Get started by downloading this repo and symlinking or renaming to ~/.vim
No frills install that disables coc.nvim until node is intalled
git clone && ln -s vim-and-system-configs ~/.vim
bash ~/.vim/system-configs/
# To disable auto upgrading the terminal, also copy
touch ~/.vim/.disable_auto_upgrade
# If running on a VPC change prefix to C-f
sed -i 's/prefix C-g/prefix C-f/' ~/.tmux.conf
Minimal install which also installs node so coc.nvim works
git clone && ln -s vim-and-system-configs ~/.vim
bash ~/.vim/system-configs/
# To disable auto upgrading the terminal, also copy
touch ~/.vim/.disable_auto_upgrade
# If running on a VPC change prefix to C-f
sed -i 's/prefix C-g/prefix C-f/' ~/.tmux.conf
Install brew, node, gcloud and lots of useful packages. Can take up to an hour to complete
git clone && ln -s vim-and-system-configs ~/.vim
bash ~/.vim/system-configs/
Install brew, node, gcloud and lots of useful packages. Can take up to an hour to complete
From OSX
cat | pbcopy
Otherwise copy this script
ssh root@SERVER
# <Paste contents of linux-bootstrap directly into the terminal>
Configs get you started with nvim as an IDE, via coc. Languages that should work out of the box.
- c, cpp
- java
- python
- go
- md
Also I use Amethyst for window tiling
- Better organizatino for the vimrc that's loaded after plugings
- Better vimrc settings, based on jungegunn's dotfiles (sponsor him!)
- Support for other OS's besides makes
- Probably just ubuntu and debian