Java client for txtai
txtai is an all-in-one embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows.
This repository contains Java bindings for the txtai API.
Jitpack is the recommended way to integrate txtai with Java. See this link for how to install JitPack.
The following is an example adding txtai to a project's build.gradle
file. The same attributes can be ported to other build systems per the JitPack link above.
implementation ''
txtai can also be manually built from GitHub.
git clone
./gradlew jar
The JAR will be available in ./build/libs
The examples directory has a series of examples that give an overview of txtai. See the list of examples below.
Example | Description |
Introducing txtai | Overview of the functionality provided by txtai |
Extractive QA with txtai | Extractive question-answering with txtai |
Labeling with zero-shot classification | Labeling with zero-shot classification |
Pipelines and workflows | Pipelines and workflows | connects to a txtai api instance. See this link for details on how to start a new api instance.
Once an api instance is running, do the following to run the examples.
git clone
../gradlew embeddings|extractor|labels|pipelines