I couldn't understand why the netfs option would never work on my Windows machine as the mount action would always return host is down
until I found out that Nanobox requires enabling the "SMB 1.0/CIFS Server" feature component for any netfs mount to work with Nanobox.
By default this is disabled in newer Windows 10 builds. I originally thought that the CIFS mount is limited to SMBv1, but now I'm not sure. Running the following PowerShell command below on Windows 10 client, shows that SMB 2.0+ is enabled for the server side, so in theory shares created shouldn't use SMBv1 if support for a higher version is possible, it just means that a client could fallback to SMBv1 and still connect successfully.
Get-SmbServerConfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol
However, you still need enable the 1.0 feature, to any netfs mount to work at all.
General question, can Nanobox mount shares via CIFS with SMB 2.0 and above?