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Multi-stage COPY --from should preserve ownership/permissions #37123



This relates to:

Problem statement

The COPY (and ADD) Dockerfile instructions by default reset the ownership of files added to 0:0.

While this makes sense when copying files from a build-context (users/groups on the host in most situations won't match user/group in the container), in multi-stage builds this situation may be different.

In a multi-stage build, intermediate stages are meant to prepare content/artifacts for the final stage(s) they are copied to. This preparation can include: setting the correct ownership (and permissions) of files.

Because of the current behavior of COPY, those permissions are reset, and workarounds, such as tar-ing the files before COPY-ing, then extracting the tar in the final stage (which preserves permissions and ownership as set on the files before tar-ing) are not ideal.


I propose to preserve permissions and ownership of files/directories when COPY-ing between stages in a multi-stage build


Building this Dockerfile on a current version of Docker:

FROM busybox AS one
RUN mkdir -p /foo/1-subdir \
 && touch \
  /foo/4-five-six \
  /foo/7-eight-nine \
 && chown -R 123:123 /foo/1-subdir \
 && chown 456:456 /foo/4-five-six \
 && chown 789:789 /foo/7-eight-nine \
 && chmod -R 0600 /foo/1-subdir \
 && chmod 0060 /foo/4-five-six \
 && chmod 0006 /foo/7-eight-nine
RUN echo "In stage one" \
 && ls -l /foo/

FROM busybox AS final
COPY --from=one /foo /bar
RUN echo "In final stage" \
 && ls -l /bar/


In stage one
total 4
drw-------    2 123      123           4096 May 22 12:24 1-subdir
----rw----    1 456      456              0 May 22 12:24 4-five-six
-------rw-    1 789      789              0 May 22 12:24 7-eight-nine
In final stage
total 4
drw-------    2 root     root          4096 May 22 12:24 1-subdir
----rw----    1 root     root             0 May 22 12:24 4-five-six
-------rw-    1 root     root             0 May 22 12:24 7-eight-nine

With the proposed changes, the final stage would look like:

In final stage
total 4
drw-------    2 123      123           4096 May 22 12:24 1-subdir
----rw----    1 456      456              0 May 22 12:24 4-five-six
-------rw-    1 789      789              0 May 22 12:24 7-eight-nine

Question / to be discussed

COPY --from accepts both the name/number of a build-stage, as well as an image-reference:

  • Should we preserve ownership/permissions when copying from an image as well? (COPY --from myimage:latest)
  • Should we add new options to make the --from less ambiguous, and only preserve ownership/permissions when copying from other stages (i.e., add --from-stage and --from-image options)?


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