There are many parts of the WebUI that can be improved, I'm trying to create a tracker here to collect some thoughts and areas that needs improvements, for instance:
- model card description: (support markdown, fixed size, visual improvements )
- delete models (ability to uninstall a model after installation)
- cancel installation (abort an installation which is in progress)
- chat with a model ( a simple, no frill chat interface just for sake of debugging and experimenting )
- Show the number of models available in the gallery
- Filter installed/not installed
- Pagination
- feat(dowloader): resume partial downloads #4537
- delete all external dependencies
- Add image gen interface
- Add TTS interface
- Add transcription interface
- Add model manually from interface mask (ask for URL to feed the gallery service) and show installation progress
- Add embeddings
- Add rerankings (?)
- multimodal chat
- Make possible to access the WebUI without any browser extensions if an API_KEY is specified (WebUI: 'Authorization header missing' #2227)
- Statistics page in WebUI and through an API #2763
- change chat colors #3381