The poll the boiler and publish value to mqtt host.
pip install --upgrade git+
Read all the value from boiler for testing --serial /dev/ttyUSB0 --deviceid 10
Run the mqtt publish daemon --user MQTTUSER --password MQTTPASSWORD --interval 60 --log DEBUG
Boiler may be configured in bismaster mode : it send query during 5s and wait query during 5s. If you have incorrect respond from the boiler you can try to add --bimaster flag to the command line to handle bimaster mode.
This mode is not well tested, ti may not work.
On my system there is two 4 pin mini DIN connectors for the connection (MODBUS RS-485).
For the connection I use an USB to RS485 adapter : USB-RS485-WE-1800-BT. I connected the Data- B Yellow wire on pin 3 (up right with connector in front of you and plastic pin a the bottom) and the Data+ A Orange wire on pin 4 (low right).
Available mqtt topic can be found in isystem_to_mqtt/
Variable ZONE_TABLE_MODULENS_O define zone to read.
Variable READ_TABLE_MODULENS_O define topic exported to MQTT.
Variable WRITE_TABLE_MODULENS_O define topic subcribed to send data to boiler.
Main topic are:
TOPIC | Description |
heating/zone-a/temperature | Inside temperature |
heating/outside/temperature | Outsite temperature |
heating/zone-a/day-target-temperature | Current day mode target temperature |
heating/zone-a/day-target-temperature/SET | To set day mode target temperature |
heating/zone-a/night-target-temperature | Currect night mode target temperature |
heating/zone-a/night-target-temperature/SET | To set night mode target temperature |