, like in this library (in French and outside github, sorry 🥴)
➡️ source code
➡️ how it works
Additionally maybe change the states enum type in OneButton.h
from int to uint8_t
) and some others ? Can this be moved to a single byte as I stated above ?
And also it is possible to create a setter method to change the number of the button pin while the program is running. For example we start with pin 2 and then change it to 3 ? I don't know if it's a great idea...
(sorry for my English, i'm French and i use google translate for write 🥴)
again thanks for your job!