Author: Matthew Humphrey
This is a simple tool to allow decoding, encoding, and convenient editing operations on saves for the No Man's Sky game.
Users running NMS 1.38 will need to use the latest beta version
Users running NMS 1.37 and earlier can use the latest release version
Run "nmssavetool help" for help.
> nmssavetool help
addinv Adds an inventory item.
backup Back up the latest game save for the specified game slot.
backupall Back up all game saves.
decrypt Decrypt the latest game save slot and write it to a formatted JSON file.
delinv Deletes an inventory item.
encrypt Encrypt a previously decrypted save-game JSON file and replace the latest game save.
info Display information about a game save including player stats and inventory contents.
maxslots Maximize the number of inventory slots.
moveinv Moves an inventory item from one slot to another. Anything in the destination slot is
recharge Recharge shield, energy and fuel levels in the exosuit, multitool, ship, freighter or vehicle
refill Maximize amounts of product and substance items in the exosuit, multitool, ship, vehicle, or
freighter inventories.
refurbish Recharge, repair, and refill items in the exosuit, multitool, ship, and vehicle inventories.
relocate Set the player position within the NMS universe using various coordinate systems.
repair Repair damaged technology in the exosuit, multitool, ship, vehicle, or freighter inventories.
restore Restore the latest game save from the specified back-up file.
seed Change the RNG seed value that is used to determine the appearance of the ship, multitool, or
setinv Adds an inventory item to a specific position.
swapinv Swaps the contents of two inventory slots.
units Change the amount of units (in-game money).
help Display more information on a specific command.
version Display version information.
Adds any inventory item (product, substance, or technology) to an available inventory slot in the specified inventory group. Items are added starting at the bottom right, and then moving left and up as necessary until an available slot is found.
>nmssavetool.exe help addinv
-i, --item Required. Specifies the inventory item to add. You may specify a portion of the name
and the program will try and match with one of the valid items. Surround the name in
quotes, and prefix the name with a '^' to match against item IDs instead of item
descriptions. Choose which inventory to add the item to with the add-item-to option.
-c, --inventory-group Required. (Default: exosuit_general) Specifies the inventory group to which the item
will be added: exosuit_general, exosuit_cargo, ship_general, freighter_general, or
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool.exe addinv -g 1 -c ship_general -i "^HYPERFUEL"
Adds a warp cell to any available slot in the Ship general inventory, for game save slot 1.
> nmssavetool.exe addinv -g 2 -c exosuit_cargo -i dagger
Adds a Vy'keen Dagger to any available slot in the Exosuit cargo inventory, for game save slot 2.
Backs up the current game save for the specified game mode to a file in the provided directory. The directory must already exist. Normally, the program writes out the game save as a decrypted, formatted JSON file, that can be edited, or provided as input to the encrypt or restore commands.
>nmssavetool.exe help backup
-b, --backup-dir Required. If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool backup -g 1 -b C:\nms_backups
Backs up the latest slot 1 game save to C:\nms_backups
. The back-up consists of the decrypted, JSON,
save file.
> nmssavetool backup -g 3 -b C:\nms_backups --full-backup
Backs up the latest slot 3 game save to C:\nms_backups
. The back-up consists of the decrypted, JSON,
save file plus a zip file containing the full game-save folder.
Backups up all game save slots to a zip file with the specified name or in the specified directory. If an existing directory name is supplied for the -b/--backup-to option, the zip file will be given a descriptive name containing the most recent game save date and time. Otherwise, the supplied value is assumed to be the filename for the created archive.
> nmssavetool.exe help backupall
-b, --backup-to Required. Specifies the directory or file to which the backup will be written. The backup
will be saved as a zip archive.
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool backupall -b C:\nms_backups\
Backs up all game saves to C:\nms_backups\
Decrypts the latest game save for the specified game mode. One decrypted, the game save information is written out as a formatted JSON file. This file can be edited to make various changes not supported by this program, and then provided as input to the encrypt command.
>nmssavetool.exe help decrypt
-f, --output-file Required. Specifies the file to which the decrypted, formatted game save will be
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool decrypt -g 1 -f C:\my_save_game.json
Decrypts latest slot 1 game save and writes it to the file, C:\my_save_game.json
Deletes an item (product, substance, or technology) from an inventory.
>nmssavetool.exe help delinv
-s, --position Required. Specifies the position, as row,col, of the inventory item which will be
deleted. Valid row and column value start at 1.
-c, --inventory-group Required. (Default: exosuit_general) Specifies the inventory group from which the
inventory item will be deleted: exosuit_general, exosuit_cargo, ship_general,
freighter_general, or vehicle
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Use with caution!
> nmssavetool delinv -g 1 -s 3,4 -c ship_general -b D:\nms_backups
Deletes the inventory item at row 3, column 4 in the ship general inventory. Before updating the game save file, the existing game save is backed up to a file in D:\nms_backups. The slot 1 game save is used.
Takes a game-save in JSON format, encrypts and writes it to the latest game-save slot for the specified game mode.
>nmssavetool help encrypt
-f, --input-file Required. Specifies the JSON input file which will be encrypted and written to the latest
game save slot.
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the specified
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory in
addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool encrypt -g 1 C:\my_save_game.json
Encrypts the file, C:\my_save_game.json
and writes it to game slot 1.
> nmssavetool encrypt -g 2 C:\my_save_game.json -b D:\nms_backups
Encrypts the file, C:\my_save_game.json
and writes it to game slot 2.
Before overwriting the existing game save it is backed up to the directory D:\nms_backups.
Outputs information about the latest game save for the specified game slot. Information includes various player stats, the player position, and (optionally) inventory contents. When outputting inventory contents, by default the contents of all non-empty inventory slots are displayed. To see the empty slots as well, or to restrict further restrict what inventory types are displayed, use the -t/--types option.
>nmssavetool help info
--no-basic (Default: false) Omits display of basic game-save information such as player stats
and position.
-i, --show-inventory (Default: false) Display inventory contents.
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: all) The inventory groups whose contents will be displayed.
-t, --types (Default: all_but_empty) Which inventory types to include
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool info -g 1
Displays player stats and position for the slot 1 game save.
> nmssavetool info -g 2 -i -c ship_general -t tech
Displays a list of technology items in the ship_general inventory of the slot 1 game save. The basic player stats are also displayed.
> nmssavetool info -g 3 -i -c ship -t tech --no-basic
Displays a list of technology in all ship inventories of the slot 3 game save. The display of basic player stats is omitted.
> nmssavetool.exe info -g 1 -i -c exosuit_cargo -t all
Shows the contents of the Exosuit Cargo inventory, including empty slots, of the slot 1 game save.
Maximizes the number of valid slots for the current ship, vehicle, multitool, or exosuit.
Note that the maximum number of slots was determined by the author with some experimentation in game, but it is possible that Hello Games may change this in the future.
>nmssavetool help maxslots
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: all) The inventory groups whose slots will be maximized
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool -c ship_general -g 1
Maximizes the number of slots for the ship_general inventory (instant 48-slot ship) for game slot 1.
Moves an inventory item from one position to another. If the destination slot was previously invalid, the source slot will be made invalid so that the total number of valid slots does not change. Otherwise, the source slot will be left valid, but empty. To swap the contents of inventory slots, see the swapinv command.
>nmssavetool help moveinv
-p, --position Required. Specifies the from- and to-position as, "from_row,from_col:to_row,to_col",
of the item which will be moved. Valid row and column values start at '1'
-c, --inventory-group Required. (Default: exosuit_general) Specifies the inventory group within which the
item will be moved: exosuit_general, exosuit_cargo, ship_general, freighter_general,
or vehicle
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool.exe moveinv -g 1 -c exosuit_cargo -p 6,4:6,5
Moves the contents of the Exosuit Cargo inventory slot at row 6, column 4 to row 6, column 5. Anything in the destination is overwritten (use "info -i -c exosuit_cargo -t all" to check contents before moving, or use the swapinv command).
Recharges technology items. Certain technology items in the game have an associated energy capacity that discharges with use. Some examples are the exosuit life support system, the radiation deflector, etc. In the ship, hyperdrive, launch thruster, pulse engine, and other items also have this behavior. Some multitool and vehicle technology items also behave this way. This command will "recharge" these items back to their full capacity.
> nmssavetool help recharge
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: exosuit ship multitool freighter vehicle) Which inventories to recharge.
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool recharge -g 1 -c ship+exosuit
Recharges technologies in default inventories for game save slot 1.
Maximizes the amount of each product or substance item in an inventory slot. This command has no effect on technology items.
> nmssavetool help refill
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: exosuit ship freighter vehicle container) Which inventories to refill.
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool refill -g 1 -c container
Maximizes inventory quantities in all base containers for the game save slot 1.
Refurbish is equivalent to running the recharge, refill, and repair commands independently.
> nmssavetool help refurbish
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: exosuit ship multitool freighter vehicle container) Which inventories to
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool refurbish -g 1 -c ship
Refurbishes all ship inventories for the game save slot 1.
Relocate the player, within the current galaxy, to a position specified using one of several coordinate representations. Currently three formats are supported:
- Signal scanner coordinates. These are the coordinates displayed by any signal scanner in game. They appear as 4, 4-digit hexidecimal numbers separated by colons (example, 0C93:0080:02B1:0202).
- Portal coordinates. The game has 16 portal glyphs, each of which represents a hexidecimal digit. Several online sites and tools allow you to convert a sequence of glyphs into a 12-digit hexidecimal number. This command supports coordinates in this representation.
- Voxel coordinates. Within the game-save file, coordinates are specified as X, Y, Z, and Solary System Index values. You may directly provide these values to this command. This is useful when trying to replicate a position from another game save.
When moving the player, it is generally safer to reset the player's planet index and LastKnownPlayerState so that the player is positioned near a valid planet and in his ship. The program will do that by default, but if desired that behavior can be disabled with the --no-reset-planet and --no-reset-to-ship flags.
> nmssavetool help relocate
-c, --galactic-coordinates Set the player position using the galactic coordinates displayed by signal
-p, --portal-coordinates Set the player position using portal coordinates.
--voxel-coordinates Set the player position using the voxel coordinates used within the save-game
file. Format is (x,y,z,ssi).
--galaxy Set the galaxy index (0 = Euclid Galaxy, 1 = Hilbert Dimension, 2 = Calypso
Galaxy, etc.)
--planet Set the planet index
--no-reset-planet Normally when relocating the player, the player's planet value is set to zero,
so that the player's position is compatible with all star systems. Set this
flag to disable that behavior.
--no-reset-to-ship Normally when relocating the player, the player's last known state value is set
to 'InShip' so the player spawns inside his ship. Set this flag to disable that
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save
directory in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool recolocate -g 1 -c 0C93:0080:02B1:0202
Relocate the player, within the current galaxy, to the position at the signal-scanner coordinates, 0C93:0080:02B1:0202. The player will be placed within his ship and reset on or near the first planet (planet 0).
> nmssavetool recolocate -g 1 -p 020201AB2494 --no-reset-planet --no-reset-to-ship
Relocate the player, within the current galaxy, to the position at portal cooredinates, 020201AB2494. The player planet and last known player state will be left unmodified (use with caution).
Repairs damaged technology items.
> nmssavetool help repair
-c, --inventory-groups (Default: exosuit multitool ship) What inventories to repair.
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool repair -g 1 -c ship
Repair all damaged technology items in the ship, for example to repair damage created by a warp through a black hole.
> nmssavetool repair -g 1 -c exosuit
Repair all damaged technology items in the exosuit, for example to repair damage created after passing through the galatic core.
Restore a previously decrypted / backed-up game save.
> nmssavetool help restore
-f, --restore-from Required. Specifies the full path to a back-up file to restore from. The back-up file
should be a decrypted JSON file created by this program.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
nmssavetool restore -g 1 -f C:\nms_backups\nmssavetool-backup-normal-20170903-202134.json
Restore slot 1 game save backup created on 2017-09-03, at 8:31:34 PM.
Change the random number seed used by NMS to determine the appearance of your ship, multitool, or freighter. You may set the seed explicitly, or have the program generate another random value.
> nmssavetool help seed
-c, --apply-to Specifies which object whose RNG seed will be changed: ship, multitool, or
-r, --randomize-ship-seed Generate a random seed.
-s, --set-ship-seed Set the seed value.
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save
directory in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool seed -g 1 -c ship -r
Generate a new seed for the ship, changing its appearance.
> nmssavetool seed -g 1 -c freighter -s 0x12AC41FE98157A9C
Set the RNG seed for the freighter to 0x12AC41FE98157A9C.
Swap the contents of two inventory slots.
> nmssavetool help swapinv
-p, --position Required. Specifies the positions as, "row1,col1:row2,col2", of the items which will
be swapped. Valid row and column values start at '1'
-c, --inventory-group Required. (Default: exosuit_general) Specifies the inventory group within which the
items will be swapped: exosuit_general, exosuit_cargo, ship_general,
freighter_general, or vehicle
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the
specified directory.
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory
in addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool swapinv -g 1 -c exosuit_general -p 1:2,3:4
Swap the contents of exosuit general inventory items at row 1, column 2, and row 3, column 4.
Change the player's amount of units (in-game currency).
> nmssavetool help units
-s, --set-units Set the player Units.
-a, --add-units Add the specified amount to player Units (negative units will subtract from total).
-b, --backup-dir If provided, will write the selected game-save to a decrypted JSON file in the specified
--full-backup If provided (along with -b/--backup-dir), will archive the full game-save directory in
addition to the decrypted JSON game-save file.
-g, --game-slot Required. Use saves for which game slot (1-5)
--save-dir Path to game save folder (optional - determined automatically if not provided)
-v, --verbose Displays additional information during execution.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
> nmssavetool units -g 1 -a 1000000
Add one million units to the player's total.
> nmssavetool units -g 1 -s 2000000000
Set player units to 2 billion.
- Fixed bug in inventory selection for refill, recharge, and refurbish commands. Program also now detects if there were any changes to the selected inventories or not, and if not skips update of game save.
- Fixed incorrect IsRechargeable attribute for HyperDrive in InventoryItemTypes.csv. This was preventing the program from recharging the hyperdrive.
- Fixed typo in "Vortex Cube" in inventory item CSV file, InventoryItemTypes.csv (H/T Github user jgreely)
- Fixed bug preventing correct location of save directory for GoG
- Fixed bug in seed command that would cause invalid display of seed
- Added display of seeds to Info command
- Added display of current value when no change is made, to "units", "seed", and "relocate" commands.
- Updated game save file naming to match NMS 1.38 release
- Updated game save archive select logic to always pick the latest save file and to create one on save if less than two exist.
- Added display of game mode to Info command
- Split out backup of all saves into a separate command, "backupall".
- Full backup now only backs up the game save archive and metadata files - no cache directory.
- Add verbose logging to GameSaveManager
- Fix missing implementation of "seed" command.
- Initial changes to support NMS 1.38 new save slot scheme.
- Every feature anyone has ever requested, except for a GUI :)
- Several new inventory commands giving the ability to manipulate inventory contents. Add, move, swap, or delete inventory items
- New command maxslots. Maximizes the number of inventory slots. Instant 48-slot ship!
- New command: info. This can be used to dump information about the most recent game save, including the player's position and inventory contents.
- New command: backup. This command allows the user to back-up the current game save without modifying it.
- New command: restore. This command is functionally equivalent to 'restore', but was provided to
- Backup now also writes a decrypted, formatted JSON file. This makes it easy to restore a backup by simply using the encrypt command with one of these JSON files as input.
- Backup now includes the game mode in the output file name.
- Backup now by default only makes a copy of the unencrypted JSON file rather than the full archive of the save dir. A full archive is still available with the --full-backup option. make the process of restoring a backed-up game-save more explicit/obvious to the end user.
- Significant internal refactoring to separate the command-line interface from the save-game abstraction. This will allow that code to be used in other contexts (like a GUI).
- Support for the old NMS version 1.0 save-game format has been removed.
- The command-line options have changed. Please check the help for details.
- New modify command options, set_galactic-coordinates, set-portal-coordinates, and set-voxel-coordinates allow movement of the player position within the current galaxy
- New modify command option, set-galaxy, allows the player to change the current galaxy.
- Added the ability to set or add to the player Units total.
- Added support for new NMS 1.3 Exosuit and Ship inventory groups
- Added support for containers
- Added option (-s / --save-dir) to explicitly specify the folder containing the game save files.
- Added dump of some troubleshooting info (CLR version and APPDATA folder) to verbose mode display
- Modified game save location logic to work even if save directories do not contain the profile key number. This key is not needed for current versions of the game, so perhaps newer installs are no longer naming the directory this way.
- Fixed bug where GoG game save directory detection would only work if a Normal mode game had been saved.
- Added support for GoG game save directory
- Added support for Permadeath game mode
- Updated to work with new NMS save file format (version 4101) in the NMS Pathfinder update (version 1.2)
- Added backup feature
- Added damage repair to Refill Command
- Switched to a new command-line parsing library
- Moved to a verb-style command line interface, and provide more fine-grained control over modifications.
- Minor refactoring to reduce duplicated code
- Initial release
Many thanks to the authors of the following software libraries used by nmssavetool:
- CsvHelper -
- Json.NET (NewtonSoft) -
- CommandLineParser -
I would also like to thank No Man's Sky mod maker 'nomansuniverse' and 'Mjjstral', who discovered how to decrypt the V1 format NMS save files.