One project I want to do with my PYB is to interface with DaisyLink bus boards, which are I2C with some frills. DaisyLink puts the pull-ups on the slave boards (switchable), so the pull-ups already fitted to the PYB are a problem (R8, 9, 11, 12). I cannot find a board layout to identify these to remove them - any chance of publishing a component layout?
In a future release, I think it would be better to omit these components as they may also interfere with other uses of these pins, for example as open drain drivers (or a user may want to drive the I2C at 5v.). Omitting R8 and 9 would be a problem for the MMA7660 which I would also prefer was omitted to free these pins and reduce BOM cost - it could be supplied optionally on a shield board. However, if this part is regarded as essential, at least omit R11 and 12.
Maybe when you go into production, you could offer a version with these five components not fitted?