- bug report? no
- feature request? yes
- version: 2.4.5
I think it would be great to have helpers for closures and non-static methods. It can make JS validation easier and could lead to better code-writing. Correct me if I'm wrong, but for a good JS validation you have to use static methods or named functions that honestly don't belong there.
Naming those methods and closures could look like:
- Non-static methods' names could replace named functions
(Class->methodname would result in {"op":"methodname",...}) - Non-static methods' names could look similar to current static methods' names
(Class->methodname would result in {"op":"Class[some separator]methodname"}) - Closures' names could be generated by the name attribute as seen in my example below
- Users could name methods and closures themselves
exportRules() EXAMPLE
public static function exportRules(Rules $rules) {
$payload = [];
foreach ($rules as $rule_key => $rule) {
if (!is_string($op = $rule->validator)) {
$callback_name = Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($op);
if ($callback_name === "{closure}") {
$op = $rule->control->getName() . "_rule" . $rule_key;
} else if (Nette\Utils\Callback::isStatic($op)) {
$op = $callback_name;
} else {
//TODO replace for better separator instead of :: (requires js changes as well :/
$op = $callback_name;
* Original code that started on line 100 after 'if(!is_string...'
* if (!Nette\Utils\Callback::isStatic($op)) {
$op = Nette\Utils\Callback::toString($op);*/
//method continues as it should