This is a weather app built with Vue.js/
, Node.js, Python Using MetaCall Loader and Express that provides the weather api . The API supports various endpoints, including current weather for a given location, weather forecasts, weather analysis using MetaCall with Python integration, and weather predictions based on machine learning models.
- Weather by City or Coordinates: Get weather information based on city name or latitude/longitude.
- Current Location: Get weather information for the user's current location (based on coordinates).
- Weather Forecast: Get weather forecasts for the next 16 days.
- Weather Analysis: Analyze weather data using a Python loader in MetaCall.
- Weather Prediction: Use machine learning models using MetaCall to predict weather trends (e.g., temperature, precipitation).
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js (version 16 or higher) – Download Node.js
- NPM (Node Package Manager) – comes with Node.js
- Python (version 3.8 or higher) – Download Python
- MetaCall – for running Python code in Node.js. Follow the MetaCall Installation Guide for installation steps.
- OpenWeather API for Weather Forecast Data. Website Link
Backend Setup:
- Clone the repository:
Open your terminal/command prompt and run the following command to clone the repository:
git clone cd backend
- Install The Requirements:
cd backend
metacall pip install -r requirements.txt
metacall npm install
This Will Install All Dependencies Required To Run The Project
Frontend Setup: Install The Requirements:
cd frontend
npm install
Start the Backend:
Go to the
folder and run the backend server:cd backend metacall main.js
This will start the backend server which listens for weather data requests.
Start the Frontend:
In the
folder, run the Vue.js development server:cd frontend npm run serve