Hi! Very cool paper. Keep in mind however that any of these PQNoise patterns such as pqXX could be made to use a hybrid KEM which combines an ECDH with Kyber. They say in the paper that all their proofs also apply for the hybrids. And if one were so inclined RSA could be used as a KEM here if you are an old school cypherpunk that distrusts these new fangled elliptic curves. But in the real world I think most people will want to use X25519 or X448 with Kyber768 or Kyber1024... The Katzenpost decryption mix network is already using PQNoise pattern pqXX with X25519+Kyber768.... and i think it would be cool to build such things with rust as well.
@misc{ ADH+22,
author = {Yawning Angel and Benjamin Dowling and Andreas Hülsing and Peter Schwabe and Florian Weber},
title = {Post Quantum Noise},
year = {2022},
note = {\url{\#pqnoise}},
The paper was published along with the Golang reference implementation of PQ Noise on the "experimental" git branch, here: