Fast, simple sklearn-like feature processing for Go
- Does not cross
boundary - No memory allocation
- No reflection
- Convenient serialization
- Generated code has 100% test coverage and benchmarks
- Fitting
- UTF-8
- Parallel batch transform
- Faster than sklearn in batch mode
//go:generate go run -struct=Employee
type Employee struct {
Age int `feature:"identity"`
Salary float64 `feature:"minmax"`
Kids int `feature:"maxabs"`
Weight float64 `feature:"standard"`
Height float64 `feature:"quantile"`
City string `feature:"onehot"`
Car string `feature:"ordinal"`
Income float64 `feature:"kbins"`
Description string `feature:"tfidf"`
SecretValue float64
Code above will generate a new struct as well benchmarks and tests using google/gofuzz.
employee := Employee{
Age: 22,
Salary: 1000.0,
Kids: 2,
Weight: 85.1,
Height: 160.0,
City: "Pangyo",
Car: "Tesla",
Income: 9000.1,
SecretValue: 42,
Description: "large text fields is not a problem neither, tf-idf can help here too! more advanced NLP will be added later!",
var fp EmployeeFeatureTransformer
config, _ := ioutil.ReadAll("employee_feature_processor.json")
json.Unmarshal(config, &fp)
features := fp.Transform(&employee)
// []float64{22, 1, 0.5, 1.0039999999999998, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 5, 0.7674945674619879, 0.4532946552278861, 0.4532946552278861}
names := fp.FeatureNames()
// []string{"Age", "Salary", "Kids", "Weight", "Height", "City_Pangyo", "City_Seoul", "City_Daejeon", "City_Busan", "Car", "Income", "Description_text", "Description_problem", "Description_help"}
You can also fit transformer based on data
fp := EmployeeFeatureTransformer{}
config, _ := json.Marshal(data)
_ = ioutil.WriteFile("employee_feature_processor.json", config, 0644)
This transformer can be serialized and de-serialized by standard Go routines. Serialized transformer is easy to read, update, and integrate with other tools.
"Age_identity": {},
"Salary_minmax": {"Min": 500, "Max": 900},
"Kids_maxabs": {"Max": 4},
"Weight_standard": {"Mean": 60, "STD": 25},
"Height_quantile": {"Quantiles": [20, 100, 110, 120, 150]},
"City_onehot": {"Mapping": {"Pangyo": 0, "Seoul": 1, "Daejeon": 2, "Busan": 3},
"Car_ordinal": {"Mapping": {"BMW": 90000, "Tesla": 1}},
"Income_kbins": {"Quantiles": [1000, 1100, 2000, 3000, 10000]},
"Description_tfidf": {
"Mapping": {"help": 2, "problem": 1, "text": 0},
"Separator": " ",
"DocCount": [1, 2, 2],
"NumDocuments": 2,
"Normalizer": {}
Or you can manually initialize it.
fp := EmployeeFeatureTransformer{
Salary: MinMaxScaler{Min: 500, Max: 900},
Kids: MaxAbsScaler{Max: 4},
Weight: StandardScaler{Mean: 60, STD: 25},
Height: QuantileScaler{Quantiles: []float64{20, 100, 110, 120, 150}},
City: OneHotEncoder{Mapping: map[string]uint{"Pangyo": 0, "Seoul": 1, "Daejeon": 2, "Busan": 3}},
Car: OrdinalEncoder{Mapping: map[string]uint{"Tesla": 1, "BMW": 90000}},
Income: KBinsDiscretizer{QuantileScaler: QuantileScaler{Quantiles: []float64{1000, 1100, 2000, 3000, 10000}}},
Description: TFIDFVectorizer{
NumDocuments: 2,
DocCount: []uint{1, 2, 2},
CountVectorizer: CountVectorizer{Mapping: map[string]uint{"text": 0, "problem": 1, "help": 2}, Separator: " "},
For typical use, with this struct encoder you can get ~100ns processing time for a single sample. How fast you need to get? Here are some numbers:
0 - C++ FlatBuffers decode
200ps - 4.6GHz single cycle time
1ns - L1 cache latency
10ns - L2/L3 cache SRAM latency
20ns - DDR4 CAS, first byte from memory latency
20ns - C++ raw hardcoded structs access
80ns - C++ FlatBuffers decode/traverse/dealloc
----------> 100ns - go-featureprocessing typical processing
150ns - PCIe bus latency
171ns - Go cgo call boundary, 2015
200ns - some High Frequency Trading FPGA claims
800ns - Go Protocol Buffers Marshal
837ns - Go json-iterator/go json decode
1µs - Go Protocol Buffers Unmarshal
1µs - High Frequency Trading FPGA
3µs - Go JSON Marshal
7µs - Go JSON Unmarshal
9µs - Go XML Marshal
10µs - PCIe/NVLink startup time
17µs - Python JSON encode or decode times
30µs - UNIX domain socket, eventfd, fifo pipes latency
30µs - Go XML Unmarshal
100µs - Redis intrinsic latency
100µs - AWS DynamoDB + DAX
100µs - KDB+ queries
100µs - High Frequency Trading direct market access range
200µs - 1GB/s network air latency
200µs - Go garbage collector latency 2018
500µs - NGINX/Kong added latency
10ms - AWS DynamoDB
10ms - WIFI6 "air" latency
15ms - AWS Sagemaker latency
30ms - 5G "air" latency
100ms - typical roundtrip from mobile to backend
200ms - AWS RDS MySQL/PostgreSQL or AWS Aurora
10s - AWS Cloudfront 1MB transfer time
This is significantly faster than sklearn, or calling sklearn from Go, for few samples.
And it performs similarly or faster than sklearn for large number of samples.
For full benchmarks go to /docs/benchmarks
, some extract for typical struct:
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_Transform-8 62135674 206 ns/op 208 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_Transform_Inplace-8 89993084 123 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_10elems-8 5921253 1881 ns/op 2048 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_100elems-8 528890 20532 ns/op 21760 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_1000elems-8 53524 238542 ns/op 221185 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_10000elems-8 4879 2267683 ns/op 2007048 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_100000elems-8 475 23257147 ns/op 20004876 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_1000000elems-8 46 284763749 ns/op 192004098 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_10elems_8workers-8 1552704 7362 ns/op 2064 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_100elems_8workers-8 412455 29814 ns/op 21776 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_1000elems_8workers-8 63822 177183 ns/op 213008 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_10000elems_8workers-8 8704 1505994 ns/op 2162707 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_100000elems_8workers-8 800 15840396 ns/op 21602323 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_1000000elems_8workers-8 72 139700740 ns/op 192004112 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_5000000elems_8workers-8 9 1720488586 ns/op 1040007184 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmployeeFeatureTransformer_TransformAll_15000000elems_8workers-8 1 14009776007 ns/op 3240001552 B/op 2 allocs/op
If you can't use go:gencode
version, you can try relfection based version.
Note, that reflection version intrudes overhead that is particularly noticeable if your struct has a lot of fields.
You would get ~2x time increase for struct with large composite transformers.
And you would get ~20x time increase for struct with 32 fields.
Note, some features like serialization and de-serialization are not supported yet.
go test -timeout=1h -bench=. -benchtime=10s -benchmem ./...
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
// reflection
BenchmarkStructTransformerTransform_32fields-4 1732573 2079 ns/op 512 B/op 2 allocs/op
// non-reflection
BenchmarkWith32FieldsFeatureTransformer_Transform-8 31678317 116 ns/op 256 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkWith32FieldsFeatureTransformer_Transform_Inplace-8 80729049 43 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
From profiling benchmarks for struct with 32 fields, we see that reflect version takes much longer and spends time on what looks like reflection related code.
Meanwhile go:generate
version is fast enough to compar to testing routines themselves and spends 50% of the time on allocating single output slice, which is good since means memory access is a bottleneck.
Flamegraphs were produced from pprof output by
Make profiles with
mkdir -p docs/benchmark_profiles
go test -bench=BenchmarkWith32FieldsFeatureTransformer_Transform -benchtime=3s -benchmem -memprofile docs/benchmark_profiles/codegen_transform_mem.profile -cpuprofile docs/benchmark_profiles/codegen_transform_cpu.profile ./cmd/generate/tests
go test -bench=BenchmarkStructTransformer_Transform_32fields -benchtime=3s -benchmem -memprofile docs/benchmark_profiles/reflect_transform_mem.profile -cpuprofile docs/benchmark_profiles/reflect_transform_cpu.profile ./structtransformer