ini parser is a node module that you can use it on your express app and your node apps.
but now please concider my example: first of all you have to install iniparser through npm install iniparser@latest -g for globaly install or you can install it with --save for your project in dependencies or you can install it with --save-dev command for your project and in dev-dependencies in your package.json file. the second thing you have to do, you should create a file and named : config.ini and content of this file is :
title = MehdiFilban port = 5000 message = anything you want
and then create file index.pug because jade is deprecated content of this file :
doctype html(lang="en") head meta(charset="UTF-8") meta(name="viewport", content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0") meta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible", content="ie=edge") link(rel="stylesheet", href="/stylesheets/style.css") script(src="/javascripts/main.js") script(src="/views/error.ejs") body #center p Hello Guys my name is mehdi prg and im really appreciate that you come to my website. #content img(src="/images/logo.png", alt="logo") p welcome p #{message}
and then you have to create a file and named it app.js content of this file is :
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var port = 3521; var http = require('http'); // var logger = require('logger'); var iniparser = require('iniparser'); var responseTime = require('response-time'); var config = iniparser.parseSync("./config.ini"); var title = config.title; app.set('view engine', 'pug'); //jade is deprecated app.set('views', "./views"); app.use(express.static('./public')); app.use(responseTime()); app.get('/', function(req,res){ res.render('hello',{title, message:config.message}); }); http.createServer(app).listen(config.port,function(){ console.log("app is started"); });
and then go to the terminal and write this command :
~$ node-dev app.js
that was so easy.
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